Albion Elementary PTA
Meeting Minutes
Friday, April 21, 2017
President Leesa Jacubenta called the meeting to order at 9:37 a.m. Members then said the Pledge of Allegiance.
School Board Member – Jackie Arendt
Jackie briefly mentioned the upcoming election and Issue 11 and Founders’ Night the previous evening. As part of her role with the Ohio PTA, she is representing the parent voice regarding state testing and assessments. She is traveling to Columbus every other week for meetings related to this. She understands well parents’ concerns about required testing, but reiterated that the PTA does not support opting out. North Royalton Middle School is the site for the August 5 Summer Leadership Training. Jackie will send more information regarding this event.
Principal’s Report – Vince Ketterer
· We are in the midst of the busiest months of the year – April and May.
· He is closing teacher evaluations and preparing for Kindergarten Screening which commences May 1.
· Teacher Appreciation is the first week of May.
· For the rest of this month and into early May, we are finishing Third and Fourth Grade state testing. This year’s tests match up better with state standards than previously. This coincides with the IOWA Assessment given three times per year.
· Mr. Ketterer urged parents to keep tabs on the current state of public education.
· Please sign up to help with the final Bond Issue Door to Door Initiative on April 29 and 30 and the upcoming phone bank.
· A letter was sent earlier this week detailing the extracurricular cuts that will occur if Issue 11 does not pass.
· He apologized for date errors in the recent Constant Contact message that was distributed.
· Mr. Ketterer explained Mr. Osborne’s idea of having high school seniors return to their respective North Royalton elementary schools to be clapped out with the Fourth Graders.
Secretary’s Report/Minutes – Ann Gurin – Ann asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes from the March meeting. There being none, Ann indicated the minutes will stand as published.
Treasurer’s Report – Laura Greiner – Balance on hand as of March 31 is $27,491.60 which includes deposits of $6,622.50 and disbursements of $1,254.53. Laura emphasized that we need to spend some money as we have a surplus. Mr. Ketterer indicated that he met with Cristina Hornik to discuss School Goals so funds could be used there. A long discussion among members and Mr. Ketterer followed about the rationale for Albion’s activities and spending being aligned with the other elementary schools in the district.
Mr. Ketterer reminded everyone that the Incoming Fifth Grade Parent Meeting is May 1 at the Middle School and that the Fourth Graders will visit the Middle School on May 22.
There was a discussion about the event schedule and how dates are determined and the need to be scheduled in conjunction with the PAC schedule, while keeping in mind students’ and families’ after-school and evening commitments.
Maria Velkos asked how Girls on the Run is going. Mr. Ketterer said the program has been going well. There was a resulting discussion about possibly considering a National PTA companion program, Let Me Run, for boys.
Mr. Ketterer was leaving to host Max Lozinak, Student Principal for the Day, and acknowledged that he needed to schedule the kickball game for Tori Jacubenta.
President’s Report – Leesa Jacubenta
· Leesa recognized Ann Gurin who received an Achievement Award at Founders Night. She said there was a smaller turnout at Founders Night this year.
· Thanks to everyone who has volunteered within the last month.
· We received five Kindle readers for our membership drive and chapter efforts.
· We are in the “home stretch” of the school year, but still need help.
· Please turn in completed Committee Reports and binders. A sign-up sheet for 2017-2018 committee chairs is circulating. We are in particular need of a chair for the Holiday Shop.
· The newsletter deadline is April 25 at 3 p.m. Please email information to Kelly Close.
· Leesa reminded everyone to keep comments about the bond issue in public forums, such as Facebook, positive.
Mr. Ketterer stated that Albion will be presenting at the May 8 Board Meeting.
Officer Reports
1st VP – Membership/Technology (for Albion & PTA Council) – Michelle Bauer – Nothing new to report.
Michelle said Field Day is coming up May 26, with a May 30 rain date. Volunteer sign-ups will be forthcoming.
2nd VP-Ways & Means – Sara Hatfield – Nothing new to report.
3rd VP-Book Fair – Cristina Hornik – Leesa reported on Cristina’s behalf that after reviewing the calendar, the school is unable to find a date for a second book fair. The calendar is simply too full.
4th VP School Pictures & Yearbooks – Christine Dockrill – The yearbooks are arriving. Christine is waiting to talk to Mr. Ketterer about when they will be distributed. Thanks to Kelly Close for covering Spring Pictures.
Committee Reports
Box Tops – Christine Dockrill – The next turn-in will be May 8-19. The student who turns in the most box tops overall will receive a gift card. Everyone who turns in Box Tops will receive a small treat. We are expecting the check for $599.10 soon.
Staff Appreciation – Christine Dockrill – Fliers were put in teacher’s mailboxes for students to take home regarding donations requested for the first week in May, including a coloring sheet for flowers to be turned in by May 1. There are sign-up geniuses available for food donations for the breakfast on May 3 and tea luncheon on May 5. If you are planning to donate money, please do so by April 26. It was suggested that teachers love Target gift cards!
Breakfast with a Buddy – Marie McLaughlin – The last two breakfasts are this coming week, for which some volunteer help is still needed. Marie strongly suggested that in future years, the breakfast coordinator should consider set-up early during the morning of the events as it is much easier that way.
Fourth Grade Social – Madeleine Michel – The event is May 12 in the afternoon and will focus on playing favorite songs, a balloon drop and popsicles. Each fourth grader can have their picture taken, if they wish. A letter will be going home to parents about the event.
Carnival – Kelly Close – The carnival is May 19. Grades 1 and 2 and AM kindergarten will attend in the morning and Grades 3 and 4 and PM kindergarten in the afternoon. A sign-up sheet for game coordinator volunteers was circulated at the meeting. These names will be added to a sign-up genius going out later. There was discussion about how to handle photos taken at the photo booth due to privacy and parental consent concerns. We determined that photos will be emailed directly to each student through their Google accounts as each student has one.
There is no old or new business to discuss this month.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:03 a.m.
Our next meeting is Friday, May 12 AT THE ALBION LIBRARY. Please note the location change for the final PTA meeting of the school year.