(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

KOCHI UNIT, AMBALAMUGAL, PH: No. 0484 2720911, FAX NO-0484 2720893


No: HOC/ELECT/279 A 25.06.2010

Dear Sirs,

1) Sealed quotations are invited by Chief Engineer (Electrical), Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd., Ambalamugal for the works as detailed below. A set of tender document is enclosed for submitting your quotation.

2)  Name of Work

SUPPLY, ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING OF 30 M HIGH MAST LIGHTING SYSTEM. A brief description of the scope of works is attached herewith.

3)  Last Date of Receipt of Quotations

Tenders will be received at the office of Deputy General Manager (P&A), Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd., Ambalamugal - 682 302 on or before 28/07/10 upto 15.00 hrs. Bids received after the due date will not be considered.

4) Earnest Money Deposit

Quotation shall accompany an EMD of Rs.12,000/- (Rupees Twelve Thousand only) paid by crossed demand draft of State Bank of India drawn in favour of M/s. Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd., payable at Ambalamedu branch of SBI. Quotations not accompanied with EMD, are liable to be rejected.

5)  Time of Completion

The time of completion of the work will be 6 Months from the date of issue of work order or issue of instructions to start the work, which ever is earlier.

6)  Submission of Quotations

a)  Bidders shall submit their offer in two separate sealed envelopes. Envelop No. 1 is to be addressed and superscribed as un priced bid and the name and address of the bidder and to contain the Earnest Money and signed in all pages of the offer and details asked for, for pre qualification along with a forwarding letter containing all schemes with all technical details and technical and commercial deviations if any.

b)  Envelop No. 2 to be addressed and subscribed (PRICED BID) and the name and address of the bidder and to contain price alone and signed in all pages.

Both envelopes No. 1 & 2 shall be put together in one envelop duly sealed and shall be superscribed with Enquiry no. and offer for “SUPPLY, ERECTION AND COMMISSSIONING OF 30 M HIGH MAST LIGHTING SYSTEM” Due date 28/07/10 and shall be submitted Deputy General Manager (P&A), Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd., Ambalamugal - 682 302 by post or deposited in the TENDER BOX kept in our Administrative Building. Bidders shall print their address on all envelopes.

7)  BIDDERS shall go through all documents attached to the quotation and fill in the blank spaces provided for and submit the same duly signed and dated. Quotation should be complete in all respects and in accordance with the various terms and conditions specified in the enquiry document. Incomplete quotations are liable to be rejected.

8)  There will be public opening of quotations for the subject work.

9)  Taxes and duties: Rate quoted for supply portion shall be inclusive of all taxes and duties. The extent of central excise duty included in the price for which HOCL can avail of CENVAT credit shall be indicated separately. KVAT on works ( For Installation) will be deducted at the applicable rate. Service tax on erection part if any shall be charged extra as applicable .

10)  Security / Safety Regulations : The contractor shall strictly follow all the security and safety regulations and other relevant rules of HOC Ltd. The work in the plant and other restricted specified areas shall be done only after obtaining necessary safety permit/ work permit from competent authority. Contractors shall inform the concerned department, the location of work, nature of work etc. and obtain clearance before entering into the work. Contractor shall strictly abide by the ‘ SAFETY REGULATIONS’ under Article-9 of General Conditions of Contract.

a)  The contractor shall strictly abide by the article 8 ‘Labour laws’ of General Conditions of Contract and 8.6 “ Employees State Insurance Act”, in particular.

b)  A separate PF Code No. under the Employees PF act 1952’ and also furnish details of CPF contribution payment made with the Regional Commissioner.

11)  Defect Liability Period : The defect Liability Period for this work shall be twelve (12) months.

12)  Security Deposit : Security deposit shall be 10% of the order value. This shall be deposit initially at 2.5% (two and half percent) of order value referred as initial security deposit within ten days of the receipt by the party of the notification of acceptance of the tender.

Balance 7.5% (seven and half percent) shall be recovered through deductions at the rate of 10% (ten percent) of the value of each running account bill till the total security deposit amount is collected, after which no further deductions shall be made on this account. In case of only one bill the balance 7.5% (seven and half percent) shall be ducted from the bill.

The contractor can furnish the initial or total security deposit amount through bank guarantee from any scheduled or nationalized bank in the prescribed form in favor of HOCL.

13) Payment Terms :

a)  Supply : 75% against delivery of all items, 15% after erection and commissioning. Balance 10% of value of supply shall be retained as security deposit.

b) Erection and Commissioning: 90% after erection & commissioning, 10% shall be retained as security deposit. After the completion of work security deposit shall be refunded on submission of Performance Bank Guaranty (PBG) valid for the defect liability period for equal amount.

14) Validity of Offer : The Offer shall be valid for a period of 120 Days from the date of receipt of tender. The successful tenderer shall sign the ‘Form of rate list’ or execute an agreement in non- judicial stamp paper of appropriate value (to be borne by the contractor) within 10 days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance.

15)  The tender notice may be read in conjunction with standard General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specification, Drawings and other documents forming part of this enquiry (GCC is available in our web site www.hoclkochi.com.

16) Unless otherwise stated all clauses of General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract shall generally be applicable to this contract.

17) Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd. reserves the right to accept other than the lowest quotations, reject any or all quotations at the discretion without assigning any reason thereof.

18)  Quotations from vendors in our approved list shall alone be considered, others may respond for enlistment.

19) Date, Time & Venue of Public Opening of the Tender.

Date : 28/07/10

Time : 4.00 p.m.

Venue : Tender Room in Training Centre of HOCL, Ambalamugal

Following documents are enclosed.

1. Scope of work /Technical specification for the high mast lighting

2. Technical Data Sheet for 30 M High Mast with Integral Power

3. Schedule of Rates for supply of 30 M High Mast lighting System.

4.  Schedule of Rates for Erection and commissioning of 30 M High Mast

5.  GCC


Chief Engineer (Electrical)


Scope of work

1.0  SCOPE

The scope of this specification covers the design manufacture, transport, testing and commissioning of the complete lighting system, using Raising and Lowering type of High Mast Towers, including the Civil Foundation Works for civil foundation work cement, steel, sand, stones etc has to be good quality as per IS standard. For mast no.1, 10 nos. 2 x 400W luminaries has to be arranged asymmetrically in 1800 degree orientation and for mast no.2, 14 nos. 2 x 400W luminaries has to be arranged asymmetrically in 2700 degree orientation. The owner will only provide the supply point and the feeder cable of the required size, up to the bottom of the high mast. However, all items required for the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the lighting system, including the high mast, whether explicitly stated in the following pages or not, shall be included by the contractor.

It is the responsibility of the bidder to supply and erect all items and all labour that are included and necessary for the completion of the work whether specifically mentioned or not.


The following shall be the Reference Standards for the loading of High Mast:

Code No. Title

a) T.R. No.7 High Masts for Lighting and CCTV (2000 edition)

of ILE, U.K

b) IS 875 Part – 3 Wind Loading

c) BS EN 10025:1993 High Tensile Steel Sheets

d) IS 2062 Mild Steel

e) BS EN ISO 1461 Galvanization

f) IS 3459 / 2266 Stainless steel Wire rope

g) IS 9968 Part – 1 Trailing Cable

h) IS 325 Motor


3.01  Structure

The High mast shall be of continuously tapered, polygonal cross section, at least 20 sided, presenting a good and pleasing appearance and shall be based on proven In-Tension design conforming to the standards referred to the above, to give an assured performance, and reliable service. The structure shall be suitable for wind loading as per IS 875 part III 1987.

3.02  Construction

The mast shall be manufactured using special steel plates, conforming to BS-EN10-025 and shall be delivered in multiple sections of effective length 10 metres. Thus a 30 m mast shall be delivered in three sections to site. Each section shall be fabricated out of single plate duly folded and welded. There shall be only one longitudinal seam weld per section. Section with more than one weld, circumferential or longitudinal, shall not be accepted. At site the sections shall be joined together by slip-stressed-fit method. No site welding or bolted joint shall be done on the mast. The minimum overlap distance shall be 1.5 times the diameter at penetration. The minimum top diameter shall be 150mm. Bottom diameter and plate thickness shall be as per the structural requirements. Detailed design calculation of the mast shall be submitted for verification.

The mast shall be provided with fully penetrated flange, which shall be free from any lamination or incursion. The welded connection of the base flange shall be fully developed to the strength of the entire section. The base flange shall be provided with supplementary gussets between the blowholes to ensure of helical stress concentration. For the environmental protection of the mast, the entire fabricated mast shall be hot dip galvanized, internally and externally, having a uniform average thickness of 86 microns for plate more than 5 mm and 70 microns for less than 5 mm. Galvanizing shall be done in single dipping method for better adhesion and life.

3.02. 1. Door Opening

An adequate door opening shall be provided at the base of the mast and the opening shall be such that it permits clear access to equipment like winches, cables, plug and socket, etc. and also facilitate easy removal of the winch. The door opening shall be

complete with a close fitting, vandal resistant, weatherproof door, provided with a heavy-duty double internal lock with special paddle key.

The door opening shall be carefully designed and reinforced with welded steel section, so that the mast section at the base shall be unaffected and undue buckling of the cut portion is prevented. Size of door opening shall not be more than 1200 X 250 mm. to avoid buckling of the mast section under heavy wind conditions.

3.03 Dynamic Loading for the Mast:

The mast structure shall be suitable to sustain an assumed maximum reaction arising from a wind speed as per IS 185 (three second gust), and shall be measured at a height of 10 metres above ground level. The design life of the mast shall be 25 years.

3.04 Lantern Carriage

3.04.1 Fabrication

A fabricated Lantern Carriage shall be provided for fixing and holding the flood light fittings and control gear boxes. The Lantern Carriage shall be of special design and shall be steel tube construction, the tubes acting as conduits for wires, with holes fully protected by grommets. The Lantern Carriage shall be so designed and fabricated to hold the required number of flood light fittings and the control gear boxes and also have a perfect self balance. The Lantern Carriage shall be fabricated in two halves and joined by bolted flanges with stainless steel bolts and nylon type stainless steel nuts to enable easy installation or removal from the erected mast. The inner lining of the carriage shall be provided with protective PVC arrangement, so that no damage is caused to the surface of the mast during the raising and lowering operation of the carriage. The entire Lantern Carriage shall be hot dip galvanized after fabrication.

3.04. 2 Junction Box

Weather proof junction box, made of Cast Aluminum shall be provided on the Carriage Assembly as required, from which the inter-connections to the designed number of the flood light luminaries and associated control gears fixed on the carriage shall be made.

3.05.1 Raising and lowering machanism

For the installation and maintenance of the luminaries and lamps, it will be necessary to lower and raise the Lantern Carriage Assembly. To enable this, a suitable Winch Arrangement shall be provided, with the winch fixed at the base of the mast and the specially designed head frame assembly at the top. The lantern carriage assembly shall reach 1 M from the base of the mast for easy access. There shall be provision to disconnect the main towing cable going to Lantern carriage before starting to lowering mechanism.