COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE for FALL 2014Honors Courses Offered for Fall 2014
ACC 250H
ASL 101H
BCA 101H
BIO 110H
BIO 324H
BLR 222H / BUS 100H
CHM 131H
CHM 345H
COM 101H
ECO 204H
EDU 107H / ENG 101H
ENG 201H (2) HDF 100H
HON 300
HON 310
HON 321T / HON 399
HON 499
HST 324H
MTH 132H
MUS 114H
PHL 118H / PSC 105H
PSY 100H
PSY 379H
SOC 100H
TAI 170H
Centralis Sophomores Only: ENG 201H (2 sections)
Priority Registration for Fall 2014 classes begins
at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, March 31
HON 310: Impacting Community Through Arts-BasedCivic Engagement
HON 310 engages students in dynamic, innovative civic leadership and social responsibility. Guest speakers, local field trips, topical seminars, and arts experiences explore how arts-based activities impact a community in personal, social, economic, cultural, and environmental transformation. The class will meet at various sites on and off campus to meet with community leaders, learn about the community, and conduct hands-on service-learning projects in the Mount Pleasant area. Arts skills are appreciated, not required.
Satisfies 30 Honors service-learningcontact hours. / HON 321T: Games for the Greater Good
In a 2010 TED Talk, Jane McGonigal, Ph.D. of theInstitute of the Future issued a general challenge to use video games to solve some of the great problems of the world, such as hunger, poverty, and climate change.
This course will take up that challenge, but will extend it more broadly to consider the role of gaming more generally.
In addition to traditional scholarly reading, over the course of the semester students will play a variety of video games, board games, and role-playing games as texts for the class exploring how games can be applied to both study in the humanities and human sciences and to serving the greater good of society.
Fall 2014 University Program
or Competency Courses / Honors Courses that can be applied to Teacher Education Degree Requirements
University Program Sub-Group or Competency Categories / Course
Group I-A / BCA 101H
PHL 118H / Elementary Education
EDU 107H
HDF 100H
PSC 105H
Secondary Education
EDU 107H
HDF 100H
Group I-B / MUS 114H
TAI 170H
Group II-A: Meets lab requirement / BIO 110H
Group II-B / MTH 132H
Group II-B: Meets lab requirement / CHM 131H
Group III-A / HDF100H
PSY 100H
Honors Courses that can be applied to College of Business Degree Requirements
Group III-B / PSC 105H
SOC 100H
Group IV-A / REL 334HW / ACC 250H
BUS 100H
ECO 204H
MTH 132H
Group IV-C / BLR 222H
HST 324H
Written English I Competency / ENG 101H
Written English II Competency / ENG 201H
Oral English Speech Competency / COM 101H
TAI 170H
Math Competency / MTH 132H
Q&A about Honors Contracts
Q: When are Honors Contracts Due?
A: Honors Contracts are to be submitted to the Honors Program Office no later than 5:00 p.m. onthe first Friday of the semester in which the work is to be completed. This early deadline allows the student an opportunity to make alternate plans in a timely fashion (such as enrolling in an Honors course) should the Honors Contract be denied. Students should plan to meet with the faculty member to outline the objectives of the Honors Contract during the semester prior to the semester in which the Honors Contract is desired.
Q: If I apply for an Honors Contract,will it automatically be approved?
A: Honors Contracts are granted only when enrolling in regular Honors courses is not possible during the current or future semestersand the student needs an Honors course to remain in good standing in the Honors Program.
Priority Registration Policy
A student must earn at least 6 credits of Honors coursework (we recommend at least 9) during the 2014-2015 academic year in order to maintain priority registration for the 2015-2016 academic year. To stay on track, Honors students should strive to take at least 3 Honors credits each semester between their freshman year and graduation.
Courses that can be counted toward this requirement are HON courses, H-designated courses, and Honors Contracts.
Fall 2014 Honors Courses at a Glance
Courses/Credits / Section Number / Days, Times, Location / UP, Competency or Required Courses for Business or Teacher Education / Instructor
ACC 250H(3)
Introduction to
Financial Accounting / 22260647 / Tu Th 12:30-1:45
Grawn 206 / Business Requirement / Nancy Rusch
Grawn 204b
(989) 774-3994
ASL 101H(3)
American Sign
Language, Level I / 22257441 / Tu Th 12:30-1:45
HP 2261 / Susan Naeve-Velguth
HP 2174
(989) 774-7292
BCA 101H(3)
History andAppreciation
of the Cinema / 22257493 / M W 3:30-5:20
Moore 109 / Group I-A / Kevin Corbett
Moore 311
(989) 774-7285
BIO 110H(4)
Concepts of Biology / 22260843 / M W 2:00-3:15
Brooks 201;
F 1:00-3:50
Brooks 169 / Group II-A;
Meets Lab Requirement / Philip Hertzler
Brooks 155
(989) 774-2393
BIO 324H(3)
Cell Biology / 22262943 / Tu Th 2:00-3:15
Brooks 148 / Cynthia Damer
Brooks 229
(989) 774-3455
BLR 222H(3)
The Search for Racial
Justice through Law / 22260756 / Tu Th 8:00-9:15
Grawn 207 / Group IV-C / Matt Coffey
Sloan 332
(989) 774-3362
BUS 100H(3)
Essential Business
Freshmen Only / 22260754 / M W 1:00-1:50
EHS 118
W 11:00-11:50
Grawn 102 / Business Requirement / Jennifer Olsen
Grawn 336
(989) 774-3817
CHM 131H(4)
General Chemistry I / 22260732 / M Tu Th 9:00-9:50
Dow 171;
F 11:00-11:50, Dow 175
F 12:00-1:50, Dow 153 / Group II-B;
Meets Lab Requirement / Janice Hall Tomasik
Dow 364
(989) 774-3330
CHM 345H(3)
Organic Chemistry I / 22260841 / M W F 10:00-10:50
Dow 136 / Benjamin Swarts
Dow 257
COM 101H(3)
Introduction to
Communication / 22260653 / Tu Th 11:00-12:15
Moore 210 / Oral English Competency
Requirement / Ricky Buerkel
Moore 316
(989) 774-6588
ECO 204H(3)
Principles of Macro-
and GlobalEconomics / 22260745 / M W 2:00-3:15
Grawn 209 / Business Requirement / Staff
EDU 107H(3)
Introduction to
Teaching / 22258053 / Tu Th 2:00-3:15
EHS 230 / Elementary Education Req.
Secondary Education Req. / Kristina Rouech
EHS 421
(989) 774-3975
ENG 101H(3)
Composition / 22258294 / Tu Th 2:00-3:15
Anspach 151 / Written English I
Competency Requirement / Marcia Taylor
Anspach 210
(989) 774-3189
Courses/Credits / Section Number / Days, Times, Location / UP, Competency or Required Courses for Business or Teacher Education / Instructor
ENG 201H (3)
Centralis Sophomores only / 22258361 / M W 2:00-3:15
Anspach 314 / Written English II
Competency Requirement / Amy Carpenter Ford
Anspach 230
(989) 774-1976
ENG 201H(3)
Centralis Sophomores only / 22258362 / M W 3:30-4:45
Anspach 314 / Written English II
Competency Requirement / Amy Carpenter Ford
Anspach 230
(989) 774-1976
HDF 100H(3)
Lifespan Development / 22258620 / Tu Th 12:30-1:45
EHS 227 / Group III-A
Elementary Education Req.
Secondary Education Req. / Pamela Sarigiani
EHS 412Q
(989) 774-6451
HON 300 (1)
Introduction to Honors-
Track II / M 7:00-8:50 pm
Anspach / This class is reserved only for Fall 2014 incoming Track II Honors students. Credit cannot be earned in both HON 100A/HON 100B and HON 300. / Maureen Harke
Powers 104
(989) 774-3902
HON 310 (3)
Impacting Community
Through Arts-Based
Civic Engagement / 22263431 / Tu Th 3:30-4:45
Anspach 153 / Ren Hullender
Wightman 222
(989) 774-3521
HON 321T(3)
Games for the Greater
Good / 22263053 / Tu Th 2:00-3:15
Larzelere 021 / Jonathan Truitt
Powers 138
(989) 774-2668
HON 399 (3)
Independent Study / 22258751 / To be determined by student and instructor / Phame Camarena
Powers 104
(989) 774-3902
HON 499 (3)
Senior Project / 22258752 / To be determined by student and instructor / Phame Camarena
Powers 104
(989) 774-3902
HST 324H(3)
African-American History
to 1915 / 22263537 / Tu Th 3:30-4:45
Powers 257A / Group IV-C / Stephen Jones
MTH 132H(4)
Calculus I / 22259332 / M Tu W Th 8:00-8:50
Pearce 224 / Group II-B
Math Competency Req. Business Requirement / Lisa DeMeyer
Pearce 210
(989) 774-5595
MUS 114H(3)
Listening Experience / 22259437 / Tu Th 2:00-2:50
Music 127
1 ½ hours arranged on Tuesday evenings / Group I-B / Susan Lindahl
Music 176
(989) 774-3585
PHL 118H(3)
Moral Problems / 22259894 / Tu Th 2:00-3:15
Anspach 257A / Group I-A / Robert Stecker
Anspach 122
(989) 774-7103
Courses/Credits / Section Number / Days, Times, Location / UP, Competency or Required Courses for Business or Teacher Education / Instructor
PSC 105H(3)
Introduction to American
Government and
Politics / 22259977 / M W F 12:00-12:50
Anspach 152 / Group III-B
Elementary Education Req. / James P. Hill
Anspach 301k
(989) 774-7415
PSY 100H(3)
Introduction to
Psychology / 22260025 / Tu Th 12:30-1:45
Rowe 226 / Group III-A / Michael Sandstrom
HP 2179
(989) 774-2881
PSY 379H(3)
Health Psychology / 22263276 / M W 2:00-3:15
Rowe 226 / Kimberly O’Brien
Sloan 101
(989) 774-6461
REL 334HW(3)
Death and Dying / 22263190 / Tu Th 11:00-12:15
Anspach 257A / Group IV-A / Merlyn Mowrey
Anspach 239
(989) 774-2192
SOC 100H(3)
Introduction to Sociology / 22260307 / M W 2:00-3:15
Anspach 164 / Group III-B / Justin Smith
Anspach 139
(989) 774-1684
TAI 170H(3)
Oral Interpretation / 22260509 / M W F 11:00-11:50
Moore 131 / Group I-B
Oral English Competency / Jill Taft-Kaufman
Moore 138
(989) 774-3962
Priority Registration Policy
A student must earn at least 6 credits of Honors coursework (we recommend at least 9) during the 2014-2015 academic year in order to maintain priority registration for the 2015-2016 academic year. To stay on track, Honors students should strive to take at least 3 Honors credits each semester between their freshman year and graduation.
Courses that can be counted toward this requirement are HON courses, H-designated courses, and Honors Contracts.