Concussion/TBI Work Group Teleconference Meeting – Minutes
Thursday, May 30th, 2013
Chair: Loretta Bernard (York)
Recorder: Mathew MacLeod (Grey Bruce)
Present: Loretta Bernard, Tracy Dahms and Silvanna Farrace-Perry (York), Mathew MacLeod (Grey Bruce), Lorna Boratto (Oxford), Mia Brown & Carolyn Jones (SMDHU), Marija Da Costa (Brant), Lorraine Gravelle (Algoma), Cindy Kirkpatrick (H&PEC), Nicole Lamarche (Porcupine), Joanne Alessi (Haldimand-Norfolk), Heather Quance (Kingston), Zsuzsi Trim (Hamilton), Kelly Wilson (Niagara)
1. Welcome & introductions
2. Volunteer for Minutes: Mathew MacLeod (GBHU)
3.Review of Previous Minutes & additions to Agenda
· Minutes & agenda accepted
4. Possible development of Terms of Reference
· Submit possible terms of reference to Tracy Dahms
· a rough draft will be created and circulated - refined for the fall
a. Posting Concussion Work Group material on OIPRC Forum
· A hub for all of our materials – OIPRC are currently updating the format of their forum.
· A conversation next week with OIPRC around where we can store all of our info and make it accessible to everyone
· Opportunity to highlight our work through OIPRC
b. Parachute Update
· An update on the Concussion workgroup was sent to Linda Yenssen(Parachute). This will be included as part of an email update that will be sent out to various stake holders.
6. New Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport (Silvana)
· The new consensus statement on concussion in sport, along with updated new concussion resources were publicly released on March 12, 2013.
· Published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine and is available on the Parachute website new consensus statement on concussion in sport
· Developed primarily for use by physicians and healthcare professionals who deal with injured athletes, but can be utilized by professionals working with concussions
· One of the authors is Dr.Charles Tator, founder of ThinkFIrst and now part of Parachute
· It is a result of the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich (Nov 2012) and revises and updates recommendations developed following the previous conferences.
· Updated concussion resources include ; Concussion Recognition Tool Concussion Recognition Tool (CRT), SCAT 3 Sports Concussion Assessment Tool V3 (SCAT3), and SCAT 3 for children aged 5 -12 SCAT3 for children
· Authors encourage readers to distribute freely all these documents but to do so without altering them or converting them to a digital format.
7. Educational Opportunities (Tracy)
· Concussion Symposium at St. Michael’s College School: - “Learning from Return to Learn” – May 31st in Toronto (Tracy sent email to workgroup) One of our Curriculum Consultant’s (Sandee Fennell) is also attending. Our CC’s appreciate when we forwarded these opportunities to them. York can provide an update on this symposium during the next teleconference
· 2nd Annual Summit on Concussions in Niagara Falls in October 24-25 (Tracy forwarded email to workgroup)
· Sault Ste Marie Workshop with Dr. Tator
8.Ministry of Education update – Steve unable to attend
· Steve mentioned it would be helpful to have template with all the info all the Health Units are doing. This provides an environmental scan
· No updates on the status of re-introducing the Bill. Activity expected in the fall
· Return to Learn guidelines have been posted on Ophea website as of May 2013
· Update on Ophea Resources recently released (Heather Quance, KFLA)
o On behalf of the Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines, Ophea is pleased to release new and revised concussion protocol appendices based on the most recent research and the guidelines outlined in the Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport, Zurich, November 2012.
o These new and revised concussion appendices replace the September 2012 concussion appendices in each of the 6 modules, and are effective immediately.
o Developed in partnership with the Ministry of Education and the ThinkFirst Concussion Education and Awareness Committee and the Recognition and Awareness Working Group of the mTBI/Concussion Strategy there are now 4 concussion appendices:
· Concussion Management Procedures: Return to Learn and Return to Physical Activity
· Tool to Identify a Suspected Concussion
· Documentation of Medical Examination
· Documentation for a Diagnosed Concussion – Return to Learn/Return to Physical Activity Plan
· For more information, and to access the concussion appendices, please visit: [ [] ][]
9. Updates from Health Units
Brant County Health Unit Update
· Working with Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board (BHNCDSB) on the development of a concussion policy/ concussion administrative procedure. Draft completed.
· Working on a multi-year concussion prevention comprehensive plan with an initial focus on youth concussions
· Member of CW Concussion Group
o Reviewing local stats to determine target group
o Completed literature review
o Conducting environmental scan of concussion resources, programs, policies
o Identifying potential stakeholders
o Committee drafting terms of reference
· Partnership with Brantford Children’s Safety Village, Brantford Police Service, and Brant-Lynn Optimists related to bicycle/wheeled sport safety. Activities include bike rodeos and helmet distribution for low income families through Children’s Safety Village Bicycle Safety Program
o Working on risk management strategies to minimize potential liability with implementing bike rodeos
KFL&A Public Health and Kingston Chapter of Parachute update:
· An inservice was held on April 26th for area Phys Ed Heads and Athletic Directors. Dr. Garth Smith presented on concussion and the important role of teachers and coaches. Information on the Ophea Safety Guidelines was reviewed and teachers provided feedback on what resources they would find the most useful. Promotional materials and resources will be sent to Secondary Schools before the end of June for the next school year.
· An August inservice is being planned for the Greater Kingston Hockey Association for coaches, parents and trainers to review information on concussion as well as return to learn and return to play guidelines.
· Community activities to promote helmet use have included:
o Public Health Nurses visiting schools to promote proper helmet use and bicycle safety.
o Rolling on the Runway was held on May 11th at the Kingston Airport. 900 people attended and took part in a bicycle rodeo and had their helmets checked by Parachute Kingston volunteers.
o Brain Day was held in 21 classes, for 515 students.
o Public Health and the Kingston Chapter of Parachute will be taking part in a bicycle rodeo organized by the City of Kingston June 9th. Streets will be closed for kids to practice their road safety skills. Parachute Kingston will provide information on helmet fitting. The KROCK Centre will be available in case of bad weather
o 85 bicycle helmets were given away during a community event promoting physical activity and injury prevention called “The Get Active Fair”. Children and youth who may not have the resources to purchase a bike helmet were provided with one and given instructions on how to properly fit it.
o Parachute Kingston will hold its annual “Lobsterfest” on June 14th to raise money for purchasing helmets for children and youth.
Hamilton Public Health Services
· Have approval to develop a website on concussions that will be hosted by McMaster Children’s Hospital. The site will target parents, teachers, coaches and h/c providers
· Are working with MCH to develop a guidelines/tips for parents to assist them in supporting their children at home during concussion recovery. It is not easy to promote cognitive and physical rest in children of various ages. The resource would be provided by H/C practitioners and we hope that it will provide parents with ideas for how they can manage their child’s concussion recovery.
· Hamilton Helmet Initiative:
o Website for HHI up and running and have recently added webcounter to track visitors
o 2 minute video developed in partnership with MCH on helmet fitting. Video will be ready and available on our website ( by the end of June 2013.
o Developed a helmet fitting card and printed 15,000. They are being used at community events and by our partners as part of their programming. They are available for other HU’s to adapt.
o Revised 5 safety checklists that are available on our website. They focus on helmet fitting, skateboarding, in-line skating, biking, and scootering.
o Developed an HHI display to accompany the helmet fitting cards and recognize our supporters/donors. We use it a community/school events. It is also available for people to borrow.
o HHI Kick-off very successful and had full media coverage from all our major media
o HHI recognized by MPP Paul Miller at the legislature on April 29, 2013. A certificate of recognition was presented to the HHI by a representative of Mr. Miller at the HHI Kick-off.
o Over 5000 helmets were sold through the LCHP in our public and catholic schools. We still have schools coming on board including some of the private schools.
o Over 650 helmets have been donated so far by companies and individuals. They are being distributed to schools and in the community.
o During the summer we will review process for LCHP and make plans for our next school year. Over the next school year will:
- Run two campaigns (fall – winter helmets and Winter the summer helmets)
- Will expand target to include high schools and possibly the daycare sector.
o Our key messages that we will continue to promote through various strategies are:
- Everyone should wear a helmet (includes role modeling)
- Proper fit every time
- Right helmet for right activity
Hastings & Prince Edward Counties (H&PEC)
· Promoted concussion fact sheet, team sport table and return to play guidelinesby Parachute Canadaelectronically to 29 local team sports organizations to post on their websites for Safe Kids Week 2013
· Preparing for positive ticketing & helmet give away program at Prince Edward County (PEC)skate park
· PEC Chamber of Tourism & Commerce were unable to provide helmet lending program due to liability issues.
- Prince Edward County has agreed to pilot the helmet lending program at the skate park.
· Local ThinkFirst chapter is looking at organizing a workshop for physicians, which would provide credits to family physicians.
· If anyone has experience with organizing an accredited workshop of this nature please provide feedback/suggestions
Grey Bruce
· School update
o Presented at the Catholic School Board meeting (principals and senior admin staff present) to discuss administration policies regarding concussion management & return to play/learn procedures. Distributed concussion fact sheets to schools, and school board waiting on word from the Ministry before going forward with a policy at this time
o Working with the school board to distribute educational resources to staff, parents, students, coaches, trainers – especially those involved with High School football
· Minor Sports update
o Developing a plan to educate parents, athletes, coaches and trainers involved with minor sports (hockey, lacrosse, soccer, ringette, basketball, etc.)
· Helmet program
o Bruce Power offers funding to purchase bike helmets for high risk/vulnerable families
o New potential program: a program to train youth leaders on concussions and proper helmet fitting/use. Youth leaders will provide education and advocate in their respective communities and offer incentives/rewards to other youth using helmets properly – still in very early stages of planning.
York Region
· Elementary School update
· York Catholic District School Board
o Cindy has been working in partnership with our Curriculum Consultant to develop concussion specific educational resources for teachers and coaches at the elementary school level.
- Powerpoint presentations were delivered to all Health and Physical Education teachers and Athletic Association teachers in February and May by PHN and Consultant.
- Plan is for the school board to post all presentations and resources on their teacher learning web page.
o Cindy hasbeen piloting concussion presentations to intermediate grades based on Brain Daymaterials from Parachute/Think First Canada. Plan is to post learning plan for teachers to access if interested.
o Elementary School Newsletter which reaches all schools in York Region featured Concussion Prevention as its theme and offered a variety of ideas for schools to address this topic.
· Community Outreach
o BeingWell article publication by Southlake Regional Regional Health Centre and distributed in the hospital and York Region Community. The article was presented by our director of Healthy Living, Cathy Jaynes and will be in the June Summer publication. Article focussed on concussion identification and management including signs and symptoms, importance of seeing a doctor.
o Safe Kids Week (+Parachute resources/TD session)
o Safe Kids Week takes place May 27 – June 2, 2013, and this year’s theme is Heads Up! Be Alert. Be Safe. Be Aware of Concussions.
o The goal of this year’s Safe Kids Week is to raise awareness and provide actionable education messages to parents and caregivers through building the capacity of public health and community professionals around concussions.
o Parachute will be supporting communities, health units, and other organizations across Canada as they roll out programming and events in their community to raise awareness of concussions amongst Canadian parents, coaches, children and youth.
o Visit our Safe Kids Week 2013 Resources Page for downloadable resources to use in your community.
o Posters are available in packages of 10 to Canadian addresses - a limited number of resources are available, so order your copies today.
o Also available to order, Concussion Pocket card recognition tool
o Cost: A shipping fee of $5 a package will be calculated based on the number of poster packages ordered.
· Educational opportunities:
o Concussions Ontario and the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation hosted the 3rd Concussion/mTBI Summit on March 21st 2013.
o 5 Workgroups reported back on a variety of concussion issues Silvana participated in the Recognition and Awareness Working Group. Stay tuned for
o Concussions Ontario and the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation was pleased to host the 3rd Concussion/mTBI Summit in Toronto, Ontario on March 21st 2013. The theme of this third summit was “From Research to Implementation: a Collaborative Planning Event.” This summit brought forward the research results and progress from the working groups and collaborators, as well as discussed and planned for implementation of the business plan for the Concussion/mTBI Strategy.