4232 Burke Street, Burnaby, BC V5H 1B4
604.568.2494 (H) 778.384.3408 (C)
/ My ancestral name is Kicya7 and I am a member of the Samahquam Band of the Stl’atl’imx Nation. I am dedicated to the holistic success of Aboriginal peoples and communities and possess a love of life-long learning for myself and others. I have an innate ability to process and value knowledge from diverse ways of knowing. As an innovative thinker I have a preference for beginning at the end of everything I do. I am committed to the continuing growth, strengthening, healing, and connecting of our Aboriginal peoples and to sharing our ways of knowing, being, and doing with mainstream organizations and societies to contribute to the building of a just society. Education is the key.Education
Strong Interest Inventory CertificationPsychometrics
Instructional Skills Certification
Kwantlen University College
Master of Arts
University of Northern British Columbia / 2008
Thesis topic: Obtaining a Masters degree in First Nations Studies through honouring
and blending traditional Aboriginal methods of knowledge transmission and traditional
western methodologies of obtaining knowledge
Bachelor of Arts
University of Northern British Columbia
Certificate Aboriginal Resource Management
University of Northern British Columbia
Certificate First Nations Public Administration
University of Northern British Columbia / 2002
Master’s ThesisJoyce Schneider, Whispering the Circle Back: Participating in the Oral Transmission of Knowledge, UNBC, 2007
Invited Paper
Schneider, J. (2008). Whispering the Circle Back. In D. T. Jacobs, The Authentic Dissertation (pp. 33-39). New York, New York, USA: Routledge.
Discussion Paper
Alison Gerlach, Monique Gray Smith, Joyce Schneider, Creating Pathways for the Dreams of Our Children: Aboriginal Early Childhood Development & Care Ministry of Children and Family Development, 2008
Senior Researcher/Curriculum Developer / March 2008-presentLiteracy Indigenization Strategy, Nicola Valley Institute of Technology, Burnaby Campus
Research analysis, concept paper development, Indigenized curriculum, framework, practitioners kit
· Conduct research of available literature, develop surveys, data analysis, connect with communities of learners, Elders, and practitioners to identify gaps in Aboriginal literacy and make recommendations to Ministry
· Develop culturally relevant and appropriate curriculum based on culturally appropriate outcomes and the six levels of Adult Literacy Fundamental English developed by the Ministry of Advanced Education (now known as ALMD)
· Supervise/support pilot literacy projects program delivery
· Incorporate community feedback/input into curriculum/framework models
· Present research status/findings etc at IAHLA meetings, committee meetings, BCAAFC Gathering, etc
· Facilitate focus group to begin process of developing Aboriginal Family Literacy certificate program
Instructor / Sept 2007- April 2008
Kwantlen University College Aboriginal University Prep Program
University Skills 1100
· Participated in student interviews for entry into program
· Indigenized mainstream curriculum to better support and connect with students
· Incorporated Aboriginal ways of learning, teaching, being into course delivery (E.g. Elder participation, weekly Sharing Circle, community building, etc)
· Supported student success and made recommendations about future program delivery
Private Consultation Sept 2007 - present
· Developed Coordinator Manual for Urban Aboriginal Head Start programs of BC
· Co-authored MCFD commissioned Discussion Paper and draft framework for Aboriginal Early Years child care and education for the province of BC
· Research analysis, environmental scans, indigenized Aboriginal Early years
curriculum/resources, conference planning and facilitation, etc as a sub-contractor
to Little Drum Consultations
· Research, workshop facilitation, report writing for the Lower Stl’atl’imx Tribal Council community engagement hub development process
Program Coordinator May 2005 – August 2007
Prince George and Power of Friendship Aboriginal Head Start programs
· Program development, delivery, evaluation
· Policy and procedure development in line with funder (PHAC) guidelines, host agency policies, Licensing regulations, Health Inspector specifications, WCB regulations etc
· Human Resource management
· Indigenized program curriculum, policies
· Budget maintenance
Governor General Gold Medal Nominee
Whispering the Circle Back: Participating in the Oral Transmission of Knowledge May 2007
Spirit of the Children Society Board August 2008 – present
Canadian Association for the Study of Indigenous Education May 2008 – present
Canadian Society for the Study of Education May 2008 - present
Adult Basic Education Association of British Columbia May 2008 – present
Executive Secretary and Treasurer
Aboriginal Head Start Association of British Columbia May 2005 – August 2007