Candidate Brief, March 2017
Non Executive Director, London CIV
Candidate Brief
Brief for the position of
Financial Accountant, London CIV
Candidate Brief, July 2017
Financial Accountant, London CIV
London LGPS CIV Limited (“London CIV”) has been established for and on behalf of London’s 33 local authorities as an investment fund manager through which they can collaborate and collectivise the investment of their individual pension fund assets. With over £29 billion of assets across the 33 funds invested with almost 90 different Investment Managers through around 260 different mandates and costing some £135 million in fees, there is significant scope for savings and efficiencies whilst maintaining performance.
London CIV was authorised as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager in October 2015 with permission to operate one of the UK’s first Authorised Contractual Scheme funds. The Fund went live in early December 2015 with its first sub-fund. Since then we’ve opened another five sub-funds with around £3.6 billion of assets under management. Work continues to develop more sub funds on a rolling schedule with the ultimate aim of having products available across the full range of asset classes.
Creation of the London CIV continues to be one of the (if not the) most exciting projects in the financial services sector. It’s taken three years to get to where we are and we have much more still to deliver if we are to achieve our ambition, which is to be: The investment vehicle of choice for local authority pension funds, through successful collaboration and delivery of compelling performance.
It is critical that we expand our team to help meet our objectives and we are seeking to recruit a number of individuals to join London CIV. One of these positions is for a Financial Accountant, a new position that will play a key role in the development of the organisation. This is a chance to be part of an investment management business at an early stage in its development, and one which is already a high-profile organisation in the Local Government Pension Scheme sector. Joining a small experienced team in an entrepreneurial and dynamic culture, it is a genuinely unique opportunity.
Role Profile
The successful candidate will be responsible for the production of monthly management accounts and annual financial reporting of London CIV. This responsibility will include budgeting, expense control and treasury management.
Salary will be competitive commensurate with the public sector and not for profit nature of the Company.
Job Description
· Responsible for production of monthly management accounts and all aspects of financial reporting;
· Responsible for the development of timely and meaningful management information for LCIV including KPIs
· Responsible for the production of regulatory reports
· Responsible for VAT and Corporation tax returns
· Oversight of payroll function, outsourced to the City of London
· Assistance with annual budgeting and planning process
· Monitoring of subscription and redemption cash movements
· Responsible for cost control and expense management and ensuring compliance with LCIV’s Finance Regulations and financial control procedures.
· Responsible for the production of financial information requested under the Freedom of Information Act.
· Responsible for the preparation of annual financial statements in line with appropriate accounting standards, working with PWC as outsourced partner assisting in the production of management accounts
· Responsible for dealing with statutory auditors at year end
· Maintain and update relevant policies and procedures
· Participate in service review meetings and monitor SLAs
· Maintain a working understanding of and assume ownership of all assigned accounting tasks
· Establish and maintain effective working relationships with both internal and external clients and business partners
· Participate in special projects
· Perform other duties and support colleagues as required
Essential skills, knowledge and experience
· Recognised accounting qualification
· Up to date working knowledge of accounting standards and issues
· Excellent spreadsheet skills including macros/pivot table expertise
· Strong oral and written communication skills
· Ability to effectively manage multiple priorities
· Highly methodical and process-orientated
· Commercial, pragmatic, self-starter, high work ethic, goal orientated able to identify areas for improvement
· Willingness to work as part of a small but growing team and desire to take on increased responsibility as the team expands
Desirable skills, knowledge and experience
· Experience of working in investment management environment
· University degree
Appointment Process and Timetable
Potential candidates should send their CV and a covering letter stating why they believe they are suitable for the role and what particular strengths and skills they will bring to bear, to:
Laura Jeffs
Office Manager and EA to CEO
London CIV
59½ Southwark Street
London SE1 0AL
Role Advertised / 11th July 2017Closing date / 21st July 2017
Long-listing / tbc
1st Interviews (informal) / tbc
Final Interviews with shortlisted candidates / tbc
For any queries please contact Laura Jeffs (Office Manager and EA to the CEO) on:
T: 0207 934 9851
Sensitive Personal Data Consent Form
Data Protection Act 1998
In order to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, London CIV must obtain consent to hold and use personal information about individuals that could be considered sensitive.
The following has been highlighted as sensitive under the Data Protection Act 1998:
· Racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious belief, trade union membership, physical or mental health condition, sexual life.
The Act prohibits the processing of sensitive data except in specified circumstances, for example equal opportunities monitoring. It is only in this sensitive area London CIV wishes to monitor in order to assess the effectiveness of its Equal Opportunities Policy and to reduce the possibility of discrimination occurring. All details relating to the vacancy will be kept for a period of 6 months after the appointment has been made.
Please sign the statement below as your consent for London CIV to process sensitive personal data in this area.
I understand that this information will be used only for the purpose set out in the statement above, and my consent is conditional upon London CIV complying with the obligation and duties under the Data Protection Act 1998.
Signed: Dated:
London CIV is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes.
I declare that the information given in this application is to the best of my knowledge complete and correct.
Signed: Dated:
Note: Any false, incomplete or misleading statements may lead to dismissal.
Equal Opportunities Monitoring
London CIV is working towards equal opportunities in employment, with the aim of ensuring that everyone who applies to work for us receives fair treatment. To help us to achieve this aim we ask you to complete this monitoring form and return it with your application. This information will be used to monitor the effectiveness of our Equal Opportunities Policy and for no other reason.
An applicant with a disability who meets the essential criteria for the job (with a reasonable adjustment where appropriate) will be invited to interview.
We understand that some applicants will be hesitant to provide the personal details requested, but please be assured that this information is confidential and will only ever be processed or analysed on a completely anonymous basis. By completing the information you will be helping us to ensure that you and others receive fair treatment when applying for jobs with us.
The request for this information and the uses to which it will be put are within the scope of the Data Protection Act 1998 which allows for the collation and reporting of sensitive data for monitoring purposes.
This form will be detached from your application form before your application is progressed to the shortlisting stage of the recruitment process.
The monitoring form will be kept separate from the job application form, to ensure that none of the information you have provided is used in the selection decision. The information that you provided will be treated as strictly confidential and only used to monitor the fairness of our recruitment and selection procedures.
If you have any queries or concerns about any part of this monitoring form, please write to the Chief Executive, London CIV, 59½ Southwark Street, London, SE1 0AL, and we will look into the points that you raise.
Thank you for completing this form. We wish you success with your application.
Equal Opportunities Monitoring
Full name: ______
Date of birth: ______
Gender: Male ☐ Female ☐
Do you consider yourself to be: Gay/Lesbian ☐
Bisexual ☐
Heterosexual ☐
Please tick ONE of the following options to reflect your racial or cultural origin:
British ☐
European Union ☐
Any other white background, please specify: ______
Black or Black British:
Caribbean ☐
African ☐
Any other black background, please specify: ______
Irish: ☐
White & Black Caribbean ☐
White & Black African ☐
White & Asian ☐
Any other mixed background, please specify: ______
Asian or Asian British:
Indian ☐
Pakistani ☐
Bangladeshi ☐
Any other Asian background, please specify: ______
Chinese or Other Ethnic
Chinese ☐
Any other, please specify: ______
Please tick ONE of the following options to reflect your religion:
None / No religion ☐
Buddhist ☐
Christian ☐
Hindu ☐
Jewish ☐
Muslim ☐
Sikh ☐
Any other religion, please specify: ______
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? YES ☐ NO ☐
If yes, please provide details (continue on another sheet if necessary): ______
Do you have any other medical condition that we should be aware of?
If yes, please provide details (continue on another sheet if necessary): ______
The Disability Discrimination Act defines disability as ‘A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’.