Evaluation Plan – Kane County Dementia Capable Systems and Supports

Grant ID: OH 90ALGGG9999

Evaluator: Alex Janes, Local University

Objective / Activity / Outputs
(How many?) / Outcomes
(What will change?) / Outcome measures
(ex. validated instruments) / Data collection
(By whom? When? How will quality be ensured?) / Data analysis and reporting
(Who will do the analysis, how, when?)
  1. Objective #1: Identify persons living alone with ADRD or potential ADRD and link them to supportive services
/ Train law enforcement officers and paramedics /
  • 10 Kane County Sheriff’s dept. officers
  • 65 Macklin and Castle police officers
  • 32 Lifeline and Rescue paramedics
  • Satisfaction
  • Dementia awareness
  • Referral rates
/ Survey, to be developed / Trainer distributes surveys at end of training. Evaluator conducts 3-month post survey (electronically) / Alex Janes, Project evaluator (AJ) will analyze results and report semi-annually
Train housing agency staff on dementia / 35 Kane County Housing Agency resident service coordinators and managers / Staff’s knowledge of dementia / Validated measures of dementia knowledge change (TBD) / Trainers distribute at baseline and post-training / AJ will analyze results and report semi-annually
Develop a standard protocol for housing agency to refer residents to Alzheimer’s Association / 45 residents referred to Alzheimer’s Association/year (total: 135) / Change in housing agency protocols for identifying residents in need and referring them /
  • Kane county referral database records
  • Interviews with housing coordinators and managers
/ AJ interviews housing coordinators and managers 3 months after training to see how protocols are working and determine any changes necessary. Follow up interviews conducted at one year as needed. / County data manager will report on number of referrals from housing agency 2x/year.
AJ will summarize key findings and issues from interviews and submit to project director.
Provide community education on dementia to affordable housing residents and other senior centers / 2 sessions/site:
  • 5 community centers (10 sessions)
  • 9 housing sites (18 sessions)
  • 550 attendees
/ Awareness of:
  • community resources
  • importance of diagnosis
  • advance planning resources
/ Survey, to be developed / Community educator will distribute at end of each session. / AJ will work with community educator to develop a reporting schedule that allows incorporation of feedback into later sessions.
Objective #2: Deliver behavioral symptom management training and expert consultation for family caregivers / Provide behavior symptom management consultation / 75 caregivers /
  • Caregiver self-efficacy
  • Depression
  • Burden
  • Quality of life for person with dementia
  • Revised Scale for Caregiving Self-Efficacy
  • PHQ-9
  • Zarit Burden Interview
  • QoL-AD
/ County social worker conducting the intervention will collect data at baseline, at completion of intervention, and 6 months post. AJ will train social worker and review data after first month and then semi-annually. / AJ will report on changes from: 1) pre to post and 2) pre to 6 months post and will summarize these cumulative results semi-annually.
Conduct Savvy Caregiver workshops / 5 sessions with 15 attendees per session (75 total) /
  • Caregiver self-efficacy
  • Depression
  • Burden
  • Quality of life for person with dementia
  • Revised Scale for Caregiving Self-Efficacy
  • PHQ-9
  • Zarit Burden Interview
  • QoL-AD
/ AJ will conduct assessments via telephone at baseline, at completion of intervention (within 1 week), and 6 months post / AJ will report on changes from: 1) pre to post and 2) pre to 6 months post and will summarize these cumulative results semi-annually.
Objective #3: Provide effective care/supportive services to persons living with moderate to severe impairment from ADRD and their caregivers / Assess dementia capability of current care and supportive services offered by Kane County senior services / Assess 5 options counselors, 9 information and referral specialists and 7 care managers / TBD – will review existing measures of dementia knowledge, skills and attitudes. KAML-C is being considered. / Karen Smith, Project Director (KS) and AJ will conduct baseline assessment and each year thereafter / AJ will report results annually
Train agency staff on dementia and care planning / 5 options counselors, 9 information and referral specialists and 7 care managers / Staff knowledge, skills, attitudes about dementia / TBD; see above / Cathy Dennison, Alz Assoc Education Director, will distribute assessments before training and immediately post. / AJ will analyze changes from pre to post and report semi-annually
Enhance directory of dementia capable providers and promote its use with health care providers / Distribute 50 copies of new directory / Health care providers will use the directory to direct patients with dementia to available resources / Brief electronic survey of health care providers who received the directory / AJ will develop survey; KS will distribute survey electronically 3 months after directory is sent out, with 2 auto-reminders to non-respondents / AJ will analyze survey results and report within one month

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