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The following are subject to modification and are not official minutes until approved by the Governing Body.

The June 22, 2015regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dennis Bronson.

Council membersCherl Blanton, Ryan Clark,Patrick Dick,Dennis Dye, and Andy Holmeswere present for roll call. City Staff present was City Superintendent Shawn Burgey,Police Chief Doug Brown and City Clerk Jami Downing. There were 9 guests present.

Mayor Bronson led the Council and audience in thePledge of Allegiance.


There were no additions to the agenda.


Council member Dickmade a motion toapprove the consent agendawhichincluded theminutes from the June 8, 2015 regular council meeting;andAppropriation Order 11-15; Council Member Dye seconded the motion. Motion carried 5– 0.


W&L Utility / $41,266.48
General / $29,809.68
Ritz Theatre / $2,223.21
Sewage Disposal / $0.00
Airport / $0.00
Solid Waste Refuse / $0.00
Community Education / $0.00
Library / $0.00
Capital Fund / $0.00
TOTAL AMOUNT PAID / $73,299.37


City Clerk Downing informed the Council of a Thank You letter for their donation to the Stars Golf Tournament.


Ron Johnson was present to discuss his concerns regarding animals that were taken from his property. His renters had their horses seized in an investigation. Ron did not agree with the process nor did he believe a proper investigation was done before the seizure. He knows of many complaints with other horse owners and their animals were never seized. He was informed by Police Chief Brown that the horses have since been returned, and that they were in fact legally removed.


  1. The Council discussed concerns with the trash service. They would like a resolution to be discussed and a date to be resolved agreed upon with the Stafford County Trash Service. A representative from the trash service was not available for the meeting; the Council chose to table the issue to the next meeting.
  2. The Council previously received signed complaints against a property on South Boston. A letter was sent to the owner stating the concerns and giving a deadline to act upon the issues. The deadline has past and there has not been sufficient progress. It was the consensus of the Council to move forward with a Resolution.


  1. The Nikki Pretorius with the PLAY Group requested a Cereal Malt Beverage License for a fundraiser at the Park. Council member Clark made a motion to approve the CMB License for the Nikki Pretorius (PLAY Group); Council member Dye seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 – 0.
  2. City Clerk Downing suggested making a change to the utility contracts. She would like to add a section that requires a landlord/homeowner to give written permission to another individual before they are allowed to connect utilities in their name. It was the consensus of the Council for City Clerk Downing to proceed.
  3. Council member Dick made a motion to recess into executive session for non-elected personnel for an employee matter, with Council, Mayor, City Attorney, City Superintendent Burgey, Police Chief Brown and City Clerk Downing until 7:30; Council member Dye seconded the Motion. Motion carried 5 – 0. Council returned to regular session at 7:30. No action was taken.

City Superintendent Shawn Burgey

Shawn had nothing else to discuss.

Chief of Police Doug Brown

Doug informed the Council that Sergeant Elliott has resigned.

City Attorney Don Knappenberger

City Attorney Knappenberger had nothing else to discuss.

Interim City Clerk Jami Downing

Jami asked the Council if they were satisfied with the Ritz Theatre spreadsheet she had put together. She also informed the Council about the new recycling bin behind the City office.


There were no Council comments.


With no further business before the Council - Council MemberDickmade a motion to adjourn at 7:38P.M.; Council MemberDyeseconded the motion. Motion carried5-0.


Dennis Bronson, Mayor



Jami Downing, Interim City Clerk