Pro-formafor funding callJuly 2016
(Please use Arial 10 font)
Project Title:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Keywords (n=5) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Project Personnel (only one Principal Investigatorper proposal and that person must be explicitly identified as such. Indicate by asterix * who is proposed to draw salary from this project)
Name / Project Role / Institution / Email / FTEProf. First Person / Principal Investigator / JCU / / 0.2
Dr. Second Person / Co-Investigator / UQ / 0.2
Third Person* / Research Assistant / JCU / 0.4
Fourth Person* / Field Technician / Griffith / 0.2
Project Start Date: / /17 End Date: / / (projects must be completed by 10December 2019)
Project Budget -Funding and Partnerships
(All partnerships should be confirmed before submission of this proposal for funding)
Organisation / Cash / In-kind / TotalNESP
[Institution or partner organisation]
[Institution or partner organisation]
[Institution or partner organisation]
Project Budget –[Institution or partner organisation name](A separate project budget table must be completed for each institution or partner organisation)
Item / NESP Cash / Other Cash / In Kind / Total CostSalaries
Operating (inc. equipment, travel & communications)
Administration Support
Item / NESP Cash / Other Cash / In Kind / Total CostSalaries
Operating (inc. equipment, travel & communications)
Administration Support
Project Summary
Brief description of project (max 100 words). This will be used by the Department
Project Rationale
Describe what you propose to do and why (max 800 words). Please also provide a clear statement of the specific problem being addressed and what solution this research will provide.
Which NESPTWQ priorities does this project address
What other policy, mgt/recovery plans and/or conservation strategies does this project address?What other previous or related research does this project leverage off/build upon
What other projects and NESP Hubs does this project link with or possibly overlap?
Project Objectives and Outcomes (max 400 words; dots points)
Project Milestones
Milestones / Due DateLocation of the Research (approx. location of on-ground work and location of where outputs will impact upon)
Summary of Methods(max 700 words; dot points)
Management Outcomes(max 250 words total; dot points)
What practical and tangible outcomes will the project deliver?
What management action or policy will be able to be taken as a consequence of the delivery of this project?
What (if any) trial programmes to improve the physical environment will be conducted?
How will this research improve the environment and how will this be measured?
End-user/Stakeholder Engagement(max 400 words; dot points; Describe your end-users (nominating at least two key end-users, incl. at least one from DotE) and the engagement that occurred during development of this proposal and for key end-users, outline how they will be involved in the project from inception to final report submission). Include the objectives of the engagement for each and how this will be reflected in project milestones (e.g. project design, during the project and reporting). Provide contact details (below) of those actually consulted during proposal development.
Research End-Users and Key Stakeholders– provide contact details of all that are relevant (identify at least two, including one from DotE)
DotE End-User(section, programme, organization) / Name / Email
e.g. DotE - 20 million trees
Key External End-User / Name / Email
e.g. Greening Australia
Co-contributors – only list contributors who are not already identified as Researchers and Staff
Organisation/name / ContributionFoundation for X / e.g. Cash, Undertake X management activity on which research will be based
Proposed Extension and Communication Activities incl.Adoption Pathway and Indigenous Engagement. (max.350 words)Outline how the project outcomes will be communicated to broader audiences and identify target audiences. Please list all planned outputs, including datasets and data products that will be collected or generated during this project, communication and promotional material. Refer to the TWQ Hub Knowledge Brokering and Communication Strategy and the TWQ Hub Indigenous Engagement and Participation Strategy – see
Describe Planned Indigenous Involvement and Capacity-Building. (max.300 words)If not appropriate, then describe why not (we accept this may not be applicable to all proposals but for those where opportunities are present, we expect they should be pursued). Refer to the TWQ Hub Indigenous Engagement and Participation Strategy – see
Planned Outputs and Data and Information Management (max 350 words; dots points)
Research Capability Relevant to this Project(max 250 words; please provide link to research profile)
How will this project be delivered on time and within budget?(max 200 words)
Inclusions (in scope)(brief statement to highlight elements in scope of the project)
Exclusions (out of scope) (brief statement to highlight elements out of scope of the project)
Significant Risks and Constraints of the Project (max 150 words; dot points)
By filling out and submitting this form, applicants acknowledge that they have read and understand the funding guidelines (available at and the obligations contained therein.