For members of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC) Girls Venture Corps Air Cadets (GVCAC) and Explorer Air Scouts
Personal DetailsSurname / Forename(s)
Postcode / Email
Daytime phone (+ extension numbers)
Eveningphone / Mobile
Sex (needed for OASC) / Age on
1 January 2018 / Date of birth
Applicants must be at least 16 years of age on 1 June 2018 and under 20 on1 January 2018 and must have served at least 12 months with the RAFAC, GVCAC or Explorer Air Scouts on 1 June 2018.
Unitnumber andname / How long have you served in the RAFAC, GVCAC or Explorer Air Scouts? / Rank attained
Are you available to attend the Officers and Aircrew Selection Centre (OASC) at RAF Cranwell on 21 and 22 March 2018? / YES / NO
Have you previously applied for a Flying Scholarship to the RAF, the Royal Navy, the Air League Educational Trust, HQ Air Cadets, the Honourable Company of Air Pilots (incorporatingAir Navigators) or any other organisation? / YES / NO
If YES, which scholarship, when and with what result?
Have you attended the (OASC) at RAF Cranwell?If yes, please give dates:
Flying Experience
/ Please give details of any flying experience to dateType / Dual (hours:minutes) / Solo (hours:minutes)
Powered Flying
Powered Gliding
Non-Powered Flying
How was the flying financed?
/ At the time of application, you must hold GCSE awards at grade C or higher in English Language, Mathematics and three other subjects, only one of which may be a non-core subject or the equivalent of such passes. PREDICTED GRADES WILL BE ACCEPTED.Please give details of schools, including sixth form colleges anduniversities you have attended or are attending.
Dates: From / To / School/Sixth Form College/University
Please give details of all academic qualifications held/predicted grades
Exam / Year / Subject / Grade / Exam / Year / Subject / Grade
GCSE / English Language
GCSE / Mathematics
Give details of any additional GCSE, AS, A2 Level or equivalent examinations
Taken and awaiting results
Currently under study and forecast results
Are you at, or do you intend to go tocollege or university? /
If YES please give name, address and course details, including subjects being studied/to be studiedList any professional qualifications
Occupation (if student, say so)
Name and address of employer (if applicable)Activities
Please LIST your sports, hobbies and interests.Include details of outward bound courses such as the Duke of Edinburgh Awards in which you have participated.Specify any positions of responsibility you have held.Sports
The RAF Association involvement
These scholarships are provided as a thank you to members of the RAFAC/GVCAC/Explorer Air Scouts for all the support they give to the RAF Association each year. Please list how you have helped the RAF Association, e.g. raising funds, volunteering for events, Standard Bearer for local branch, member of local branch.100 words / word count ____
In what ways have you helped other charities?100 words / word count ___
Why should you be considered?
In no more than200words and in the space provided, explain why you should be considered for a RAF Association Flying Scholarshipand what benefits you would gain from a scholarship that would affect you over the next five years.200 words / word count ____
If shortlisted, please confirm that you will be able to attend the OASC at RAF Cranwell during March/April2018 /YES / NO
I confirm that the information I have given is correct and that I will abide by the decision of the Selection Board.Signed
To be completed by anRAF Association Branch Official or RAFAC/GVCAC/Explorer Air Scouts Unit Commander.Name(please sign AND print name clearly) / Daytimephone
Position/rank / Email address
Branch/unit / Mobile
In the space below, please comment briefly on the applicants’ suitability for an RAF Association Flying Scholarship.
Molly Henson
Royal Air Forces Association
Atlas House, Wembley Road
LeicesterLE3 1UT
Or email it to:
Applications to arrive no later than 31 January 2018
For queries or further information call: 0116 268 8762 or 0800 018 2361 (main switchboard)
Registered Charity 226686 (England and Wales) - SC037673 (Scotland)
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