Christ Centred Living


Daniel & Susan Fengler, © 2000


# / The Boardroom Member / The Function as God Designed / How does it often function in the Boardroom? / How do we have Restoration with Father God?
1. / The ______- where the Boardroom discussion takes place. Also refers to the whole personality, the storeroom of our personal treasures, beliefs, and so on. / The OT word for the wellspring of life, called the ‘soul and the spirit’ in the NT. The seat of human emotions and intelligence. It is designed to know and be touched by God, the storeroom of our good and valued memories. / The home of rebellion, pride and self will. Harbours deceit, hidden motives. Storeroom of idols – both pains and pleasures. Can be hardened, broken, and walled up to prevent further hurt, guarded and self-centred. / The heart without God is ‘unregenerate” and must be ‘reborn’ to find re-connection with God. Then it can be softened, written on, become wise, despise evil, trusting and rejoicing in God. He wants to give us a new heart.
2. / The _____ – the intellect, rational, thinking tool of the human personality. Functions much like a computer, collects and processes information. / The God-given tool to connect the physical and spiritual worlds. Designed to be a guard against deception. Works with the will, emotions through the physical senses, to make decisions / Corrupted, dulled, closed and blinded by sin. Has usurped God’s authority to become ruler and director of life. Rational guide, can be programmed by senses, appetites and cravings. / Must be renewed to understand God. Can then ask for the true knowledge of God. Can love God and be prepared to serve Him. Must be set on things of worth for healthy growth.
3. / Our Human ______– the immaterial being, the real me, which connects the physical world and the spiritual world. / Connects us with God who is also Spirit. Designed to be the discerner of right and wrong. Worships, experiences awe and reverence, can develop the ‘fruits of the spirit’. / Can be in various ‘conditions’. Has abdicated its authority to control the BR. Has surrendered to false beliefs, such as the occult. Has connection with other ‘spirits’. / Must be touched by God in the new birth process to re-connect us with a holy God. Worships, communicates and gains discernment through ‘spirit to Holy Spirit’ communication.
4. / The Lord ______Christ – Supreme Leader of the BR. Brought to us by the Holy Spirit. / Director, Lord to give guidance, help, restoration to God. Helps with salvation, adoption and sanctification / Most often, He is rejected, ignored and replaced with the self’s own false values, ambitions, and goals. / Acknowledge Him as The Only Way to perfection as God planned. We need to yield and follow His directions.
# / The Boardroom Member / The Function as God Designed / How does it often function in the Boardroom? / How do we have Restoration to Father God?
5. / The ______– a Gift From God, messengers from the heart. / Designed to add flavour, appreciation of life. Give us motivation and sensitivity to others. A complex with different levels of intensity. / Distorted due to sin, unbelief and anxiety. Hurt and damaged, self-centred. Filled with ‘negative’ expression: depression, anger, envy. Used by ‘the flesh’ to justify sin. / Must be redeemed, reshaped and renewed. Must learn how to express in healthy ways,
Col. 3:5, Eph. 4:22.
6. / The ______– the member who carries out the decisions of the group. / The one who follows the directions of the Lord, takes actions based on His goals / Can be crippled, crushed or weakened by the traumas of childhood. / Must be reborn to choose to know and follow God. Then can obey Father God.
7. / The ______– The Moral guide and guardian of the Heart and soul. / Part of the soul, which urges and accuses us, recognises wrong. Helps to change behaviour and follow the Lord. / Can be distorted and overactive, condemning. Struggles with judgment based on experience, logic, and tradition. / Must be cleansed through Christ, retrained by the Word to develop. Needs to walk by character rather than condemnation.
8. / Some representation of the Physical ______– The outer house that the spirit lives in. / Our physical tent or ‘house’, is fashioned by God. It has certain basic needs, which are to be governed by the HS and the spirit. Some day will be replaced by a perfect body, like Jesus has. / Has become an instrument of sin, subject to death and illness. Seeks to do its own will, yields to many temptations, cravings. Combines with the soul to fulfil ‘the lusts of the flesh’. / Must be ‘redeemed’, renewed’ in its needs. Has many cravings and desires. Can be taught to honour God. Needs discipline to allow the Holy Spirit to take dominion.

Other important terms: a) The term ‘flesh’ refers to when the body and the soul combine to yield to the cravings, lusts and desires of the sinful nature. b) The Soul - includes the memory, emotions, conscience, imagination and the intellect, 1 Cor. 2:14. c) The word Carnal refers to Christians who still live their lives as the world does, who walk by their physical senses and the soul, rather than by the Spirit. d) The Self-System is our personality, combination of the three parts of the self. e) The Self - the part of our personality that strives to function and direct our life, without God’s help or input.

Session 1-1, Page 7