Food Technology
Subject Handbook
The GCSE Catering specification provides a vocationally-related qualification that covers Levels 1 and 2 (Foundation and Intermediate) of the National Qualification Framework.
A course in Catering offers a unique opportunity in the curriculum for candidates to develop their knowledge and extend their skills in a vocational context. It will provide opportunities to develop candidates’ interdisciplinary skills, a range of Key Skills and their capacity for imaginative, innovative thinking, creativity and independence.
It is a suitable qualification for those who want a broad background in this area and for those who wish to progress to further education. It will offer valuable preparation for those entering the world of work.
The specification encourages the investigation and study of catering in a variety of contexts. In these contexts the candidates are given opportunities to acquire competence, capability and critical skills through the creation, implementation, use and evaluation of a range of resources.
Candidates from all cultures and both genders can develop their interest in, enjoyment of and critical reflection about this vocational area.
The specification uses a range of assessment techniques to enable the candidate to respond through practical and investigative work.
Programmes of Study
Key Stage 3
Pupils follow the Sainsbury “Star Chef Awards” which offer 4 levels of accreditation and are designed to focus on the development of practical skills and applied knowledge.
Level 1:
Requires students to have an understanding of the “Eatwell Guide” which explains the main food groups and how much you should eat and drink per day. Also how the principals are applied to food choices. Know that food and drink provides energy and nutrients in different amounts and that people require different amounts at different times of their life. They will understand the importance of energy balance and the implications of dietary excess or deficiency. Be able to weigh and measure accurately using different measuring equipment and a range of kitchen equipment confidently. Follow text based recipe instructions independently, understand and use good food safety and hygiene practises and to be aware of others safety and to use equipment safely.
Level 2:
Looks at students further demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of their own dietary needs and those of others people. They will gain an understanding of why people eat or avoid certain food according to religion, culture, ethical belief, health need or personal choice. To use a wide range of preparation and cooking skills safely and confidently, understand and use the date-mark and storage instructions on food labels and demonstrate an understanding of safe practise when using a heat source.
Level 3:
Explains that different nutrients have different sources and functions; by this level they should be able to use current healthy eating advice to choose a variety and balance of food and drink. They should be able to name a variety of cooking ingredients including those from other countries. Their knowledge should now extend to them being able to modify recipes and cook dishes that promote current healthier eating messages. They should be able to demonstrate and understand the need for good personal hygiene at all times and understand the principals of risk assessment. The students will further develop confidence and competence in practical skills and knowledge of cooking. They will apply their knowledge of healthier eating and nutrition to develop and make a range of dishes.
Level 4:
In this award students will demonstrate confidence and competence in particular cooking skills and be able to work independently to produce high quality dishes. They will develop and modify recipes to demonstrate the application of their nutritional knowledge. Students should be able to apply current healthy eating recommendations to their own diet and others, make informed choices based on nutrition information, food labels and health claims. They should be able to modify recipes/dishes to make them healthier by altering ingredients and/ or by using different cooking methods. By doing this they will show understanding and confidently demonstrate a wide variety of preparation and cooking skills by implementing good food safety when handling, preparing, cooking and serving food. They should demonstrate excellent hygiene practices throughout preparation and cooking.
Key Stage 4
Pupils continue to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding of the techniques and practices involved with catering and food technology. For those pupils that it is deemed appropriate, access to the GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition course is initiated. For those pupils that arrive late in Key Stage 4 or do not wish to work towards the GCSE curriculum, planned activities enable them to build skills around independent living and healthy lifestyles.
Every pupil that accesses the Centre is required to complete a 2 week induction timetable in which they undergo a period of assessment. This enables subject staff to ascertain a baseline of attainment from which to plan an appropriate route forward which encourages the most effective and efficient progress through the subject.
Staff utilise a number of assessment tools to monitor progress and attainment. Regular monitoring of progress enables staff to identify gaps in knowledge and plan appropriate activities to enable pupils to reach their potential. Formal assessment data is collected and uploaded to SIMS. This data is available to pupils and parents and distributed at identified periods throughout the academic year.
The Food Technology Department has a marking & feedback policy of continuous assessment. Students are given regular oral and written feedback on their progress. We aim also to complete two Formal assessments each term - one written piece and one online ‘Alfie’ assessment. Targets are set from these and teacher assessment for the following half term.
Types of assessment: Formal teacher based tasks,
Controlled Assessments,
Past examination papers,
Alfie – Online assessment tool,
Teacher observations and marking.
At Christchurch Learning Centre we follow a number of accredited exam courses:
WJEC / Food Preparation and Nutrition / GCSESainsburys / Star Chef Awards / Certification
Food a Fact of Life / This links in with the star Chef awards and is a government guided course.
GCSE (9-1) in Food Preparation and Nutrition.
The Specification will give learners the opportunity to:
· demonstrate effective and safe cooking skills by planning, preparing and cooking a variety of food commodities whilst using different cooking techniques and equipment
· develop knowledge and understanding of the functional properties and chemical characteristics of food as well as a sound knowledge of the nutritional content of food and drinks
· understand the relationship between diet, nutrition and health, including the physiological and psychological effects of poor diet and health
· understand the economic, environmental, ethical and socio-cultural influences on food availability, production processes, diet and health choices
· demonstrate knowledge and understanding of functional and nutritional properties, sensory qualities and microbiological food safety considerations when preparing, processing, storing, cooking and serving food
· understand and explore a range of ingredients and processes from different culinary traditions (traditional British and international) to inspire new ideas or modify existing recipe
Component 1: Principles of Food Preparation and Nutrition
Written examination: 1 hour 45 minutes 50% of qualification
Component 1: Principles of Food Preparation and
This component will consist of two sections both containing compulsory questions and will assess the six areas of content as listed in the specified GCSE content.
Section A: questions based on stimulus material.
Section B: structured, short and extended response questions to assess content related to food preparation and nutrition.
Component 2: Food Preparation and Nutrition in Action
Non-examination assessment: internally assessed,
Assessment 1: The Food Investigation Assessment: A scientific food investigation which will assess the learner's knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to scientific principles underlying the preparation and cooking of food. :
Assessment 2: The Food Preparation Assessment: Prepare, cook and present a menu which assesses the learner’s knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking and presentation of food.
These assessments will be based on a choice of tasks released by WJEC annually.
Support and Development
The Centre works collaboratively with local schools and fellow Learning Centres to ensure that staff standardisation and moderation are of the highest quality. Sharing of resources and expertise ensures the subject area is continually evolving its practice to meet the needs of our pupils.
Subject Links:
(Highcliffe School)
(The Forum Learning centre)