11th November 2016

Dear Parents

Initially we must apologise to those parents who did not receive the original letter that was sent to parents giving details of the Midsummer Night’s Dream Shakespeare performance on Thursday 17th November at the Sinden Theatre, Tenterden.

We have been informed by several parents that they have been unable to obtain tickets to see their child perform. We have contacted the School Shakespeare Company and have managed to obtain a limited number of additional tickets. We have contacted the box office and have arranged for the school to purchase the tickets and will then be able to sell these to parents, on a first come first served basis.

For those parents who are not able to watch the evening performance on 17th, we have been in touch with the theatre to see if parents could watch the dress rehearsal which begins at 2.00pm. We are waiting to hear from the theatre if this would be possible. Alternatively we will be arranging another performance in school for parents who have not been to the theatre and any others who would like to see it again. The date for this has still to be arranged.

The arrangements for the 17th November are as follows:

We are extremely grateful to Hams Travel who has offered a coach to take the children to the Sinden Theatre, free of charge. The coach will leave school at 1.00pm. The children will remain at the theatre for the evening performance to parents, which begins at 7.00pm.

Please note - it is the responsibility of parents to arrange transport home for their son/daughter, collecting them from the stage door at 9.15pm. Please ensure Mrs Wyatt has ticked your child’s name on her register before leaving the theatre.

Please provide your son/daughter with a packed tea and a drink in an unbreakable container.

Please complete the slip below giving your contact details.

Yours sincerely,


To Mrs Wyatt

Shakespeare Performance – Sinden Theatre, Tenterden - 17th November 2016

Name of child taking part in the performance ………………………………………………

Emergency tel. no……………………………………………………………………………

Signed ……………………………………… parent/guardian date …………………………

Headteacher: Mrs Lindsay Roberts BEd (Hons) NPQH
Address: Beaman Close, Cranbrook Road, Goudhurst, Kent TN17 1DZ
Telephone: 01580 211365 Email:
Website: www.goudhurst-kilndown.kent.sch.uk

Headteacher: Mrs Lindsay Roberts BEd (Hons) NPQH
Address: Beaman Close, Cranbrook Road, Goudhurst, Kent TN17 1DZ
Telephone: 01580 211365 Email:
Website: www.goudhurst-kilndown.kent.sch.uk