Comp Plan Marine Resources Minutes 020118
Attendees: Chad Campbell, Stephen Mace, Pat Burns, Jim Peavey, Carlos Barrioneuevo,Ryan Pearl, Marina Cucuzza, Joshua Stoll, Jon Hentz, John Hagen, Marissa McMahan and Ruth Indrick, Heather Leslie (Darling Center), Pete Thayer (DMR) and Dana Morse (Maine Sea Grant).
12/7/17 and 1/10/18 Meeting Minutes: Approved as presented.
- 12/7/17 and 1/10/18 minutes
- Revised Issues/Areas of Work
Old Business
- Stephen updated the group on Central Committee progress with the addition of consultant Bill Najpauer and the Age-Friendly subcommittee.
- Ruth Indrick (KELT) and Chad Webster (MPO) have been invited to attend meetings.
- Ryan Pearl and Carlos Barrioneuvo were nominated and seconded for the positions of Secretary and Vice Chair respectively.
- Revised work areas were reviewed and approved to guide subcommittee efforts. Stephen suggested that the work areas be presented to the Select Board for buy in.
New Business
- Dana Morse outlined an aquaculture training course being offered by the Maine Sea Grant Program beginning Feb. 13 at the Maine Maritime Museum.
- UMaine Support – Review and Discussion of Preliminary Inventory Data 2007-2016
- Landings and license data obtained from the public domain and via a confidentiality agreement with the State.
- Questions: Does the license information include commercial student licenses? Should we also capture mooring data?
- The data appears to represent up and down years for lobster and clams.
- UMaine will pursue a confidentiality agreement with the Federal Government to obtain Georgetown resident federal license holder landings.
- UMaine will also pursue recreational fishing license data to determine how much pressure is being put on the resource. The general feeling is that recreational clam licenses have had a negligible effect.
- Data for bloodworm landings is suspect because 1) There are no resident license holders and 2) Harvest is untraceable.
- Mapping data could/should include:
- Conserved land
- Water Quality (DMR Closures, OBD’s). Carol White may be an additional resource
- Current access points
- Potential access points
- Current aquaculture sites
- Potential aquaculture sites
Next Meetings: Thursday March 1, 2018 @ 7:00PM at the Town Office. Create “access” definitions and begin focused effort on the work areas.