MONDAY, MAY 18, 2015
The May18, 2015, regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by President Craig Ward in the Board of Education room.
Members present were: Julie Baglien, Rob Baum, Jeff Caudill, Linda Kubiak, Eric Taylor and Craig Ward.
Administrators Present: Tanya Overweg, Janis Sanford, Chris Kregel, Pam Behling, and Chris Talbot.
Visitors present: Larry Hook, Ed, Shelia, and Makenna Trout, Tina Folger, Jenny Sanford, Matt Schwartzkopf, Michelle Chajkowski, Matt Overweg, Colby Burger, and Hannah Niceswander.
Motion by Treasurer Caudill, second by Member Taylor to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried; all ayes.
Motion bySecretary Baglien, support byMember Taylorto approve the consent agenda as presented.
- Regular Meeting Minutes of April 20, 2015
- General Fund Bills of $ 548,244.65
- Hot Lunch Bills of $ 2,498.61
Motion Carried, All ayes.
Member Lightner arrived at 7:05 p.m.
Elementary Principal Janis Sanford introduced first grade teacher Michelle Chajkowski who presented Makenna Trout with the lower elementary Citizen of the Month Award for April. Mrs. Sanford then presented Hannah Niceswander with the upper elementary Citizen of the Month Award. Secondary Administrator of 6-12, Chris Kregel, introduced Jenny Sanford, English teacher, who presented Colby Burger with the Middle School Citizen of the Month Award for April.
Superintendent Cook presented the Golden Apple Award, the District’s most prestigious award, to high school teacher Matt Schwartzkopf. Mr. Schwartzkopf exemplifies the true spirit of Springport Schools, he is dedicated, hard working and always has a positive attitude. Congratulations to Mr. Schwartzkopf.
Mr. Schwartzkopf, Springport Education Association President, thank Mr. Cook and the Board of Education for allowing the teachers to take an active part in planning the 2015-2016 school year calendar.
Julie Baglien, Secretary of the Board of Education, summarized a report from the U.S. News and World Report, listing Springport as a “Bronze” school, ranking in the top percentile of all high schools in the United States. This ranking is based on the college readiness index, math proficiency, Reading proficiency, and student to teacher ratio. The results are compiled from student testing.
The Board took a brief recess at 7:19 for refreshments honoring Golden Apple recipient Matt Schwartzkopf.
The Board reconvened at 7:27 p.m.
Vice President Baum reported on the Jackson County Association of School Boards meeting, held at Western Schools. Their presentation was on the alternative school, which offers students with instruction that in presented for students to learn trades to allow students to enter the work force.
Member David Lightner, Chair of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, presented a yearend report. The committee toured the district, and reviewed accomplishments and set goals for the future. Projects included tiles in the gym lobby ceiling, and also floor tiles in the foyer. The ticket system for reporting problems to the maintenance staff seems to be working well.
Secretary Julie Baglien, Chair of the Personnel Committee, reported the committee met to discuss recent retirements and resignations, and to review the ratio of students to teachers in each building.
Treasurer Jeff Caudill, Chair of the Finance Committee, reported on the recent Finance Committee meeting. They reviewed the 2014-2015 budget, which will end better than predicted, with less deficit into fund balance. The committee also looked at the 2015-2016 tentative budget, looking at revenue and student count, and costs with regards to insurance and retirement.
Pam Behling, Business Manager, shared a treasurer’s report, reminding board members that as our expenses draw to a close in June; we will still be receiving revenue for July and August, which offsets our expenditures.
Tanya Overweg, Principal of Curriculum and Instruction 6-12, reported on the middle school physical education and health classes for the respective buildings. Teachers work together to ensure that students both physical class instruction, and health instruction each year. Elementary Principal Mrs. Sanford reported that the elementary is concentrating on making physical education fun, to ensure student incorporate it into a lifetime habit.
Superintendent Cook presented the proposed Jackson County Intermediate School District 2015-2016 Budget Resolution.
Motion by Treasurer Caudill, support by Member Lightner to adopt the resolution of the Jackson County Intermediate School District’s 2015-2016 budget as received, reviewed and proposed, in accordance with Section 624 of the revised School Code, and by the adoption of this resolution expressing its support for the proposed 2015-2016 budget.
Roll Call Vote: Ms Baglien, aye; Mr. Baum, aye; Mr. Caudill, aye; Ms. Kubiak, aye; Mr. Lightner, Aye; Mr. Taylor, aye; Mr. Ward, aye.
Motion Carried, all Ayes.
Superintendent Cook presented a resolution to elect a member to represent the district for theelectoral body to elect one JCISD Board candidate to fill one six (6) year vacancy. Motion read by Secretary Baglien, seconded by Treasurer Caudill:
- The biennial election of the Board of Jackson County Intermediate School District (the “ISD”) will be held on Monday, June 1, 2015; and
- The members of the ISD Board will be elected by an electoral body composed of one person designated by the board of each of the constituent school districts; and
- In accordance with Section 614(2) of the Revised School Code [MCL 380.614(2)], this board must now adopt a resolution which designates its representative to the electoral body and direct said representative to vote on behalf of this board for the specific candidate this board supports for each position to be filled on the ISD Board, at least on the first ballot taken by the electoral body.
- This board does hereby approve the designation of Rob Baum as the representative of this board for the electoral body, which body will elect one candidate to fill 6-year term on the ISD Board on June 1, 2015, and Julie Baglien as an alternate representative in the event the designated representative is unable to attend.
- The designated representative, or the alternate in the event of the absence of the designated representative, is further directed to cast a vote on the first ballot on behalf of this board for:
Six Year Terms (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2021)
Candidate Name: Lillian Fields
- The Secretary of this board is hereby further directed to cause a certified copy of this resolution to be filed with the Secretary of the ISD Board, through the Office of the Superintendent and the election coordinator, at or prior to the election of the ISD Board on Monday, June 1, 2015.
- All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as they conflict with the provisions of this resolution be and the same are hereby rescinded.
Roll Call Vote: Ms Baglien, aye; Mr. Baum, aye; Mr. Caudill, aye; Ms. Kubiak, aye; Mr. Lightner, Aye; Mr. Taylor, aye; Mr. Ward, aye.
Motion Carried, all Ayes.
Superintendent Cook presented a resolution to encourage State Legislators to allow the district to start school prior to Labor Day.
Motion by Trustee Lightner, second by Vice President Baum to approve the proposed resolution to request our State Legislators to seek legislation repealing State mandates that limit school districts authority to adopt a local school year calendar that begins before Labor Day.
Roll Call Vote: Ms Baglien, aye; Mr. Baum, aye; Mr. Caudill, aye; Ms. Kubiak, aye; Mr. Lightner, Aye; Mr. Taylor, aye; Mr. Ward, aye.
Motion Carried, all Ayes.
Superintendent Cook reported that we currently have 247 School of Choice students in our district, making up 25% of our count. This demonstrates the quality of our programs and the efforts of our staff to attract families to our district. The board is asked to approve participation in Schools of Choice with the Intermediate School District, (Section 105A, and 105C) to the extent we have space available.
Motion by Treasurer Caudill, second by Trustee Lightner toparticipate in Schools of Choice 105A/105C for the 2015-2016 school year to the extent we have space available.Roll Call Vote: Ms Baglien, aye; Mr. Baum, aye; Mr. Caudill, aye; Ms. Kubiak, aye; Mr. Lightner, Aye; Mr. Taylor, aye; Mr. Ward, aye.
Motion Carried, all Ayes.
Superintendent Cook presented a resolution in accordance with the Affordable Health Care Act.
Motion by Secretary Baglien, supported by Member Lightner to approve the proposed resolution that Springport Public Schools elects to pay not more than 80% of the cost of all medical benefit plans it offers as contributions for its employees.
Roll Call Vote: Ms Baglien, aye; Mr. Baum, aye; Mr. Caudill, aye; Ms. Kubiak, aye; Mr. Lightner, Aye; Mr. Taylor, aye; Mr. Ward, aye.
Motion Carried, all Ayes.
Superintendent Cook presented the 2015-2016 calendar. There may be a slight variance, if so, the Board will be informed.
Motion by Vice President Baum, support by Trustee Taylor to approve the 2015-2016 District School Calendar as presented.
Motion Carried, all Ayes.
The Personnel Committee made a recommendation to provide single subscriber/ cash in lieu to our Food Service Director.
Motion by Secretary Baglien, second by Vice President Baum to approve adding the Single Subscriber Insurance benefit/cash in lieu to the District’s Food Service Director Contract.
Motion Carried, all Ayes.
Superintendent Cook presented a letter fromBarb Hoffman, an elementary classroom teacher, who plans to retire from her 2nd grade teaching position at the end of the school year. Barb has taught for 37 years with Springport Public Schools.
Motion by Secretary Baglien, second by Member Lightner to accept the retirement/resignation of Barb Hoffman effective August 31, 2015, with appreciation of 37 years of teaching at Springport Public Schools.
Motion Carried, all Ayes.
Superintendent Cook asked the Board to approve the resignation of Anthony Hutchins, middle school science teacher.
Motion by Vice President Baum, support by Trustee Lightner to accept the resignation of Anthony Hutchins, effective June 30, 2015, with appreciation of his work this year at the middle school.
Motion Carried, all Ayes.
Motion by Vice President Baum, second by Trustee Lightner to enter into a closed session at7:59 p.m. to discuss contract negotiations.
Roll Call Vote: Ms Baglien, aye; Mr. Baum, aye; Mr. Caudill, aye; Ms. Kubiak, aye; Mr. Lightner, Aye; Mr. Taylor, aye; Mr. Ward, aye.
Motion Carried, all Ayes.
Motion by Secretary Baglien, second by Trustee Taylor to re-enter into regular session at 8:27p.m.
Roll Call Vote: Ms Baglien, aye; Mr. Baum, aye; Mr. Caudill, aye; Ms. Kubiak, aye; Mr. Lightner, Aye; Mr. Taylor, aye; Mr. Ward, aye.
Motion Carried, all Ayes.
President Ward reminded members of the High School Graduation on May 31stat 2:00 p.m.
Superintendent Cook accepted the resignation of Jackie Newsome, para-professional with appreciation for her service to the district. Ms. Newsome worked as an At-Risk parapro, and her resignation is effective on June 5, 2015.
Superintendent Cook presented for information an overnight trip for the POA/FF camping trip in July.
Motion by Secretary Baglien, second by Vice President Baum to adjourn the meeting at8:31p.m.
Motion Carried, all Ayes.