Jordan Commons Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

JordanCommons website:

October 14, 2015

Board Members Present: Mari-LouiseDonovan, Lisa Massad, and Ginger Jordan

NPG: Deb Fuller, Property Manager

Unit Owners Present: Units 88, 26, 163, 160, 140, 96, 66, 64, 143, 167, 39, and 138.

Meeting was called to order at 6:30P.M. at Filomena’s Restaurant.

Approval of September’s 2015 Minutes – Ginger made a motion to accept. Mari-Louise 2nd it. Unanimous.

Approval of September’s 2015 Financial Report

  • Repairs and Maintenance of $49, 084.72 is over the annual budget of $38,000. It was explained that this includes the new recycling dumpster enclosure;
  • Ranch Carpet Cleaning of $4, 176, also year to date;
  • Extensive Damages to Building 12 of $3,000 more for repairs,due tonot knowing what damage they would find;
  • Mailing Cost Savings by emailing versus sending by the traditional mail method. Mari-Louise will meet with George Myers of NPG to discuss this possibility for a fee;
  • Dump Run for $200 included bulky waste materials such as shelves, doors, pallets etc.;
  • Painted Ceiling - Unit 40 and Treated Ceiling - Unit 138 for $895. Mari-Louise will email Deb requesting clarification of these damages most likely resulting from water leaks;
  • Pool Maintenance Expenses of $7,496.99, suggestion made to put more money into the budget for this and possiblyhire someone else other than Baileys to test the pool daily;
  • Ginger made a motion to accept the financial report. Lisa 2nd it. Unanimous.

Old Business:

  • Power washing of all buildings has beencompleted.
  • Replacing Unit Numbers on Condos. Ginger will look at something nice to replace the current ones. She mentioned getting a price proposal from an East Lyme artist who does beautiful painted slates and will order a square and oval of these to show others.
  • Slider Doors and Fogged WindowRepairs–still working onBuilding 12 due to the extensive damage found on the back of building as well. The exterior work will be done first before it gets cold. It was noted that the Association needs to budget a certain percentage just to cover the unexpected as in the case here.
  • Utility Box Repairs Update – still in process, some are repaired, all have different latches and hooks.
  • Pool Update– The pool is closed for the season and winterized by shutting off the water and turning off the pool phone.
  • Drainage Work Hill Next to Building 6 & Dumpster EnclosureUpdate –heavy rains have left debrisand rocks are washing down into the drain.
  • Unit 36 Violations – Tenant has moved out. This unit is on the market.
  • Snow Removal Contract – After obtaining three bids, Bruce & Sons met with The Board and gave a presentation. Mari-Louise made a motion to accept Bruce & Sons via email, Ginger 2nd.Unanimous.
  • Asphalt Crack Fill Proposals –Lisa made a motion to approve Gallivan Asphalt & Paving’s proposal for crack fill in the amount of $9,360. Ginger 2nd it. Unanimous.
  • Recycle Violations/Town of Waterford Public Works – Violation stickers have been put on several dumpsters by the town. Some residents are not bringing their recycling to the recycling dumpsters and are throwing recycling into the trash dumpsters. Board members and Deb to meet with the town. More enclosures may be needed. The town drivers are not closing the gates after emptying the dumpsters.
  • Gutter Cleaning – on schedule with A-1 Seamless Gutter. Mari-Louise suggests we look into getting gutter helmets to save money in the long run.
  • Stone Wall Update – waiting for the list from Arnold Landscaping.

Other – none

New Business:

  • Insurance – A motion was made by Ginger to raise the deductible from $2500 to $10,000. Mari-Louise 2nd. Unanimous.This increase to the deductible should make the association’s premium go down. Owners should carry loss assessment and dwelling A coverage in their policies up to the association’s deductible should they be required to cover the deductible.
  • Unit Owner 115 Demand Letterfor a $245 reimbursement for loss of flowers - Unit owners cannot plant flowers without permission from The Board. Lee and his men have stated they did NOT pull out the flowers. Since there has been no proof to the contrary, and the unit owner did not get permission to plant,The Board is under no obligation to provide such reimbursement since you plant at your own risk.
  • Unit 36’s Damage – Tenant damage to common hallway at move out was $950 which the unit owner has agreed to pay. The unit is on the market.
  • Renter’s Package – George Myers said NPG did everything they could legally and there is nothing more that they or the Association can do. The responsibility remains with the owner to ensure that the tenant understands and abides by The Association rules.
  • Unit 12 Repeat Toilet Overflow - to be investigated.


Director Reports

Committee Reports

Property Managers Report

Unit Owners Forum (15 Minutes)

  • Crack Fill should have been done sooner. Concern was expressed that water could cause buckles.
  • All ranch doors have been painted. Handles have yet to be replaced.
  • Pool Fence – possible damage to be looked at along the roof of the garage.
  • Driveway repairs still outstanding.
  • Storm Drains – a price proposal will be obtained.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:27 P.M.

Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 6:30 Filomena’s Restaurant.

Submitted by Susan Smithson/Manpower, 10/15/15