Applications Close: 4.00pm Monday 19 June, 2017
TITLE OF PROPOSAL: (scientific)
Chief Investigator
NAME:Title / First / Surname
Organisation / Institution (CI is employed by and must be located at WCH Campus)
WCHN / SA Pathology / SA Pharmacy / SAHMRI / Uni Adelaide (O&G/Paed Dept)
Specify which category best describes you as a researcher. See section 5 of the Guidelines for categories.
Early Career Researcher
4 Mentor / Supervisor (please specify) ______
Mid Researcher
Please tick ONE category box ONLY / LABORATORY / CLINICAL
Does this project involve a Database or Registry? / YES / NO
If “YES” please specify:
You will need to justify the design to answer a research question, with aims / hypotheses provided. / Database
OTHER INVESTIGATORS (add lines as required)
Title / First Name / Surname / Dept.1
The maximum funding available per grant is $75,000 / Total $
This section MUST be completed. To verify what clearances are required refer to: http://www.wch.sa.gov.au/research/committees/index.html.
Please note:v The Chief Investigator must provide notification of ethics and governance approval to the Research Secretariat by 1 June 2018.
v All applications are deemed to be a new project and a new ethics / governance approval is required. No addition of a title or amendment to a protocol is allowed.
v Approval for your project will not been granted until written confirmation is received from the relevant ethics/safety committee and/or Research Governance Officer.
Approval required
Human Research Ethics / Animal Ethics / Institutional Biosafety
No / Yes
No / Yes
Chief Investigator Declaration / Certification:
Please declare what percentage of the application has been written by the CI and what is the CIs contribution / role to the project.
I hereby certify that I have read and understand the eligibility criteria as outlined in the Application Guidelines and all the information required for this application is included as a true and accurate record and is in accordance with the guidelines.
I have completed and submitted the Check List with this application.
SIGNATURE: Date: / /
Print Name:
New funding arrangements have been developed for WCH Foundation Research Grants awarded in 2018. Applicants can only apply for project funding for one year. Two year projects will not be considered. The WCH Foundation will trial a revised process for grants awarded in 2017 to start in 2018, whereby funding start date will commence 1 July 2018. The impetus for this change has been that for a large number of projects, the Foundation has noted a significant delay in the study commencement post award. This has a major impact on the WCH Foundation’s capacity to accurately budget allocations for each financial year. It is anticipated that the new arrangements will enable investigators to get all “project setup” completed (e.g. ethics / governance approvals, cost centre set ups, employment contracts) before the first payment is made at the start of the financial year. A review of this new process will be undertaken at the end of the trial period.
Notification of Awards: / November 2017Deadline for completion of ethics/governance approvals, cost centre set up, employment contracts and advertising of positions (before an invoice can be raised for the first payment). / Before 1 June 2018
First instalment made (subject to all requirements met as above) / 1 July 2018
Second instalment made (on receipt of six month progress and financial report submitted with invoice). / 1 Jan 2019
Project to be completed by: / 30 June 2019
Submit Final Report and Acquittal and final invoice: (*must be submitted by this date to be eligible to apply for 2020 funding) / 30 September 2019
To avoid forfeiting the final payment, the final invoice must be receipted by: (No extensions will be approved beyond this date) / 1 December 2019
NB: Applications should be prepared using Arial font, size 11, with standard margins of 2.0cm and stapled. Please use text boxes provided.
1.1 Scientific project title – concise but informative (should be the same as the coversheet)
1.2 Plain English title – a simple lay title, for use in future media releases if required. Do NOT indicate ‘As Above’
2. INVESTIGATOR Details (All information required to be completed below.)
The chief investigator will be considered the contact point for the project grant and will be understood to be acting for and in concurrence with all investigators. (Majority of time ie >50% at WCH Campus)
NAME:Title / First / Surname
Organisation / Institution (CI is employed by and must be located at WCH Campus)
v Please indicate your FTE below each institution you are employed by (ie 0.1 to 1.0 FTE). The total should not exceed 1.0 FTE.
WCHN / SA Pathology / SA Pharmacy / SAHMRI / Uni Adelaide (O&G/Paed Dept)
Current Position:
(Title / Appointment held)
Department: / Telephone:
Email address:
Physical Location:
(Floor / Level / Building at WCH)
Academic Qualifications (include year in which degrees awarded):
Year / Country / Institution / Qualification
Percentage of working time to be devoted to:
a) This project: % / b) Other grant funded projects: % / c) All research projects: %
Brief description of other projects and commitments:
Title / First / Surname
Department: / Tel:
Current Appointment:
Academic Qualifications (include year in which degrees awarded):
Year / Country / Institution / Qualification
Co-Investigators role: (What is the investigators role in this project?)
Percentage of working time to be devoted to:
a) This project: % / b) Other grant funded projects: % / c) All research projects: %
NAME:Title / First / Surname
Department: / Tel:
Current Appointment:
Academic Qualifications (include year in which degrees awarded):
Year / Country / Institution / Qualification
Co-Investigators role: (What is the investigators role in this project?)
Percentage of working time to be devoted to:
a) This project: % / b) Other grant funded projects: % / c) All research projects: %
NAME:Title / First / Surname
Department: / Tel:
Current Appointment:
Academic Qualifications (include year in which degrees awarded):
Year / Country / Institution / Qualification
Co-Investigators role: (What is the investigators role in this project?)
Percentage of working time to be devoted to:
a) This project: % / b) Other grant funded projects: % / c) All research projects: %
3. Other Participants
Associate Investigators and Resource Personnel
List here other participants who play some part in, or provide advice on, the research.
I, named below as an associate investigator, certify that I have agreed to participate, and intend to devote the following number of hours to this collaboration:
3.1 / NAME:Title / First / Surname
Role: (What is the investigators role in this project?)
Hours per week: / Qualifications:
Signature / Date
3.2 / NAME:
Title / First / Surname
Role: (What is the investigators role in this project?)
Hours per week: / Qualifications:
Signature / Date
3.3 / NAME:
Title / First / Surname
Role: (What is the investigators role in this project?)
Hours per week: / Qualifications:
Signature / Date
3.4 / NAME:
Title / First / Surname
Role: (What is the investigators role in this project?)
Hours per week: / Qualifications:
Signature / Date
Summarise project in plain English (Do not exceed 300 words).
Please email this section as a separate Word document to:
Please note: When saving this section as a separate Word document please ensure you include the CIs name and title of project in the header and save using the following naming convention:
surname_WCHFG_Summary_2018.doc (example: Smith _WCHFG_Summary_2018.doc)
5.1 / Please indicate which group / groups this research relates to:Women / Neonates / Infants / Children / Adolescents
Please explain why this research is important for the group(s) indicated: (100 words max)
5.2 / Please explain the importance and the relevance of this study to the Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN) (100 words max)
5.3 / Summarise the potential benefits of this research to WCHN (100 words max)
5.4 / Provide information about the expected impact of this research (100 words max)
5.5 / How will this research translate into policy and practice? (100 words max)
6. Background AND Research Plan
Maximum of SIX (6) pages only in Arial 11 pt. Applications with more than six pages will NOT be accepted. Specify plan over one or two year timeframe.
Must include:
· AIMS - List the specific aims and potential significance of the project. Any hypotheses to be tested should be clearly stated.
· METHODOLOGY - Include information about your chosen methodology (e.g. detail of statistical or qualitative methodology)
· Research applications involving a database or registry require an explanation to justify they have been designed to answer a research question and must provide aims and hypotheses.
NB: it is recommended that the applicant avoids “cut and paste” of the application from other applications.
7.1 Please show all your budget allocations. Do NOT include GST. Note that:
· A Chief Investigator may not apply for their own salary.
· Any salaries requested as part of the above budget must indicate whether amount is to fund the salary of a new appointee or an existing incumbent.
· Funds can only be used for minor equipment <$10,000 per item. Other major equipment items will not be funded.
Budgetary calculations MUST INCLUDE salary on-costs of: superannuation, work cover levy, annual leave and leave loading, sick leave and long service leave etc as required by your institution.
The MAXIMUM level of funding is $75,000. Your budget must be realistic in terms of funding requested and the amount of work that can be achieved during the timeframe. The budget must cover all items, including any statistical support and must not be a drain on the organisation’s budget, staff and resources.
Personnel / Salary ($) / On-costs ($) / Amount ($) RequestedSub-Total / $
MINOR Equipment / Amount ($) Requested
Sub-Total / $
Maintenance, consumables & other direct costs / Amount ($) Requested
Sub-Total / $
TOTAL BUDGET (excluding GST)
7.2 Please provide justification of the budget provided. Each budget item should be fully justified in terms of numbers requested and requirement for the completion of the project.
8. References to the work of OTHERs
NOTE: This work must be relevant to this project.
No more than one page of references should be provided. Do NOT attach copies of publications.
9. Statistical component
All applicants to answer the following questions if the research involves a statistical component, thus ensuring appropriate statistical advice is sought for the application.
9.1 What is the key outcome to be measured for each aim?
9.2 What statistical analysis method(s) do you intend to apply to the outcome(s)?
If statistical analysis is not required, please provide an explanation.
9.3 What probability distribution(s) do you expect/assume for your key outcome(s)? (give alternate details if you intend to use non-parametric methods or survival analysis)
9.4 What is the anticipated standard deviation (SD) of the key outcome(s)?
9.5 What change in the key outcome(s) would be considered to be biologically or experimentally meaningful?
9.6 At what p-value will you reject your null hypothesis for each key outcome?
9.7 What power do you propose your experiment(s) will have? Please provide justification if this is less than 80%.
9.8 Using the above information, what calculation have you used to arrive at the group size for each outcome?
9.9 Have you referred to a statistician?
Yes – Please provide name and contact details
No – if No, please explain
NB: Should the research project require statistical review, ensure you have included relevant costings in your budget. For further information regarding statistical support and services visit http://health.adelaide.edu.au/research/statistical-support/
10. Publications/Track Record of Chief Investigator
List and number consecutively published papers and papers accepted for publication in refereed journals, by the chief investigator only during the last five years. This listing must indicate authors, title of paper, journal name, year of publication, volume number and pages (first and last). You may include, if you wish, a paragraph on achievements other than publications.
v Asterisk a maximum of SIX publications which you consider best reflect your research contributions to date.
v If appropriate, identify factors impacting on publication rate, e.g. description of breaks in career
v11. Career InterRuptions of Chief Investigator
List any career interruptions that have affected your research career including, familial (child-rearing and/or carer), employment, clinical workload, community engagement and academic responsibilities.
12. Career Development Statement
Explain how these funds will support your research career development.
13. Progress & FINAL ReportS and Revised applications – WCH FOUNDATION RESEARCH PROJECT GRANTS
If you are seeking further WCH Foundation funding, applicants who were successful in previous years are requested to provide a progress/final report, demonstrating the benefit of the grant to their research and how additional funding will further progress their research. (Please refer to section “5 Eligibility” in the ‘Application Guidelines’ for further clarification particularly 5.3 and 5.4)
13.1 Previously funded projects
Provide Progress/Final Reports for any WCH Foundation research grants used to support research by the Chief Investigator ONLY during the last THREE years (WCH Foundation funding allocated for research undertaken in years 2014, 2015 and 2016). These can be detailed below or alternatively attaching a copy of previous Annual/Final report(s) submitted.