
December 12,2017

Re:2017 SADC Online Appraiser Seminar

Dear SADC Approved Appraiser:

The State Agriculture Development Committee (SADC) is replacing its annual appraiser conference with an annual online seminar, as indicated earlier this year. The online seminar is intended to be more convenient and user-friendly. As with the conference, you are required to attend the online seminar once every two years, but it will be very easy to do it annually. You can visit our website and complete the seminar at any time. Because this is the first year of the online seminar, it took some time to prepare. In future years,we hope to launch the seminar in June much like the former conference. Please complete this online seminar by the end of January 2018in order to be credited for the continuing education for 2017. If you have any comments or recommendations for future seminars, please feel free to reach out to me.

The seminar this year will include two videos and additional documents as follows:

  • The 2017 Online Appraisal Seminar Introductory Letter
  • Highest and Best Use Video
  • Specialized Properties in the New Jersey Highlands and Pinelands Video
  • 2017 SADC Appraisal Handbook Amendments Letter
  • The Agricultural Land Easement (ALE) Guidance Document
  • The 2017 Appraiser Contact Information Document
  • The 2017 Online Appraiser Seminar Attendance Certification

The videos have audio discussion. Use the video controls at the bottom of the page to pause, rewind and fast forward as necessary. Some slides have significant written information and, to get the most out of the presentation,you should pause when needed. Take the time to try to answer the questions as you may learn something that may be useful to your appraisal work. Nothing will be graded, but if you can avoid one appraisal review question associated with future farmland preservation appraisals, the seminar will have been more than worth the time spent.

Stefanie Miller, who is a Regional Acquisition Coordinator here at the SADC, has a great eye for photography and you will notice her photos throughout the videos. These are all New Jersey farms and you may have been involved in appraising some of them. These pictures are a reminder that you are very involved in the legacy of farmland preservation in New Jersey. You are our connection to market value, which is a very important component to integrity in the Farmland Preservation Program. OtherSADC staff helped with this seminar including former Chief Review AppraiserPaul Burns. You may recognize his voice in the videos.

The online seminar is posted to the SADC’s website at

Good luck with the seminar, and please return the Contact Information Document and the Attendance Certificate so you get credit for this continuing education. Feel free to reach out any time to discuss this seminar and other appraisal issues.


Richard J. Martin

Review Appraiser

State Agriculture Development Committee

369 South Warren St., P.O. Box 330 Trenton, NJ 08625

609-943-4577/fax 609-633-2004

New Email Address

S:\APPRAISAL\CONFERENCES\ssOnline Seminar 2017\2017 Final Seminar Versions\2017 SADC Online Appraisal Seminar Introductory Letter.doc