Present: The Chairman of the Parish Council Councillor A. Pritchard, and Councillors
Mrs. P. Allen, E. Batts, R. Carr, D. Kay and S. Sellars.
Others Present: County Councillor Mrs. J. Godden, 4 members of the public and A. J. Stone (Parish Clerk).
The Chairman announced that the meeting would be audio recorded.
The Chairman reminded the meeting that Mike Phillips who had served the community well by cleaning the West Way Precinct for many years had recently died. Councillors showed their respect by observing a minute silence in his memory.
Apologies were received from Parish Councillors N. Clark, R. Clark, Mrs. Z. Clark, Mrs. A. Dykes,
A. Hardiman, Mrs. J. Hammett, Ms. A. MacKeith and District Councillor Mrs. D. Hallett.
There were no declarations of interest.
i). The minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING, held on THURSDAY 28th NOVEMBER
2013, were AGREED as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council.
ii). The minutes of the PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING held on THURSDAY 31st
OCTOBER 2013, were AGREED as accurate record and signed by the Chairman of the Parish
i). The minutes of the ALLOTMENTS COMMITTEE MEETING held on THURSDAY 3rd
OCTOBER 2013, were agreed as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman of the Parish
THURSDAY 28th NOVEMBER 2013, were agreed as an accurate record and signed by the
Chairman of the Parish Council.
There was no Urgent Business
There were no questions raised by members of the public.
There were no questions raised by councillors.
Councillors NOTED that: -
1). Playing Fields
Scheduled Playing Field Safety Checks – Update
Martin Dowie had reported that the play equipment was in working order.
2). Courses/Meetings/Consultation Documents, Advice and Correspondence – Details for
Councillors Information
Councillors NOTED that the Council had received the following details/sent the following
correspondence or arranged the following meetings: -
a). Meeting at the VWHDC – Friday 8th December 2013. The Chairman and Parish Clerk,
representatives from Cumnor Parish Council, West Way Concern and the VWHDC had
met to discuss the planning process in relation to the planning application to be submitted
by Doric Properties for the proposed re-development of the West Way Shopping Precinct.
b). Seacourt Hall – Asbestos Report. The Parish Clerk had spoken to Treloar Associates with
a view to meeting with them in the New Year to prepare the required Management Plan
and Risk Analysis.
c). Salt/Grit Spreaders and Additional Supplies – Councillors NOTED that two spreading
machines had been purchased. County Councillor Mrs. J. Godden had paid for two
additional salt bags. The spreaders were being held by Councillors Mrs. Hammett and
D. Kay. The salt bags were expected to be delivered before 21st December. Councillor
Mrs J. Hammett would be preparing some leaflets for distribution asking for volunteers
to act as Snow Wardens for the Hurst Rise Road, Cedar Road, Arnolds Way etc area.
d). Proposed Replacement Community Hall – Proposed Floor Area The Parish Clerk had
written to Doric Properties to confirm that the proposed floor area of a new Community
Hall met the Parish Council’s requirements. The letter also stated that the Parish Council’s
agreement did not imply its agreement to any other matters.
e). Community Carol Service - St. Peter and St. Paul Church was holding its Community
Carol Service on Saturday 21st December at 5.00pm. Councillor Ms. A. MacKeith had
agreed to read one of the lessons. All were welcome.
f). Council Tax Base and CTRS Grant - The VWHDC had notified the Parish Clerk of the
revised Council Tax Base and the amount of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS)
grant it would pass on for 2014/2015.
i). Additional Salt/Grit Supplies
Councillor D. Kay proposed and Councillor E. Batts seconded the following motion to
Council. ‘That Council agrees an additional ongoing bid in the 2014/2015 budget of £400
to cover extra grit supplies each winter beyond that supplied by the County Council’
Councillors voted UNANIMOUSLY to support motion.
(This item was considered with agenda item 13/127/1 Council Matter – Budget and Precept
Proposals for 2014/2015).
ii). Lime Road Bus Shelter
Councillor E. Batts proposed and Councillor D. Kay seconded the following motion to
Council. ‘That Council agrees to top up the bid in 2014/2015 for the repair of the
Arnold's Way Bus Shelter, with the £2,555 rebate in 2014/2015 from the Council Tax
Reduction Scheme, thus enabling a complete replacement of the existing shelter in the
financial year 2014/15’.
Councillors voted UNANIMOUSLY to support the motion.
(This item was considered with agenda item 13/127/1 Council Matter – Budget and Precept
Proposals for 2014/2015).
1). Budget and Precept Proposals for 2014/2015 and Revised Estimates for 2013/2014
Councillors CONSIDERED the circulated RFO's report which included supplementary
estimates for 2013/2014, new bids for 2014/2015, recommended budgets for both years and
the precept requirement for 2014/2015. The Parish Clerk highlighted a number of areas in his
report and explained that the £400 additional budget now approved for salt supplies for
2014/2015 would be financed by reducing that year’s inflationary allowance. The CTRS grant
advised yesterday, but not included in the budget and precept calculations would be set-aside
towards the cost of a new bus shelter in Arnolds Way. After a brief discussion on the contents,
Councillor E. Batts proposed and Councillor D. Kay seconded the resolution that
‘ Council APPROVES,
i). The supplementary estimates for 2013/2014.
ii). The budget bids for 2014/2015.
iii). The ‘Revised’ budget of £66,221 for 2013/2014 and the ‘Original’ budget of £75,200
for 2014/2015, including the precept recommendation of £75,200 for the next financial
year (2014/2015)’.
Councillors voted UNANIMOUSLY to support the resolution.
Action: The Parish Clerk to notify the VWHDC of the Precept requirement for 2014/2015.
2). Neighbourhood Plan – Meeting with the VWHDC – 18th December 2013
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council, Councillors E. Batts and Ms. A.
MacKeith and the Parish Clerk reported back on the outcome of the meeting to confirm the
processes that should be undertaken in the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan for North
Hinksey. It became apparent that the Parish Council would have to take a leading role in the
consultation process. The following were the main points.
· If done properly will take between 18 – 24 months to acceptance. It consists of various
stages of approximately 6 weeks including the consultation processes. The Independent
Inspector will take 6-8 weeks; the Vale will take 2/3 months.
· Neighbourhood Plans should be about planning issues. It is important to seek views of
whether the area should be within the NHPC area, all of it, or include beyond. If beyond it
will needs approval of the other area.
· Essential to have identified what is wanted to be included in the plan.
· Steering Group
Leave your own personal preferences at home, you must not include them. Seen to have
wide and fullest representation. Need to be able to demonstrate wide spread invitations
re: interests in being part of a Steering Group.
Must not be too big, otherwise you will never get agreement.
Single (or say 2) representatives from each interested body/organisation/parishioners.
Need to demonstrate widespread consultation with local parishioners, community,
businesses, school, traders etc., regarding items of importance.
· Vale will help (guidance), but will not do any of the physical work in preparing the plan.
· Once the area and map have been agreed, submit to the Vale for approval, it would take
around 6 weeks to vet/examine contents. If agreed it has to go to the Vale’s Cabinet for
approval, who would then apply to the government for funding. If approved the
government would pay the Vale, who in turn would pay to NHPC. A grant of £10,000
would be available once the Vale had received the money.
· Advertise for interested representation on a Steering Group and the subsequent and the
identification of planning issues which could be included in any plan. Adverts in Oxford
Mail and The Sprout, leaflets to all households, letters to school, businesses, medical
centre, traders, Seacourt Business estate. The Vale believes it to be a good basis to start.
· VWHDC made it very clear that a NHPC Neighbourhood Plan would have no effect on
the Doric Re-development proposals.
· The Vale thought it was a good idea for councillor representatives to talk to Thame TC,
Chinnor PC and Drayton PC to understand the processes they undertook and the pit-falls
they experienced. This would help NHPC’s process to run more smoothly.
· Thame TC employed a consultant to do the necessary setting up of the steering group and
identification of issues consultation stages. This ensured that the group and issues were
fully representative of local views and concerns and not dominated or influenced by pressure
groups etc. The VWHDC thought this was worth considering.
· A Neighbourhood plan should only contain planning issues.
· Recreation and Outdoor spaces are not a matter for a Neighbourhood Plan, but a separate
Community Plan.
· A Neighbourhood Plan has to be consistent with the Local Plan. Once approved and
included in the Local Plan, it has legal status.
· A Community Plan does not have legal status and is only advisory as it does not concern or
involve planning issues.
· The Parish Council needs to decide whether it would want a Neighbourhood Plan with a
Community Plan Annexe, or separate Neighbourhood and Community Plans. The
Independent Examiner would not consider Community Plan issues.
· It might be worth trying to update the Parish Plan, perhaps into a Community Plan.
· New developments – 15% open spaces provision.
· At the end of the meeting the Parish Clerk thanked the Vale’s officers for explaining the
process and giving advice. He asked all parish councillors present if they now
understood the way forward. They all answered YES.
Following further discussion it was accepted that the work involved was greater than originally
reported. Councillor S. Sellars asked if he could see the list of people to be consulted and
believed the Parish Council should contact all the relevant bodies to determine their interest
in joining a Steering Group. The Parish Clerk reported that he would contact Thame TC and
Chinnor and Drayton PC’s, to see if he could arrange visits to discuss their experiences and any
pitfalls to avoid. Councillor S. Sellars felt that the Steering Group should not be dominated by
Parish Councillors. The Parish Clerk reminded the meeting the Steering Group should not be
dominated by groups or organisations. Councillor E. Batts reminded the meeting that if it was
felt that the Neighbourhood Plan should embrace an area bigger the NHPC, then the other
council’s agreement must be sought. It was also important to understand the implications and
consequences of any proposals for neighbouring parishes. Councillor D. Kay supported the
idea of separate Neighbourhood and Community plans. Details of the
advantages/disadvantages could be collated and circulated by either an article in The Sprout of
PC Newsletter.
Action: The Parish Clerk to try and arrange meetings with Thame, Chinnor and Drayton,
with a view of reporting back to the next meeting.
3). Purchase of Two Salt/Grit Spreaders
Councillors NOTED that two salt spreaders (£50.00 each) had been purchased urgently
by the ‘Three Chairman Approval’ process. The purchase was undertaken in this manner as
there was a shortage of available spreaders and they needed to be purchased once a supply had
been located. The Parish Clerk explained the approval process to Councillor S. Sellars.
4). 4C Bus to Dean Court – Oxford Bus Company
Councillors NOTED that the council’s attention has been drawn to the fact that the Oxford Bus
Company were proposing a change to service 4 from 29th January 2014, following what they
claimed to have been a lot of complaints about its reliability over the last 12 months, partly due
to: -
a). Buses getting stuck at Wood Farm due to inconsiderate parking and,
b). Increased congestion on Botley Road and getting through the City Centre. Buses on the
Botley side of the city had different problems on each trip as one bus an hour goes to
Dean Court, two buses an hour go to Cumnor on an uneven frequency, one of which extends
to Abingdon and three buses an hour terminate at Elms Rise. This meant that buses ran
together more often than the bus company would like when delays occurred.
To resolve point b). the bus company would be revising service 4 to Elms Rise every 20 minutes
and Cumnor every 20 minutes (with one an hour extending through to Abingdon), giving the
co-ordinated service every ten minutes from where service 4A joins Cumnor Hill at Arnolds
Way. Unfortunately, this meant that the Oxford Bus Company would no longer be serving Dean
Court and the service 4C variant would be withdrawn.
Councillors were disappointed that the Oxford Bus Company had not contacted the Parish
Council, who had only found out about the proposed changes from County Councillor Mrs. Janet
Godden and were concerned that the proposed changes to the timetables would mean that
residents on the Dean Court estate would have to walk off the estate to get a S1 bus in Eynsham
Road and the troubles appeared to be in Wood Farm, not the Dean Court end.
Councillor E. Batts proposed and Councillor A. Pritchard seconded the resolution that
‘the Parish Council wrote to the Oxford Bus Company to oppose the changes to the 4C
Councillors voted UNANIMOUSLY to support the resolution.
Action: The Parish Clerk to write to the Oxford Bus Company.
5). Trevor Neale – Grass Cutting/Maintenance Works
The Parish Clerk explained that Trevor Neale had worked for the Parish Council for many years
as a casual grass cutting and ground maintenance worker, cutting the grass on the NH Village
Green, St. Lawrence Churchyard, the North Hinksey Nature Reserve, Community Orchard and
Allotments. The Allotments Committee which was responsible for the management of those
areas were very happy with the quality of Trevor’s work.
He had now informed the council that he wished to resign from the position as an employee, as
he had been operating his own independent grass cutting/maintenance business. He had
however offered to continue do this work for the Parish Council, at the same rates, but as a
Councillor A. Pritchard proposed and Councillor D. Kay seconded the resolution that
‘the Parish Council AGREES to continue using Trevor Neale on a contractor basis’.
Councillors UNANIMOUSLY SUPPORTED the resolution.
Councillor Mrs. P. Allen left the meeting at 9.20pm.
6). Street Names
The VWHDC has contacted the Parish Council to ask whether it would wish to nominate street
names at the Lime Road and Tilbury Lane Developments.
Following discussing possible names Councillor R. Carr proposed and Councillor D. Kay
seconded the resolution that ‘Councillors AGREED to submit the following names: -
Lime Road (Bovis Homes - 136 Homes) (Artists who lived locally)
Please add either Road or Close which is the most appropriate.
Ruskin, Millais, Taunt, Turner, Morris
Tilbury Lane (Persimmon - 2 x 75 Homes) (Based on local scientists apart from Wytham
Please add either Road or Close which is the most appropriate.
Wytham View, Hodgkin, Heatley, Murdock’