RFP-New Gloucester Water District Pump Station and Distribution System Final Design
New Gloucester Water District
Request for Proposals
Engineering Services for
Pump Station and Distribution System Final Design
November20, 2012
The New Gloucester Water District (District) is chartered to provide potable water to New Gloucester’s Upper Village. Therefore, the District plans to construct a drinking water system which is planned to include fire protection.
The Upper Village has suffered groundwater contamination from petroleum products and saltdue to past underground storage tank failures and salt storage practices. The groundwater contamination from these past activities has resulted in the contamination of area drinking water wells.
Following hydrogeological investigations, the District, in collaboration with the Town of New Gloucester (Town) and other stakeholders, has completed a feasibility analysis and preliminary engineering report recommendinga new drinking water system. The system will serve approximately 48 households, a 39-unit mobile park, as well as commercial and industrial users, and will also provide fire protection. System components include production well, pump station with treatment (disinfection and radon), below grade storage tank, and distribution mains. The service area includes segments of Bald Hill Road, Snow Hill Road, Sawyer Road, Lewiston Road, Upper Village Street, Gilmore Road and Peacock Hill Road in New Gloucester.A suitable production well location, above a sand and gravel aquifer, has been identified on Town property and has been long-term pump tested.
The District is soliciting engineering services forfinal design of the new system,including design drawings and construction documents that meet District, Town, regulatory and lending agency requirements. Additionally, the Consultant will coordinate with stakeholders, provide bidding and construction administration services, and full-time construction observation services as required by the District.
To be considered, nine (9) copies of the sealed proposal submission and an electronic copy in PDF format must be received at the office of Paul First, Planner at the New Gloucester Town Hall, 385 Intervale Road, New Gloucester, Maine 04260 by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, December 12, 2012. Submissions received after this time will not be considered.
All questions regarding this Request for Proposalsshould be directed in writing to Paul First, Planner, Town of New Gloucester, 385 Intervale Road, New Gloucester, Maine 04260 nd must be received by 4:00 pm on Thursday, November29, 2012.
Apre-submission meeting will be conducted at the New Gloucester Town Hallat 385 Intervale Road, New Gloucester, Maine on Tuesday, November27, 2012 at 10:00 AM. District staff will be available to answer questions regarding the RFP during this time. Attendance at the pre-submission meeting is NOT mandatory but is highly recommended.
The scope of work includes design drawings and contract documents for the construction of the new water supply system. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the following tasks:
- Assist the District in coordinating with project stakeholders, including, but not limited to, funding and regulatory agencies, residents, Town staff, contractors and others as required;
- Perform a detailed review of available documents, reports, drawings, data, demographics, licenses, funding agency requirements, permits and other pertinent information;
- Perform site visits and collect data as required;
- Work collaboratively with District Board of Trustees, Town staff, and project stakeholders to review design options and develop final design drawings and specificationsthat meet regulatory requirements and good engineering design practices;
- In conjunction with the District and Town staff, finalize detailed work scope including tasks, milestones and schedule for project deliverables and the construction schedule;
- Project deliverables will include the following at a minimum:
- Topographic survey of project extent as required for construction of the proposed infrastructure. Survey shall include public right of way locations, topographic site features, contours, buildings, existing drinking water wells, existing water supply connection point at house foundation, sill elevations, existing infrastructure and utilities, borings, property markers, and other features required for development of the design;
- Geotechnical report as required for construction of new pump station;
- Preliminary design drawings (60%) and final design drawings (95%) for the distribution system. Drawings shall include plan/profile sheets at an appropriate scale, typical sections, standard details, erosion and sedimentation control BMP’s, general notes, construction notes and other pertinent information required for the full and complete construction of the distribution system. All drawings shall be sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Maine and shall meet pertinent design standards, including but not limited to NFPA, NEC, latest building codes and all federal, state and local standards;
- Preliminary design drawings (60%) and final design drawings (100%) for water pumping station including site planand landscaping; architectural elevation drawings; floor plan drawings; HVAC, plumbing and electrical drawings, including backup generation; equipment layout and piping drawings and/or schedule; foundation plan; building construction schedules and other required details for the complete and functional construction of the pumping station building; domestic and fire flow pumping system, backup generation, controls, telemetry, disinfection/treatment and raw water/clear well. Additionally, this task will include final design plans for thewater supply well and required piping infrastructure;
- Provide review documents to the District, Rural Development, MDEP, Cumberland County CDBG, DHHS, MPUC and other designated agencies for review and comment;
- Full bidding documents for the project including general and technical specifications for all new infrastructure in EJCDC format, latest edition;
- Opinion of probable cost for construction at 60% submission and 100% submission;
- Record drawings following construction including three (3) paper copies and electronic files in both AutoCAD and PDF format;
- Operation and maintenance manual for the pump station infrastructure including, but not limited to, pumps, controls, telemetry, disinfection systems, backup generation and switchgear, valving, electrical and HVAC systems and other equipment installed. Three (3) paper copies and electronic files in Word and PDF format shall be submitted;
- Provide bidding services for the project, including but not limited to, fabrication of contract documents,project advertisement, attendance at pre-bid meeting, development of addenda, bid review, review of qualifications as required, and development of award recommendations. Task shall include attendance at Board of Trustee meeting and Town Select Board meeting. The District will be responsible for the cost of advertising;
- Provide full-time construction observation, and administration services as required for project completion in conformance with the requirements of the contract documents, and regulatory and funding agencies;
- Develop permit applications as required, including but not limited to, Maine DEP Permit by Rule (PBR), Natural Resource Protection Act (NRPA) permit for Royal River crossing, if required; Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) Utility Location and Road Opening Permits; Public Utilities Commission (PUC) permit and other applications as may be required;
- Develop site plan permit application for New Gloucester Planning Board approval and attend meeting (one meeting) as required;
- Perform presentations to the Board of Trustees, Town staff and other stakeholders as required. Consultant should assume two (2) meetings with Select Board, two (2) meetings with Board of Trustees, two (2) public meetings, and two (2) meetings with funding or regulatory agencies. Additionally, two (2) progress meetings should be included during final design;
- Prepare closeout documentation as required by District, Rural Development, Cumberland County CDBG, DHHS, MPUC, MDEP and others as required;
- Other tasks the Consultant feels are appropriate based on the project need and professional experience.
The District has made several documents available for review by the Consultant through the Town’s website. These documents include theFeasibility Report and PreliminaryDesign Report, maps and other information that may be of use by the Consultant. Files may be downloaded at the following website: are located under the Water District tab.
Submissions will be evaluated by a Selection Review Committee (SRC) and will be ranked. The SRC will consist of theTrustees, Chair of the Select Board, Town Planner and the Town Manager at a minimum. The District, at its discretion, may interview the top ranked firms. The District reserves the right to solicit information about the Consultant for all sources available to the District and to request additional information from the Consultant.
The District will negotiate terms for a contract to complete the tasks with the top ranked firm. If a satisfactory agreement cannot be reached, negotiations with that firm will be suspended and negotiations opened with the second highest ranked firm. The process will continue until an agreement is reached and a contract executed.
Proposal submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Consultant’s demonstrated experience in potable water pump station infrastructure design and distribution system design and relevant experience in the development of new water systems and their design, construction and operational implementation (20%);
- Experience, qualifications and knowledge of project team (20%);
- Approach and understanding of the project (20%);
- Quality of responses from references (five references required) (10%);
- Completeness and quality of submission package as well as ability to perform a majority of the work in-house (10%);
- Price (20%).
Consultants may organize their submissions in a format of their choice. However, the submission must contain the following elements:
- Name and contact information of point contact for the firm regarding this submission;
- A brief history and description of the firm;
- Identification of project team members and details of their qualifications, experience and knowledge as well as expected role each will play in the completion of the project;
- Resumes of each project team member;
- Project understanding;
- Approach;
- Detailed list of anticipated tasks required to complete the project;
- Identification of sub-consultants to be used and their corresponding qualifications;
- Five references and contact information;
- Proposed project schedule and milestones;
- Project descriptions of similar projects undertaken by the Consultant in the last five years;
- Approach to cost control;
- Fee Schedule, as outlined below.
Proposals shall include a fee statement including:
- The hourly rates for all individuals that will be working on the project.
- A cost table itemizing each work task that is required to complete the project and corresponding to the scope of work section of this document. Each task shall note the associated number of hours by the staff person required to complete the task and associated billing rates. Each task shall have a not-to-exceed cost total that shall include all labor, overhead, profit and other direct costs associated with the work task.
- Total price.
Construction administration and construction observation tasks shall be paid on an hourly rate basis with an estimated budget amount for construction duration, as detailed in scope of work item 8. Out of scope work as determined by the District will be negotiated and paid based on hourly rates and reimbursable costs provided in the Fee Schedule.
The District wishes to provide service to the rate payers as soon as possible. It is desired that the new system be commissioned and functional by the end of the 2013 construction season. However, the District is amenable to working with the selected Consultant to determine the final scope, work schedule and project milestonesthat will provide the best value to the ratepayers and District. The proposalsubmission schedule will be as follows:
Pre-submission meeting:November 27, 2012
Deadline for questions:November27, 2012
Submissions due:December12, 2012
Interviews (if required):December13-20, 2012
Execute contract:January 14, 2013
Begin work:January 15, 2013
The District reserves the right to amend this request for proposals by providing amendments to all parties receiving this RFP. The Consultant must acknowledge all addenda received. Failure to do so may be cause for rejection.
The District reserves the right to accept or reject anyor all submissions, or parts thereof, and to further make modificationsit deems in the best interest of the District. The District also reserves the right to retain all submissions and to use any ideas in a submission regardless of whether that submission is selected. Additionally, all work, drawings, documents, calculations, sketches and other work products provided under this contract by the Consultant to the District shall remain the property of the District once the Consultant has been compensated for the work. Submission of a proposal package indicates acceptance by the firm of the conditions contained in this RFP.
The successful Consultant, prior to entering into a contract, shall produce evidence satisfactory to the District of adequate liability insurance coverage of the Consultant, its agents and employees. The successful Consultant shall agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the New Gloucester Water District from and against any and all debts, claims, causes of action, demands and liability arising out of, or occurring during the performance of the project, and occasioned directly or indirectly by the successful Consultant’s error or omission, neglect or fault. The District disclaims any and all responsibility for injury to any Consultant, their agents or employees while working at the site which is the subject of this proposal.
The successful Consultant shall carry and maintain in force public liability and worker’s compensation insurance. Such a policy shall save the District, it’s officers and officials, harmless for all claims, demands, payments, suits, actions, recoveries and judgments of every kind and description brought or recovered against it by reason of an act or omission of said successful Consultant, it’s agents or employees, in the execution of the work, including claims relating to labor and materials. Liability limits shall not be less than $1,000,000 for any and all claims arising out of a single occurrence. To the extent permitted by law, all liability insurance shall be carried in favor of the District and its officers, officials and employees as well as in the favor of the successful Consultant. The successful Consultant shall carry and maintain in force professional liability insurance with liability limits not less than $1,000,000.
It should be noted that the award of any contract under this RFP is contingent upon approval of funding by the Town of New Gloucester and any funding agencies.
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