Owslebury Parish Council
Chairman: Councillor Mr J Chapman
3rd November2014
To Parish Councillors John Chapman, Mark Egerton, Will Martin, Roger Page, Paul Phillips, Sally Tattersall and Gerry Tull
You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Parish Council meeting to be held on Monday 10th November 2014 at 7.30pmin the Committee Room at the Parish Hall, Owslebury. The agenda for the meeting is attached.
Michael Cleary - Clerk to the Council
Members of the public and press are invited to attend except for any specific item which is marked
‘Confidential’ on the agenda. The press and public may not speak when the Council is in session,
but may make points or ask questions in the allocated time during the ‘Public questions and comments’ item on the agenda.
Owslebury Parish Council Meeting10thNovember 2014
7.30pm Committee Room, Owslebury Parish Hall
1)Apologies for absence.
2)To receive Disclosure of interests on Agenda Items.
3)To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13thOctober 2014 (enclosed).
4)Police Report.
5)To Hear Public Questions and Comments:-
a)Planning Applications – Statement of Intent from Owner or Agent and Public Comments
b)Other Agenda Items – Public Comments..
6)County and District Councillors Report.
7)To consider implications (notably volume of traffic) arising from proposed Winchester District Part 2 Plan and to determine whether to make any representations.
a)To consider Planning Applications (Attachment A).
b)To consider Planning Decisions (Attachment B).
c)To consider any new enforcement matters.
d)To note Planning Applications outstanding.(Attachment C)
a)To receive an update on flood mitigation measures.
b)To consider Emergency Plan for flooding and other civil emergencies for submission to WCC.
c)To consider and approve proposed new bus shelter situated by Recreation Ground.
d)To authorise grant for additional kerbing.
e)To consider any general matters.
10)Rights of Way.
a)To receive an update on survey of ROW.
b)To consider any general matters.
11)Open spaces, Recreation and Play Grounds.
a)To consider arrangements with respect to the sports pavilion.
b)To consider, if available, interim audit of Play Ground equipment.
c)To consider any general matters.
12)Commemoration Advisory Committee.
a)To receive an updatefrom the Commemoration Advisory Committee and to approve payment of installation costs.
13)Community Services.
a)To receive an update on installation of defibrillator.
b)To consider any general matter.
14)Finance, administration and statutory matters.
a)To note payments made since last meeting, receipts and to approve proposed payments (Attachment D).
b)To note projected financial outcome for 2014/15 and to consider preliminary budget for 2015/16 (Enclosed)
c)To confirm Reserves policy (Attachment E) and to consider adequacy of reserves.
d)To consider any general matters.
15)To consider Clerk’s Report (Attachment F).
16)Information exchange and Agenda items for next meeting.
17)Date of next meeting (8thDecember 2014).
Michael Cleary
Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer.
3rd November 2014.
Closing date (OPC):
None received since the last Council meeting.
Note: Any Planning Applications received between the issue of the Agenda and Wednesday 5thNovember will be advised to Councillors under separate cover and placed on the main (statutory) notice board, so giving the statutory 3 clear days’ notice.
WCC 14/01624/FUL / Cranburys (Humbee Nurseries) Thompsons Lane, OwsleburyProposal: / Removal of some existing polytunnels and erection of steel framed storage warehouse with parking spaces.
Outcome / Approved
Case No: / Location: / Proposal: / PlansReceived / Closing Date for Comment / Application Discussed / PC Comment / Outcome
W14/00158/FUL / Little Ranch, Portsmouth Road, Fishers Pond / Siting of 1 touring caravan and 1 mobile home for residential use for 1 gypsy pitch together with formation of hardstanding with ancillary and utility/day rooms. / 04/02/14 / 04/03/14 / 10/02/14&
24/02/14 / Oppose (insufficient information) / Refused by WCC / Appeal in progress
SDNP 14/01093/FUL / Hydes Barn Fawley Lane Morestead / Demolition of implement store; change of use of existing barn buildings from Agricultural to Residential / 08/03/14 / 26/03/14 / 25/03/14 / Support s/t conditions
SDNP14/01079/HOUS / Old Wells Cottage Main Road Owslebury / Retention of attached double garage and creation of new vehicular access / 25/03/14 / 15/04/14 / 14/04/14 / Object / Refused by SDNP/ Appeal in progress
SDNP 14/02024/FUL / Alpaca Meadow, Hensting Lane, Owslebury / Change of use of land for siting of a temporary home for occupation by an agricultural worker / 09/05/14 / 27/05/14 OPC: 10/06/14 / 09/06/14 / Object
SDNP 14/02567/FUL / Long Ash, Pitcot Lane, Owslebury / Demolition of bungalow and replacement 3 storey dwelling / 26/05/14 / OPC 15/07/14 / 14/07/14 / Neutral / Refused by SDNP / Appeal in progress
Voucher / Amount (£) / Payee / PurposePAYMENTS
63 / 165.00 / WCC / Dog Waste collection (April-June)
64 / 369.37 / M Cleary / October net pay
65 / 245.60 / Post Office / October PAYE
66 / 34.22 / M Cleary / October expenses (postage £3.70, travel £9.86, cartridges £20.66)
Interest / 1.65 / Lloyds / Business 30 day account (2 months)
Donations / 325.00 / various / Public donations re Remembrance Stone
Donation / 17.01 / various / Public collections re mini bus fund (S Biggs)
Total cash at bank (01/11/14) £48,199
Council is requested to confirm the Reserves Policy adopted at its January 2014 meeting.
Extract from January 2014 Minutes:
Councillors considered the Reserves required by the Council to ensure the smooth running of the Council and to fund community projects. The Council Resolved unanimously (Proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Councillor Tull) to hold reserves under the following headings, the monetary amount being determined by Council on an annual basis and to take account of inflation in the medium term:
- General reserve: for unplanned but necessary expenditure, amounting to between 6 and 9 months annual budgeted expenditure including transfers to specific reserves;
- Legal and Planning Costs reserve: for advice on planning applications or appeals which the Council consider to be of great importance to the Parish;
- Election costs reserve: for costs in connection with contested elections, the monetary amount being advised by WCC;
- Play Equipment reserve: for the Council’s reasonable contribution towards the replacement of the play equipment;
- Community Projects reserve: to enable the Council to fund community projects included in the Parish Plan or subsequently identified by Council, including, traffic calming, pedestrian safety, country kerbing, broadband, sports pavilion, flooding alleviation, community transport, new burial ground and community assets such as the Glebe Field and Ship Inn.
- Christmas Lights reserve: to enable the Council to participate in the lighting of the village.
In addition to the above Reserves, ring fenced reserves were held during the year, or are currently held, for Remembrance projects and for a Community minibus.
- To obtain confirmation of acceptance of terms of grant to residents and completion of works.
- Chairman to discuss leadership of Litter Pick with a Parishioner.
Councillor Martin to consider taking forward.
- To note with the owners of Lower Whiteflood Farm the Council’s ownership of Common Land (CL231 and to enquire as to the state of the Pond.
Letter sent to Lower Whiteflood Farm – awaiting response.
- To discuss with owners of Sladford House the removal of barbed wire on the stiles.
Letter sent to owner; no reply as yet.
Action: Accredited Community Safety Officer / By When: / By Whom:- Clerk to make further enquiries re role and cost sharing with other councils.
No further developments at this stage.
Action: Parish Hall / By When: / By Whom:- Clerk to investigate possibility and related obligations of the Council taking on Trusteeship of the Hall.
Awaiting clarification on ownership of Hall
Action: Woodland View Stables / By When: / By Whom:- To establish outcome of Enforcement review as to implementation of planning conditions.
Awaiting report from Enforcement.
Action: BoomTown traffic / By When: / By Whom:- Council to consider matter further in due course.
Action: Defibrillator / By When: / By Whom:
- Clerk to arrange for acquisition of defibrillator
Defib delivered; awaiting delivery of external box
Action: Building activity / By When: / By Whom:- Clerk to ask Enforcement to make enquiries re developments on local farm
Awaiting response from Enforcement
Action: SDNP / By When: / By Whom:- Clerk to invite SDNP Planning officer to a meeting
Suggest this be done after the SDNP workshop in November
Action: Police attendance at OPC / By When: / By Whom:- Clerk to make enquiries and to stress importance of attendance
PSCO attendance at time during the year, agreed
Action: Owslebury Sports Club / By When: / By Whom:- Clerk to explore financial and ownership options with the Club and report back to Council
In hand
Action: Dog fouling / By When: / By Whom:- Clerk to arrange for additional signage and public notices.
In hand
Action: Little Ranch planning Appeal / By When: / By Whom:- Clerk to submit Council’s comments on original application to Appeal Inspector.
Action: SpeedWatch / By When: / By Whom:- Clerk/Rob Humby to arrange a meeting with Andy Smith;
- Subject to above, Council/Rob Humby to consider approach to Police Commissioner.
Action: Flood mitigation / By When: / By Whom:
- Clerk to complete Emergency Plan
- Clerk to distribute groundwater readings
- Clerk to discuss further with HH outcome of site visits
- Clerk to discuss with HH additional protection for Underacre on Main Road,
In hand
Action: Trees at Owslebury Bottom / By When: / By Whom:- Clerk to make enquiries of HH as to outcome of review.
Update from HH outstanding
Action: Community transport / By When: / By Whom:- Clerk to make enquiries as to how other small and relatively isolated parishes deal with transport requirements.
In hand for January meeting
Action: Remembrance Stone / By When: / By Whom:- Clerk to arrange for transportation
- Clerk to arrange for tenders and select contractor re foundation
- Clerk to work with Paul Bowes re publicity and fund raising.
Action: Sure Signal Scheme / By When: / By Whom:- Clerk to submit application to Vodafone.
Awaiting outcome
Action: Historical records / By When: / By Whom:- Clerk to discuss matter further with parishioner re retention of historical records.
In hand