A Project of Aziz Jehan Begum Trust forthe Blind


Aziz Jehan Begum Trust for the Blind was established in January 1989 as a Not for Profit, Public Charitable NGO.

In September 1996 started its Institute in rented premises with three blind students. Within a period of two decades have expanded into a full fledge Institute with its own buildings spread over 5.5 acres of plot of land donated by the Punjab Government.

Presently, 120 blind students are enrolled of which majority come from low income and under privileged class. Tuition and all specialized and latest assistive equipment including the costly Perkin’s Brailler (each machine cost US $ 780), Computers, Braille Books etc. are provided to all blind students free of cost and in some cases even uniforms and pick & drop transport is provided. The Institute provides quality education in English medium instruction.

Total Goal US $50,000 (Fifty Thousand US Dollars)


The project provides a positive learning environment which puts great emphasize on academics because this is the only avenue which can create opportunities for a respectable and dignified life, for those who cannot see. Quality education places the visually impaired at equal footing with the sighted peers. Providing this education in English Braille allows the students to access the global resources rather than limiting them to those that are locally available. Over 21 years Aziz Jehan Begum Trust Institute for the Blind has enabled its students to surmount the barriers imposed by their disability and proved that education of these children in Pakistan, though arduous, is not impossible.


The project of imparting free quality education to the blind students and finding jobs to these educated students is an attractive proposition. It will produce a large number of educated and self-supporting individuals which will change their outlook on life, upgrade their living standard of their families and make them good, confident and useful members of the society. They will thus endeavor to provide better opportunity to the next generation.

The project will create positive attitude people with this disability and help integrate them with the community.


This project has already provided additional documentation in PDF File (projdoc.pdf) Resources


Name of the Organization:Aziz Jehan Begum Trust for the Blind

Type of Organization:The only Not For Profit NGO in Private Sector

Name of the Head of the Organization:Mrs. Ursula NighatJeddy

(Chief Executive Officer )

Trust’s Registered Address:Noorabad, 4.5km, Off-Main Ferozepur Road, KahnaNau, Lahore Punjab Pakistan

Postal Address:Suite No: 807/808, 8th Floor, Al-Hafeez Heights, Sir Syed/ Ghalib Road, Gulberg-III, Lahore Punjab Pakistan.

Phone Numbers (Office):+92-0322-4717503

Email Address:


Key contact Person:Mr.Ather Ashraf Nizami

(Executive Director Fund Raising & Development)

Cell No: 0300- 8801121

Date of Establishment of Aziz Jehan Begum trust for the Blind:

January 1989


1-Societies Registration Act-XX1 of 1860 at Lahore on 27th of April 1989.]

2-Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration control) Ordinance 1961 (XLV1 of 1961)

3-Certified by Pakistan Center for Philanthropy. (All Copies Attached)


1-Philanthropists/ Individual donors

2-Private (Corporate) Sectors


Vision and Mission of the Organization:-

The right to educate is universal and extends to all children, youth and adults with disabilities. This right is enshrined in the conventional on the rights of a child (1989) and the convention on the rights of the persons with disabilities (2008). It is also addressed in several significant International Declarations, including the world Declaration for education for all (1990), the UNESCO Salamanca Statement, and framework for action (1994) and the Dakar framework of action (2000).


I take this opportunity to very briefly introduce Aziz Jehan Begum Trust for the Blind.

THE TRUST: Aziz Jehan Begum Trust for the Blind established in1989 as a Not for Profit, Public Charity Non-Government Organization. The aim of the Trust is to train, educate and rehabilitate - The Blind - to lead a life of honour and dignity with physical and financial independence.

The Trust is registered with all relevant authorities and certified by Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy to receive Zakat, donations andcharities for the welfare of the Blind.


The Trust is dedicated to alleviate the sufferings of the blind by providing qualitytraining, education enablingthem to live a life of honour and dignity.

THE INSTITUTE: The Trust established its educational Institute in 1996 to train and educate the blind. This is the only High School for the blind in Private Sector in Pakistan where English and Braille are medium of instruction and subjects like General Science and Computer Science are compulsory.

The Institute enrol 120 blind students out of which most of the students come from low income / underprivileged families who cannot even afford Braille books, uniforms and pick & drop transport etc. The Trust take care of such students through the collection of zakat and donations etc.

PERFORMANCE: Since 1999 till date 80blind students appeared for Matriculation Examination held by the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Lahore, all of them were successful in Examination by obtaining 1st Division and a few obtained 2nd Division and no 3rd Division or failure. All these students got admission in Government College University, Lahore College for Women University and Kinnaird College University where they are studying or studied subjects like Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Mass Communication, and English Literature like never before. The performance of our Ex- students in colleges has always been outstanding. They have won gold medals, honours and scholarships. For the first time in the history of Pakistan a blind girl Ex-student appeared in central superior services examination conducted by the Federal Public Service commission stood 6th and 1st in the Foreign Service Academy. She is now posted in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Permanent Representative in UN at Geneva. She was also awarded Fulbright Scholarship to study in USA, Five ex-students were selected by Punjab Public Service Commission as lecturers, three are Banking Officers in Standard Chartered Bank, two Ex-students studied Computer Science (Software Engineering) at post graduate level in Carroll University Wisconsin, are well placed in job in USA, one ex-student is incharge of Special Education Department in Govt. College University, Lahore and one ex-student was selected by the Federal Public Service Commission, has been posted as an Officer in the National Saving Directorate Lahore.

Today we feel proud to say that Aziz Jehan Begum Trust for the Blind has set the standard for training and education of the blind in Pakistan. It has succeeded in empowering the blind with education by means of State of the Art, Technology and most modern facilities. Our Ex-students have achieved the highest standards of education, most of them have done their MA, some have done M.Phil and two are doing P.hD.

Tuition and all specialized and latest assistive equipment including the costly Perkins Braillers (each machine cost US $.787/-), Computers, Braille Books etc. are provided to every student free of cost and in some cases even uniforms are provided. Transportation from home and back irrespective of distance is given at a highly subsidized contribution. Our cost per student is US $. 130/- per month and average collection from a student is US $ 5/- Only.

THE KIDS COMPLEXis an effort towards providing these young boys and girls a place where they can come and spend some happy hours, learn some socialization, sensory motor skills and play with other kids. It will at the same time provide an outlet for mothers to share their grief and feel better.

The aim of kids complex is to make the little angels part of our world.

  • Pre-school / nursery education is basically to prepare kids for a smooth transformation from home atmosphere to school. Blind children need this training more than any other as their feeling of isolation is dominant.
  • Socialization: just to learn that there are also other children and not remain self-absorbed and withdrawn.
  • Overcome separation anxiety which is very high in these children.
  • An opportunity to play, learn group skills and develop concepts of environment.

Blind children at the age of 5 to 6 years, take a long time and extreme effort to prepare them for formal education.

Many parents seek our guidance, to handle blind kids before schooling.

Mothers can be involved as volunteers to help these kids.

There is no organization in Pakistan to provide these facilities at early ages and reduce the distress of the children and their families.


The members of the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees of AJB Trust for the Blind are committed to the following:-



The Trust always keeps a close contact with its students and helps them in getting admission in colleges and Universities and find gainful employments for them.


The Trust is dedicated to the noble purpose of alleviating the sufferings of the blind and visually impaired and empowering them by training, educating, and rehabilitating them and enabling them to live a life of Honor and Dignity with Physical and Financial independence.


We are an organization that believes in:-


1)That all children either sighted or blind have a right to education and basic health care.

2)That education is key to transformation and provides opportunities.

3)That children are our hope for the future


We responsibly and strategically use our resources of time, talent and money.


We honestly and openly share our ideas and organizational decision making.


We foster teamwork and value relationships with our donors, partners, friends and volunteers as we were to achieve our goals in partnership.


We empowered people with opportunities to help blind students and others in need.

We strengthen and grow the organization in a positive and constructive way.



The AJB Trust Institute for the Blind is fully equipped with modern educational facilities including:-

1-Braille Teaching System

2-Braille Dictionary (Made by us)

3-Science and Computer Labs

4-Model Room

5-A Library with over 1000 of Braille Books Plus Large Prints, Talking Books and Books for General reading.

6-Sports Facilities

7-Well Trained Staff to teach the Blind Students (teachers are trained by us)

8-Pick and Drop Facilities

Goals of our Organization to benefit the Blind and visually impaired of AJB Trust for the Blind:

1-Will work towards amelioration of the conditions of the blind people across Pakistan in General and Punjab in particular.

2-Recognizes the specialized needs of the clientele and will establish priorities to effectively use all available human and financial resources.

3-Is strongly committed to those children who are totally Blind or seriously visually impaired. The core services will be developed and directed to the specific needs of such persons.

4-Will challenge all impairments, which obstruct equality of the blind, and the goal will be to achieve their full participation in national life, and their integration into the social and economics mainstream.

5-Will serve the increased numbers of children with failing vision or impaired vision, the Trust will promote sight enhancement.

Services provided by the organization:-

a)Training, education and rehabilitation facilities to the blind children.

b)Teachers training and capacity building.

c)Community awareness.

Training, Education and Rehabilitation Facilities to the Blind Children:-

When a child is first brought for admission to the AJB Trust s/he is assessed for health, educational, intellectual capabilities, physical and behavioural status.

During the assessment special attention is given to the following:-

a)Medical history and health status, associated with physical and visual disabilities.

b)Learning capability and inabilities

c)Behavioral and emotional problems

d)Special classes in each summer are held for the senior students to help them to learn, Braille Orientation, Mobility and other skills.

The Trust is advancing a multi-dimensional agenda to educate, train and habilitate the most neglected segment of Pakistan society enabling country’s blind to read, write learn not just arithmetic but also geometry, program computers, master musical instruments and indeed play cricket.

The Trust is dedicated to the noble purpose of alleviating the sufferings of the blind and visually impaired and enabling them to live a life of honor and dignity with physical and financial independence.

Education is a doable imperative for children who are blind or lose their sight at an early age. Visually impaired have many far reaching negative effects on development, education, future opportunities and personalities. These children deal with innumerable frustrations, poor self-images and non-acceptance in the family, school and society. For these reasons they need special attention at home and skilled, well trained teachers in school, who build their confidence and help them with their life in perpetual darkness.

TeachersTraining and Capacity Building:-

All those who wish to join the Institute as a teacher must have at least master’s degree. Selective candidates go through while in service three months training of English, Urdu, Maths, Computers, Braille Orientation and Mobility.


Volunteers program:-

Opportunity for voluntary services program are provided to the students of various schools, colleges, universities and other institutions.

Creating Awareness:-

  • Creating awareness is general population about special children is another feature of activities are designed and implemented by the Trust such as distribution of broachers and annual reports and social media.
  • Summer internship programs for regular school/college students to enable them to interact and understand children with special needs.
  • Meet groups and meetings of parents of children with special needs.
  • Celebration of White Cane Safety Day on 15th October, and International Day of Disabled Persons every year.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability System:-

Monitoring of Students:-

  • At the time of admission detailed assessment of the child is done by the Executive Director Administration and his Individual Educational Plan (IEP)
  • Record of each student is kept separately in his/her file
  • IEP is set for six months. After every six months performance of the child is evaluated and plan is reset.

Monitoring of Teachers:-

  • After inducting a teacher he/she is given three months structured training in mobility and Braille, the successful candidate is inducted into a permanent job.
  • Performance of each teacher is observed by the Chief Executive Officer.
  • Promotions and increments are based on annual performance and appraisal.

Monitoring Of Specific Donor Funded Projects:-

Monitoring of specific donor funded projects is done according to the monitoring lines provided by donor agency.

Overall Monitoring of the Trust:-

Internal and External Audit Systems are in place to ensure reliable financial management of the Trust (Copies of the Audit Report Attached)

Evaluation of program delivery systems are done by impartial external sources such as Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (Copy of Certificate Attached)

Detail of Bank Accounts:-

MCB Islamic Banking Limited, Bank Alfalah Limited, Gulberg Branch, Lahore.

DHA Branch,339-Z, Phase-III, Account Title:Aziz Jehan Begum Trust for the Blind

DHA, Lahore Cantt. Branch Code:0028

Account Title: Pak Rupees Account No: 0028-1003565003

Aziz Jehan Begum Trust for the Blind IBN No:PK21 ALFH 0028 0010 0356 5003

Branch Code:1908

Pak Rupees Account No:9002 6873 8100 1706

IBAN No:PK83 MUCIB 9002 6873 8100 1706