Announcements ~ November 26, 2017
Everyone is welcome. As a community of the people of God, the members of Faith Lutheran Church are called to welcome all people. We affirm that in Christ “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female” (Galatians 3:28). Christ has made us one.
Welcome to our visitors! We are pleased you are worshiping with us today. We invite guests to complete the Yellow “Guest” card found in the pew racks and leave it with an usher or place it in the offering plate. If you would like more information about Faith, please contact us at 920.775.4141 or .
Blank offering envelopes are available in the pews for visitors or if you forgot yours at home.
Children are welcome at all services. Worship bulletins for children and activity bags are available in the Narthex. If your child needs a break from the service, feel free to walk to the narthex/back of the church.
Welcome to the Lord’s Table. Today we will be celebrating communion by intinction. At the table of our Lord Jesus Christ, God nourishes faith, forgives sin, and calls us to be witnesses to the Gospel. The ushers will direct you to come down the center aisle and approach the altar. Please extend your hands in which to receive the bread. Both wine and grape juice are available (Grape juice is in the smaller portion of the chalice). Gluten free elements are available. All are welcome at the table. Those who are not communing may come forward for a blessing. (Please remember when you fill out the yellow card found in the pew, to include your first name as there may be others in the church with similar last names.)
Faith’s Opportunities November 26-December 3
Sunday 10:15 A.M. Advent Workshop, Confirmation, Choir Practice
Monday 10:30 A.M. Staff Meeting
5:00-7:00 P.M. Jazzercise
6:00 & 7:30 P.M. Televised Worship
Tuesday Pastor Ted at Synod Office
Wednesday 6:45 A.M. Men’s Bible Study
6:15 P.M. Worship
7:15 P.M. Confirmation
Thursday 5:00-7:00 P.M. Jazzercise
Saturday 8:00 A.M. Lions Club Breakfast with Santa in Fellowship Hall
Sunday 8:00 A.M. Adult Forum
9:00 A.M. Worship
10:15 A.M. Sunday School, Confirmation, Choir Practice, Pastor’s Class: Means of Grace
Last Week - Attendance: Sunday: 103 Thanksgiving Service: 58 Total: 171
Offerings to the Lord’s work: $5,569.00 ($7,192.85 needed per week to meet operating budget.)
Known to have been hospitalized or in need of prayer: Jeanette Schuessler and her family in Puerto Rico, Delores Johnson, Violet Rusch, Debbie Evenson, Merle “Butch” Graf, (son in-law of Don and Delores Johnson), Sue Bellin (sister of Steve, Jeff and Jim Ahrens), Wayne Allen Huske (son of Wayne and Terry Huske).
Please keep in your thoughts and prayers the following who are serving in the military: Darcie Bauknecht, Daniel Brandl, Corey Evenson, Gary Hildebrandt, Justin Mertzig, Chad Pohl, Steven Schmude, Andy Schnell. If there are others we should be remembering, please inform the church office.
The youth are having a fundraiser to support the 2018 National Youth Gathering in Houston TX. During November, you can order a personalized cake pan, kitchen accessories and more. These items are ordered from the “That’s My Pan” Company in Chippewa Falls, WI. Please take time to look at the samples in the Gathering Space. We will be taking orders during the month of November with delivery before Christmas. These make great personalized gifts for family, friends, special occasions, anniversaries, weddings and more. Please see a representative at the table before or after church service for more details. You can order at the table or order directly from We highly recommend you order online as you can use a credit card and enter your personalization directly.
It’s that time of year again when the Elves are preparing for the holiday season at the Manitowoc Health Care Center. In the Gathering Space is a list of suggested gifts that may be purchased to help out the residents. Please have all items back to the Gathering Space by Thursday, November 30. Leave all gifts unwrapped.
In As Much Sunday
‘I tell you, in as much as you did this for one of the least important of these followers of mine, you did it for me!’ (Matthew 25:40) God tells us that whatever we do for others, we are doing for God. In the spirit of this, we will have a toy drive for children who are in need this Christmas. We ask that you purchase a new toy/gift that you would like for yourself and give it up for someone else. We will be collecting the items during worship Sunday, December 3 and Wednesday, December 6. You can also drop toys off at church before December 11.
Faith Lutheran Church is again sponsoring the “Sharing Tree.” The tree is located on the Welcome Center in the Gathering Space. On this tree are tags that represent gift items for an extended family. A spending suggestion for each tag is $20.00. Information sheets highlighting the family are available near the tree. All gifts need to be returned to church unwrapped no later than Tuesday, December 5th, as they will be delivered the following day. Support in the past years has been tremendous, so I am confident this family will see God’s love made real through your generosity. Any questions can be directed to Julie Endries at 920-973-9881.
Poinsettia orders for Christmas will be taken December 3, 6, 10 & 13. Order forms can be found in the Gathering Space. Each plant is red in color and is $9.50. Wednesday, December 13 is the deadline to have all orders in.
Christmas Caroling will take place Friday, December 8 at 5:00-6:30 p.m. Please meet at church and we will divide into groups to go caroling. All ages and singing ability are welcome to join in this event. We will have upper when we return from caroling. Please sign up on the sheet in the Gathering Space if you plan on attending.
Serving Us Today
Greeters: Dennis and Marlene Evenson
Head Usher: Mark Zutz
Ushers: Brian and Mary Thomsen Family
Acolyte: Addyson Johnson-Mayzik
Lector: Hannah Evenson
Sound Operator: Kristin Pederson
Video Operator: Eric Thomsen
Projection: Bryce Larson
Communion: Nicolle Behnke, Bryce Larson,
Larry Madson
Serving Us Next Week
Greeters: Angelina Junk and Kristin Pederson
Head Usher: Larry Madson
Ushers: Earl and Barb Griffin, Steve Ahrens
Acolyte: Mitchell Zutz
Lector: Ron Jones
Sound Operator: Quinten Robley
Video Operator: Jason Robley
Projection: Rachel Robley
Communion: Clarissa and Garrett Ulness, Kaye Jandrey