TEST2–Transportation 3B– CBTM302

SURNAME AND INITIALS ……………………………………………………….. STD. NUMBER ………………………


MODULE CODE:CBTM302 – Transportation 3B TOTAL MARKS:75


Test Date:06-September-2013



  1. Name the 3 advantages of the “gross” contract approach. [3 marks]


  • Joint planning, scheduling and marketing√
  • Through - ticketing and special discounts√
  • Simplified procedures for fare increases√
  1. Describe the duo-bus concept. [3 marks]


The term “duo-trolley bus” in this context is used to describe a bus fitted with two propulsion systems√

  1. namely an electric motor and a √
  2. diesel engine. √
  1. What are the four main functions of the proposed TAs (Transport Authority’s) in relation to public transport — formal and informal? [4 marks]


  • Prepare and implement integrated transport plans for the transport area√
  • Perform certain constitutional transport functions√
  • Perform functions relating to operating licences in the area under its control√
  • Perform any other functions assigned to it√

Provincial legislation is more detailed than the national legislation setting out:

  • Integrated, comprehensive planning must occur;
  • Transport plans must identify modal options;
  • Rail aspects must be fully integrated into integrated transport plans;
  • Through-ticketing must be used to reduce travel times and enhance convenience for passengers;
  • Appropriate transport plans indicating special measures for special needs (disabilities)
  1. Name the superior characteristics of the diesel bus.[3 marks]


a)ruggedness, √

b)simplicity, √

c)economical operation and √

d)easy maintenance.

  1. What is the difference between the “gross” and “net” contract approaches?

[4 marks]


“Gross” contracts - operator receives full payment√, no matter how many passengers are carried√

“Net” contracts - Operator keeps the fares and is merely paid a ‘top up” √ amount by the PA/TA which is either fixed, or based on ticket sales. √

  1. List the first 5 theoretical steps of transport development in the correct order. [5 marks]


Step1: Walking√

Step 2: Private Cars√

Step 3: Common Carriers (Taxis) √

Step 4 - Wider Roads and Streets √

Step 5: Larger Vehicles and Formal Public Transport√

  1. When a small settlement grows from a small settlement to a town the capacity of the transport system must be increased. Which two methods or measures are the most logical for increasing the capacity of the transport system in this instance? [2 marks]


  • widening of the paths, and √
  • introduction of larger cabins (busses). √
  1. What specifically could be done to overcome the effect of the availability problem experienced by heavy rail services? [2 marks]


•peak hour frequency of 5 to 6 services per hour is considered “reasonable” √

•Off-peak frequencies should preferably not fall below one service per hour√ - if they do, the local population tends to regard the service as nonexistent

  1. Define the term, articulated bus, and discuss its advantages compared to the standard bus. [4 marks]


Articulated bus is a bus consisting of more than 1 rigid section√ that has a pivot √point between them

Arrticulated bus, compared with a standardbus, provides:

a)+ Higher line capacity.√

b)+ Higher labour productivity (lower cost per space-km).√

c)+ Similar geometric movement characteristics.

  1. Why are Monorails not regarded as a serious option in most public transport applications? [2 marks]


  • monorail beams cannot cross each other√
  • manoeuvring areas take large space√
  • much larger profile than rail and other guided modes, so that they are not conducive to tunnel operations.
  • require investment much higher than light rail transit requires.
  1. According to the light rail studies, how does light rail compare with heavy rail? [4 marks]


  • cheaper to build and operate, √
  • lower commercial speed√
  • will maintain a visible presence of surface public transport, √
  • offer better penetration of urban areas, √
  • enjoy better security, and
  • generate less noise.

Light rail compared with heavy rail

  • heavy rail infrastructure costs are high because of exclusive right-of-way
  • Rigid design standards impede the alignments in urban areas and limit the service heavy rail can offer.
  • Frequency of heavy rail service tends to be lower, particularly in off-peak hours.
  • Heavy rail “divides’ an area through which it runs, while light rail draws an area together by operating closer to where people live and work.
  1. Give 4 technical characteristics of the standard diesel bus. [4 marks]


  • have two axles and √
  • a total of six wheels√
  • Bus capacity, typically about 70√
  • propulsion is by diesel motor√
  1. What are the 3 main features of light rail?[3 marks]


  • Involves steel wheel vehicles operating on steel rails and collecting electrical power from an overhead wire.√
  • not rigid √
  • flexible mode that fits between the bus and conventional railway√
  1. Why is light rail defined as one of the public transport mode’s with the most flexibility? [2 marks]


  • Within the street environment it can be segregated by white lines, low kerbs, and side or central reservation. √
  • Tracks can be laid in tarmac, mass concrete, ballast or grass according to operational and environmental needs. √
  • Light rail can be built on former railway formations, or indeed track share with railways.
  1. Name 3 advantages that busses have over other public transport modes. [3 marks]


a)routes can be placed on any street as demand requires √

b)stops can be placed at many points.√

c)Temporary reroutings are also relatively easy√

  1. Describe the possible reasons for the poor image of diesel busses in general. [3 marks]


–Exhaust fumes – the black smoke it releases/ overpowering exhausts

–vibration and √

–noise production/ revving engines and √

–overpowering exhausts√

–other factors such as the presence of litter, beggars and a lack of security√

  1. Discuss all that could be done to overcome the problem of Transfers and modal integration for heavy rail services in South Africa? [5 marks]


Transfers and modal integration

•provide passenger transfer conditions which are conducive towards the passenger’s peace of mind like: shelter from the elements√

•,adequate lighting√

•,security √

•short walking distances√

•adequate seating√

  • information (i.e. how long to wait)
  • through-ticketing
  • co-ordinated timetables which reduce waiting time.
  1. Name the 3 negative service characteristics of Heavy rail in South Africa. [3 marks]


Heavy rail services are characterised by

  • limited route coverage√
  • low frequencies on some routes and √
  • poor integration with supporting modes.√
  1. Explain what a trolley bus is and name 2 advantages of it. [4 marks]


•Electrically powered vehicles √which obtain power via trolley poles from two overhead wires√ (+ and -)

•excellent operating characteristics of electric traction:

–rapid and smooth acceleration and deceleration, √

–no noise or exhaust fumes, √

–low vehicle maintenance costs and

–high durability

  1. Discuss 5 elements that are required to make the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) concept a success. [5 marks]


–Predominantly ROW B, which is not shared by other modes, and only limited line sections with ROW C√

–Distinctive lines with frequent, reliable service and regular headways during all daily hours√

–Distinct stops or stations with good passenger protection, information, and fare-collection equipment, spaced on the average at least 300-400m apart in central city with greater distances in suburban and outlying areas√

–Stations and stops that allow simultaneous stopping of two or more buses, their overtaking or platooning to provide operations with short headways (less than two minutes), and a line capacity greater than 3 000-5 000 spaces per hour

–Preferential treatment at intersections

–Convenient transferring to other bus and rail lines

–Buses with attractive design, number and size of doors, low floor, or high platform that allow fast passenger exchange at stops and stations

–Engines with low levels of air pollution and noise

–Prepaid or contactless fare collection, which minimizes delays during boarding and alighting

–Use of ITS techniques for monitoring vehicle locations and movements, passenger information, and fare collection

  1. Describe right-of-way categories A, B and C[6 marks]


Category A

  • Best carrying capacity and safety, √
  • Exclusive right-of-way is given along its total length with no pedestrian or vehicle conflict. √
  • It may be either elevated, at surface level, or underground, depending on availability of space and land values.

Category B

  • Longitudinally separating the right-of-way from other traffic by devices such as kerbs, barriers and fences √
  • Result –

–capacity of the system is dramatically increased and √

–pedestrian vehicle conflict limited to intersections where it can be minimised by orderly control of using traffic signal systems.

  • Far higher average and overall operating speeds can be maintained and a clear advantage in terms of travel time is achieved, especially in congested city town streets.

Category C

  • the right-of-way shared with other users. √
  • The operational safety of the system is entirely the responsibility of the driver; √
  • consequently vehicles must have braking characteristics similar to those of ordinary road vehicles.
  • Nevertheless, some degree of priority can be given at traffic signal controlled intersections to give preference over normal vehicular traffic.

****END**** [Total: 75 marks]