The University of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita
New Employee Orientation Checklist
Name: / Dept.: / Start Date:I have been oriented to all the areas initialed below.
Employee Signature: / Date:
Please return this form to Human Resources after it is completed.
Introductory Topics for New EmployeesTo be completed within the first week
TOPIC / Who / Date
Covered / Presenter
Initials / Employee
Benefits and New Hire Paperwork (HR will schedule) / HR
Facility tour; Parking (Hiring Manager will schedule) / HM
ID Badge/Building Access Card (Hiring Manager will schedule) / HM
PeopleSoft Training: how to enter time (hourly only) and how to enter absence requests / HM
Outlook training (ITS will schedule) / ITS
Audix telephone training (ITS will schedule) / ITS
Employee Orientation / Online
New Hire Trainings in TLC system:
Once you receive an email from the TLC training system, you may log in to complete all required trainings according to your To-Do list in TLC.
Failure to complete required trainings within 30 days will result in loss of network access. / Online
Department Orientation
To be completed within the first week
Introduction to co-workers
Temporary parking permit (from Facilities)
Organizational chart for department
Mission, objectives, guiding principles
Review position description and responsibilities; probationary period and evaluations
Office schedules: lunch, meetings work hours
Supervisor’s expectations for professionalism
Office organization: file cabinets, supplies, copier, fax machine, etc.
Office resources: KU directories, dictionaries, computer program manuals, staff listings, etc.
Fire evacuation site (outside) and two egresses
Tornado evacuation site (basement)
Location of fire extinguishers in work area
Location of pull stations for fire
Department Orientation
To be completed within 30 days
Go over department web pages
Policies (see complete list below) / Online
Go over KUSM-W web site
To be completed within the first 30 days.
I hereby acknowledge that by signing below, I have read and abide by the following policies:
/ InitialsWorkplace Policies of Interest Policy
Disability Accommodation Policy
Family Medical Leave Act: Employee Rights and Responsibilities
KUMC Policy on Prevention of Illegal Drug and Alcohol Use on Campus and in the Workplace
Shared Leave
USS Policies (only applies to University Support Staff employees)
Signature / Date
Revised 10/12/2017