Ms. Mohney (email: )
Student Name: ______/ Week of: 2/12 - 2/16
Due Date / Assignment / On Time / No Signature / Late
(No name?) / Incomplete / Missing
2/12 / Friday Folder
2/12 / Weekly Update (purple)
2/12 / Math Mod 3 Lesson 2
2/13 / Letter to Self
2/13 / Science Fair Packet – Typed – part 1 and 2
2/13 / Math “Fractional Parts” pg 1
2/14 / Math Mod 3 Lesson 3
2/15 / Math “Fractional Parts” pg 4 Adding Fractions
2/16 / Math “Fractional Parts” pg 7 Subtracting Fractions with like-denominators
2/26 / Fraction Review Packet – completed – due Monday
Friday Folders and Weekly Updates are due on Mondays
Reading (RINGO):Trimester 2 RINGO presentations need to be completed by March 14th.
We have finished our book, Blood on the River. This is a wonderfully written, detailed, and fairly accurate historical fiction book about life in James Town. Students are also studying colonization and settlements in Social Studies, so Blood on the River integrated perfectly there.
***I will be sending Stop and Jot journals home with your child again near or around the end of second trimester. Please look through your child’s goals, work, and talk about areas of success and areas of needed improvement. ***
Math: Students are learning the parts of a fraction, different types of fractions, how to simplify and make equivalent fractions, and how to go back and forth between improper fractions and mixed numbers. We also spent time adding and subtracting fractions with like and unlike denominators. We continue to breeze through Module 3 with the understanding that students are not meant to MASTER everything. These skills and concepts will be revisited in time.
Please continue to check your child’sEureka math work (answers and correct / discuss mistakes and praise triumphs in not giving up), sign, and turn in homework the following day. THANK YOU!
  • We turned in our final drafts of our information essays on Friday
  • Students learned new formatting tricks on Microsoft Word (adding text boxes, images, saving pictures and inserting them, changing the outline and fill of text boxes, and understanding margins)
  • Please take a look at the flyer attached that talks about guidelines for our animal museum! I encourage students to work on this project over mid-winter break. This is OPTIONAL and completely done at home. The due date is TBD. We will probably have our museum in mid-March.

  • Science fair completed packets (typed) were due February 13th
  • Students SHOULD have received their typed packet back with notes
  • Edits can be made for the final project (display board)
  • Students will be given a quiz that determines if they understand the parts of the scientific method and can apply those parts to a made-up experiment.
Social Studies: Students shared their settlements with the class today. Great teamwork, prepping and collaboration!
Homework Policy:No name papers go directly in the "No Name" file by the homework checker. They are then counted as late. *** IF you notice your child getting considerably frustrated/discouraged/angry/upset because homework is just taking more than 60 minutes, please have them stop, write me a note and let me know that it was time to stop. You child will not be penalized for that.
Self-Love Challenge: Continue the SELF-LOVE CHALLENGE at home over mid-winter break! Do this challenge with your kids!
Monday: Draw something. Get out the crayons and spend 15+ minutes drawing anything you want.
Tuesday: Write down three hobbies or activities that make you happy. Schedule a time to do at least one of those things sometime this week!
Wednesday: Tape a picture of yourself that you love on a piece of paper. Write about why you chose it. Be specific and detailed. Post this paper someplace you’ll see it often.
Thursday: Print or draw a picture of a quote you find inspiring. Post it someplace you can see it every day.
Friday: Make a collage of things that make you smile. Find pictures from magazines, the internet, extra photos you have in a photo box, and glue them on to a piece of paper. Bring this to school on Monday!
Saturday: Write down one thing you need to forgive yourself for – then forgive yourself.
Sunday: Go to be at least one hour early. Monday morning, write about how you feel.
***Thank you ALL so much for making your child’s last elementary school Valentine’s Day party possible!Thank you for all the support, encouragement, and the thoughtful gifts and cards that were sent in for me this week, and for the children – again, incredibly sweet group of kids we have.
Important Information About Toys & Snack:
There have been reports of toys, squishies, gadgets and stuffies being taken to lunch and recess that are causing problems.
  • Students must bring a separate snack for snack time
  • Students have NOT been eating lunch in the lunch room because our snack time is right before lunch, and they were eating their entire lunch at that time. At the beginning of the year, there were no behavioral issues from our class, but now, there are. Students know that they cannot eat their lunch during snack time any longer.
  • Lately, Rubix Cubes, “stress relieving toys,” fidget gadgets and more have been coming to school. This can no longer happen. 
  • Issues are occurring due to the amount of toys kids are bringing to school and I have been seeing a LOT of toys coming in with our fifth grade class.
  • No more toys.
  • If your child needs a fidget to help them focus, please contact me personally. A fidget should be something that can fit in the palm of the hand and is not a toy.

THANK YOU! February 26th is a Bweek.
PARENT ______/ STUDENT: ______
Have a greatmid-winter break! --Mindy Mohney

Random Acts of Kindness Day!

My hope was that we could do a Random Acts of Kindness Day during Mid-Winter-Break…but the break has snuck up on me and I’m not prepared. Spring Break is going to be a better bet, so I will talk to the class about organizing (and have them lead it) a special day for anyone who would like to join. So sorry that things didn’t work out for us to have this day next week, but I think it’s just too short of notice for families, and with the animal museum coming up, we’re just too busy.