Agenda for Committee meeting Monday 26th Feb 7.00pm Phone Hook-up
Attendees; G Crowhurst (GC ) Stephen Hollier (SH) B) Rohan McCoy (RM) Mal Emmerton (ME) Wayne Parkinson (WP) Cliff Green (CG)
A Terrey was unavailable to chair the meeting but was able to be contacted by phone if necessary.
Glenn Crowhurst Chaired the meeting
- In attendance: Tony Nixon (TN)
Apologies: Andrew Terrey (AT) late phone in.
Read Previous Meeting Minutes
- Motion : Accept Minutes as suitable to display on website, Motion RH seconded SH
Business Arising from the Minutes
- Discussion re alternative strips and training top. Uniform – new design available for AGM?
- New uniform design not available for display possibly for over 55’s
- No reply on Sponsorship requests
- Players to purchase playing strip, Masters to pay for Alternate /Training strip
- Goalie Smock , Sydney Thunder Green
- AMHC has approved the new strip design and colours
- Delegates Meeting - Noted that the motion on player numbers does not reflect the motion passed at the meeting of only 16 field players and one or two goalies. Both of which must be kitted up. AT to Write to AMHC re this. Not yet done.
- NO Action on this pint to date.
- Fred Sewell Award and Player of the Year. NSW Awards Night
- Tony Nixon and Noel French and partner to attend. Trophies in the hands of Hockey NSW
Business arising from Correspondence
- Bathurst Quote for turf Hire 2019 40/45 and State Training.
- Discussion on there only being one quote so far and the initial deadline has passed. Committee members to contact Moorebank and NIHC to obtain quotes for next meeting.
Ordinary Business
- Chairman’s report – Nil
- Treasurer’s report – Budget discussed , assumptions defined,budget amended and redistributed
- Secretary’s Report – Nominations coming in . Championship paperwork still a mystery to some players.
- AMHC Delegates Report – Nil , Later in meeting AT announced another State Delegates meeting to be held soon. Hockey Ausslow to offer direction.
- AT to ask AMHC about TO appointments and supply of names from other states fro TO Volunteers.
- Coordinator report
- Lismore
- Player fees set at $650 for 2018
- Player info sheet to be completed and distributed to all who have nominated.
- Deposits on Accommodation paid
- Conversation with Sportslink re pricing and profit margin yet to be had.
- Next Age championship – 55’s Tamworth
- Team fees $800 for all except Newcastle $850
- 25 teams , Draw A Div 10 B Div 10 C Div 5
- Games 8 am – 7pm
- TD’s M. Mackenzie and K Kauter
- Request for assistance from all the committee on the mornings of the Championships from 7 am
- Age Exemption for Goulburn (request circulated)
- Yes GC to notify
- Discussion reaffirmed if player turns 1 year under the age limit within 12 months of the championship he is within the criteria.
- Masters Only Registration – GC to Contact Hockey NSW if he is unable to add Note on who can use Masters ONLY Rego
- Pick up Roster 2 received 1 X 60’s 1 X 45’s
- Umpire Allocation and Nomination
- Discussion
- Resolution proposed by GC Seconded WP “ If an association notifies the Co ordinator of their need for an umpire from the non-playing pool with more than 2 weeks’ notice prior to a championship the cost of supplying that umpire will be $250. Should an Association fail to provide an umpire, provide no information regarding their umpire or notify the coordinator with LESS than 2 week’s notices prior to a championship the Association will be billed for $400 regardless of them providing an umpire or not at that championship.” Passed unanimously
- GC to reword Team List and Team Nomination doc to reflect above and circulate to the committee
- Umpire’s Manger not to handle cash. Payment system to be setup and managed by Hockey NSW
General business
- Committee Jobs GC
- Chairman of Selectors
- 2 candidates Mal Emmerton and Cliff Green
- Discussion both candidates stated their credentials for the position.
- Discussion on how the position might be filled
- AT was contacted to join the discussion. He addressed the meeting .
- A Vote was called and Cliff Green was appointed 4 votes – 2 votes
- AT left the meeting
- Advertising / Newsletter/ Articles
- No committee volunteers
- Suggestion to look outside committee for a “Facebook Expert”
- The importance of a newsletter presence was expressed by the chair
- Existing jobs
- GC Secretary
- RH Treasurer
- SH Uniform
- WP Umpires
- CG Chairman of Selectors
- Contact list and Duties allocation to be posted on the website and sent to Hockey NSW .
- No Contact details to be posted Publicly for committee other than Chair and Secretary
- Budget 2018GC
- State Championship Team Fees Discussed earlier
- New Uniform Subsidy Discussed earlier
- Player info sheet GC
- TO , how do we sign up guys to TO? Nominations have already started.
- Suggestion to use team Managers and make each team responsible for manning the bench once we find out our level of commitment from AMHC
- Electronic Nominations GC
- List of questions to be sent to ME and TN for inclusion on the Electronic form.
- Electronic nominations to be operational for next Championship.
- Code of Conduct(Again) on the Nomination Form ? Nominations have already started. Which Code? NSW or FIH? GC
- NSW code of Conduct to be on Electronic Nomination form
- Umpires Manager appointment GC
- Umpire managers Contact to be reviewed by WP and TN
- Request for EOI sent out last year November , Only one applicant received to date Chris Teare
- Venues 2019 GC
- Decision Deferred to next Meeting .
- Request from ISCH for the 50’s –
- Discussed
- Wayne Parkinson Suggestion on allocation of Ages to Venues “as circulate”
- Discussed
AT joined the Meeting
- Accommodation 2018. Margins and pricing.
- Discussed earlier in the meeting ,TN and AT to follow up with Paul Kelly and further Research
- Medals – Order placed for 2018 TN to Engrave
- Late Nominations-
- Discussion of process for receiving and processing nominations TN and GC explained how lists compiled.
- Cut off at close of business of Friday 16th March to be adhered to For OVER55 and Over 60’s
- ALL ELECTRONIC FROM the over 55’s championship onward.
- Player Information Sheet needed Now all details to be finalised by the end of the week. GC and TN to organise and Complete then distribute to those who have nominated so far.
Set Next Meeting Date 12 March
Meeting Closed at 9.45pm