22nd Master Chef’s Classic
Sunday, January 29th,2017
Westin Resort and Marina
To Benefit
Monroe Association for ReMARCable Citizens
Sponsorships Opportunities
$25,000 or $40,000(2yrs) $10,000
Event named after sponsor Two named reserved tables of 8 w/wine a
Upstairs seating for 40 people w/open bar & server and server
Tent access 30 minutes advance of opening Ad on ballots and banner at event
Dinner for 8 by one of the winning chef’s Select one judge for the event
Featured name as main event sponsor Featured on all press related to this event
on media pieces and printed items and name under main sponsor Link on Chef’s website Link on Master Chef website
Recognition on MARC website for 1 year Recognition on MARC website for 1 year
Assist awarding prizes & for event photos
Select one judge for the event
Banner on tent at event
$2,500 $1,600($100 discount before (12/1/16)
One named reserved table of 8 w/wine One named reserved table of 8 w/wine
and server and server
Prominent media placement on print Media placement in all press
and radio ads & ballots Link on Master Chef’s website
Link on Master Chef’s website
Listed on banner at event
$1,400 ($100 discount before 12/1/16)
Media placement in press related to event
Link on Master Chef’s website
One named reserve table of 8 w/server
Sponsorship form on page 2
22nd Master Chef’s Classic
Sunday, January29th, 2017
Sponsorships Opportunities
Donor or Company Name (as it should appear in any print materials)
Phone: Email:
I will participate in a Sponsorship (Please check line below)
______$40,000 2 yrs. ______$25,000 1yr. ______$10,000 ______$2,500 ______$1,600 _____$1,400
Print Name: Title:
Credit Card #______Code______Exp______ZIP______
Signature: __ Date:
Please make all checks payable to: MARC
Mail to: PO Box 428 Key West FL, 33041 RE: Master Chef’s
To pay by phone with Credit Card information call 294-9526 Ext 30
MARC is a 501(C) 3 not for profit organization.
Tax ID #59-101031546
Please respond by as soon as possible in order to get full media exposure