ABF Tour 2014 – Tournament of Champions
March 16 – 17, 2015
Registration Form
Competitor DetailsName:
2014Tour Ranking:
Hotel Name: / Holiday Inn Salmiyah, Kuwait
Room Rate:
Please check the box: / Single TwinShare Hotel(KD 40 single, KD 50 double/twin – including breakfast)
(share room withbowler - Name: ______)
Flight Detail
Arrival Flight No: / Arrival Date:
Arrival Time:
DepartureFlight No: / DepartureDate:
Departure Time:
Please check the box: / Yes, I will participate in the Tournament of Champions
No, I will NOT participate in the Tournament of Champions
Please return the form to ABF Tour by FAX to: +8522893 6290or
on or before 15 February 2015
(Late submission will not be accepted)
Personal Achievement (2008 – 2014)Name:
Year / ABF Tour / Position
Year / Championships / Position
Year / Games / Position
Please return the form to ABF Tour by FAX to: +8522893 6290or
on or before 15 February 2015
(Late submission will not be accepted)
Declaration, Waiver & Release:In consideration of ABFT Limited (the ABF) accepting my registration, and permitting me, to compete and/or participate as a competitor in the ABF Tour 2014 – Tournament of Champions (the TOC), I hereby irrevocably and unconditionally acknowledge, agree and confirm that:
- the information provided by me in this Registration Form is true and accurate;
- I have fully read and understood the ABF Tour Rules and Regulations (the Rules) (a copy of which has been made available to me) and covenant with, and undertake to, the ABF to fully adhere to, and to comply with, the Rules;
- I am in good physical and mental health and I am physically capable of competing and participating as a competitor in the TOC and that I have not been advised and/or certified otherwise by any qualified medical practitioner;
- I authorize any and all physicians, paramedics and other medical personnel procured by, or on behalf of, the ABF to administer first aid treatment or any medical treatment, surgery or transportation in the event of any illness, accident or injury suffered and/or sustained by me at any time during my participation in the TOC and further acknowledge, agree and confirm that the ABF (including all officers, employees, agents and contractors thereof) shall not be in any way responsible for any such illness, accident or injury;
- competing and/or participating as a competitor in the TOC involves inherent risks and dangers of accidents, personal and bodily injury and property loss or damage and that by signing and completing this Registration Form, I fully understand and have considered and evaluated the nature, scope and extent of the risks involved, and voluntarily and freely choose to assume these risks;
- I grant to the ABF (including its successors and assigns) the absolute right, in perpetuity and throughout the world and without any compensation whatsoever to me, to use, reproduce and/or exploit any and all personal attributes and indices, name, likeness, image, photographs, footage, sound, interviews and voice of myself in any media whatsoever of the ABF’s choice for the purposes of advertising, promotion, or any other purposes whatsoever relating to, and/or in connection with, the ABF Tour (or any part thereof) and/or the ABF and that I shall do all such things (including, without limitation, the execution of appropriate assignments) as the ABF may, from time to time, require to give legal effect to the aforementioned grant of rights; and
- I agree to be liable for, and will indemnify the ABF (including all officers, employees, agents and contractors thereof) against any and all liability, loss, damages, costs, legal costs, professional and other expenses of any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered by the same, whether direct or consequential, by reason of any breach and/or non-performance by me of any of the terms and conditions of the above agreement with the ABF or any of the Rules.
- I wear event shirts provided by ABF Tour otherwise, I will be forfeit the right to bowl in the Tour.
- I will participate in allpromotional activities or events organized by ABF Tour and the local federation.
I, ______, hereby declare that I have read and understood the above terms and conditions (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the Rules) and that I have had the opportunity to discuss the same with my parents / guardian and that I agree to be bound by the said terms and conditions of the above agreement with the ABF.
Signature of Competitor
Declaration of Parent / Guardian:
(Applicable only if the Competitor is, at the time of signing this Registration Form, under the age of 18 years.)
I am the parent / guardian of ______(the Competitor) and I hereby irrevocably and unconditionally:
1.acknowledge, agree and confirm that I have read and understood the above terms and conditions and have discussed with, and explained such terms and conditions to, the Competitor and I agree to, and will cause the Competitor to comply with, all of the terms and conditions of the above agreement with the ABF; and
2.covenant with, and undertake to, the ABF not to take any action(s) nor omit to do anything that would assist or cause the Competitor to invalidate, renounce, negate, revoke or disclaim any part of the above agreement with the ABF, and
3.warrant and certify that by entering into the above agreement with the ABF, neither the Competitor and/or myself is/are in breach of any other arrangement(s) (whether contractual or otherwise) with any third party, and
4.agree to be liable for, and will indemnify the ABF against any and all liability, loss, damages, costs, legal costs, professional and other expenses of any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered by the ABF, whether direct or consequential, by reason of any breach and/or non-performance by the Competitor and/or myself of any of the terms and conditions of the above agreement with the ABF.
Signature of Parent / Guardian
Name of Parent / Guardian:
Signed in the presence of:
Telephone number:
ABF Tour – Tournament of Champions
16 - 17 March 2015
Date / Time / Description / Lane3/15/2015Sunday / Bowlers Arrival
3/16/2015Monday / 8:00 – 9:00 / Lane Dressing
9:00 – 10:00 / Official Practice
10:50 – 11:00 / Opening Ceremony
11:00 - 15:00 / Round 1 - Women (10 games) / 1 - 16
15:00 - 15:30 / Lane Dressing / 1- 16
15:30 – 19:30 / Round 1 - Men (10 games) / 1 - 16
19:30 – 20:00 / Draw Ceremony - top 8 bowlers
Tuesday / 8:00 / Lane Dressing
10:00 – 10:30 / Round 2 – Women (2 pairs) / 3 – 4, 13 - 14
10:30 – 11:00 / Round 2 – Women (2 pairs) / 3 – 4, 13 - 14
Lane Dressing
11:00 – 11:30 / Round 2 – Men (2 pairs) / 3 – 4, 13 - 14
11:30 – 12:00 / Round 2 – Men (2 pairs) / 3 – 4, 13 - 14
Lane Dressing
12:00 – 12:30 / Semi-final – Women #1 / 3 – 4
12:30 – 13:00 / Semi-final – Women #2 / 3 – 4
Lane Dressing
13:00 – 13:30 / Semi-final – Men #1 / 3 – 4
13:30 – 14:00 / Semi-final – Men #2 / 3 – 4
Lane Dressing
14:00 – 14:30 / Final – Women / 3 – 4
Award presentation
14:30 – 15:00 / Final – Men / 3 – 4
Award presentation
ABF Tour – Tournament of Champions
11 - 12 March 2013
Prize Money Distribution (Total Prize Money: US$103,000)Subject to 15% tax deduction
Position / Men / Women
1 / $20,000 / $10,000
2 / $8,000 / $5,000
3 / $4,000 / $3,000
4 / $4,000 / $3,000
5 / $2,500 / $2,000
6 / $2,500 / $2,000
7 / $2,500 / $2,000
8 / $2,500 / $2,000
9 / $2,000 / $1,500
10 / $2,000 / $1,500
11 / $2,000 / $1,500
12 / $2,000 / $1,500
13 / $2,000 / $1,500
14 / $2,000 / $1,500
15 / $2,000 / $1,500
16 / $2,000 / $1,500
Total: / $62,000 / $41,000