Contract number 1112-052
Islington Council invites suitable expressions of interest from suppliers to provide a
Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) Service and Paid Relevant Person's Representative (RPR) Service.
Current status
The London Borough of Islington, on behalf of the boroughs of Hackney, Camden and Islington invites expressions of interests from suitably qualified and experienced providers to deliver an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) Service and Paid Relevant Person's Representative (RPR) Service across the three borough’s.
The requirement
This service will provide an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) service and paid relevant persons representative (RPR) service, as detailed in provisions of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 (including Schedule A1 (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)).
The service will be delivered across the three boroughs of Islington, Camden and Hackney.
We will be considering tenders with a value up to £120,500 per annum (£843,500 over the maximum length of the contract).
It is expected that the contracts will be awarded by1 February 2012with a service start date of1 April 2012.
The procurement process will combine the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) and the Invitation To Tender (ITT) stages into a single stage. Therefore both the PQQ and ITT responses need be returned by the deadline. The deadline for return of bids will be Midday onTuesday 4 October 2011
Assessment criteria
Criteria / Weighting
Cost / 40%
Made up of
Unit Cost / 14%
Cost Allocation (Direct and Indirect Costs) / 13%
Affordability / 13%
Quality / 60%
Made Up of
1.Implementation / 12%
2.Delivering the Specification / 15%
3. Quality assurance/governance / 12%
4. Partnership working / 15%
5. Value for money / 6%
Total / 100%
How to express an interest
If you wish to apply for this contract please follow the steps below:
Register your company free of charge via the link on the right hand side of this page under: ‘Useful Websites’ London Tenders Portal.
Await acceptance. You will receive an email confirming your username and password for the London Tenders Portal
Use your username and password to log into the London Tenders Portal and Express your interest in Contract Number 1112/052Category 8500000-9
Shortly after you have expressed interest, you will receive a second email containing a link to access the tender documentation.
The deadline for expressions of interest is:Midday3 October 2012
Submission of Tenderdocuments by: Midday4 October 2012
Late applications will not be accepted.
Additional information
  • We reserve the right to offer this contract to partners and other public sector and/or voluntary organisations.
  • Tenderers should be aware that we reserve the right to hold interviews during the tender process. These might be scored as part of the tender, or for clarification purposes. We reserve the right to interview leading bidders.
  • In keeping with Islington’s commitment to sustainability, please do not include any publicity material with your submissions.
  • Islington Council aims to provide equality of opportunity and welcomes applicants from black and minority ethnic communities and disabled groups. In addition the Council actively encourages Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations, Social Enterprises or not for profit enterprises and small to medium enterprises (SME) to tender as part of its sustainability policy.
  • The Pre Qualification Questionnaires will be marked in rounds. Only applicants who are successful after each round will be shortlisted for the next stage.
  • Please include the Contract Number of this tender process when communicating with the Council in any way.
  • Potential providers must be aware that TUPE [Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations] may apply if applicable to your contract.
  • As part of a commitment to transparency the council is now publishing all spend over £500 each month. This includes spend on contracts, so the successful contractor should expect details of spend against the contract to appear on the council website The council is also committed to publishing tender and contract documentation after contract award stage. Commercially sensitive information will be redacted from documentation. What constitutes commercially sensitive information is a matter for the council’s sole discretion. However, tenderers will be invited to identify information they consider to be commercially sensitive in their tender return and this will be taken into account in the council forming a view.