Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Free Papers 1 / 08:30 – 10:00 / Room 2.4
Chairmen / F Anderson, S Helton
O1 / 08:30 – 08:40 / Pancreatic adenocarcinomas arising on the background of pancreatic cystic disease have a better outcome than poor outcome
Gareth Morris-Stiff, Greg Lentz, Sricharan Chalikonda, Matthew Walsh
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, United States
O2 / 08:40 – 08:50 / Solid Pseudopapillary Tumours of the Pancreas
Megan Frost, Jake Krige, Eugenio Panieri, Philippus Bornman
Department of Surgery, University of Cape Town Health Sciences Faculty, Cape Town, South Africa
O3 / 08:50 – 09:00 / Nationwide Improvement of Endocrine Pancreatic Cancer Survival in the Netherlands
Ignace de Hingh1, Sanne van de Akker2, Esther de Vries2, Simon Nienhuijs1, Otto Visser3, Bart Kiemeney4, Valery Lemmens5
1Catharina-hospital, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 3Comprehensive Cancer Centre Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4University Medical Centre Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 5Comprehensive Cancer Centre South, Eindhoven, Netherlands
O4 / 09:00 – 09:10 / Multi-Visceral En Bloc Pancreatic Resections for Malignant Tumours
Mohamed Abu Hilal2, Mark McPhail1,2, Wessem El Ghoul2, F Di Fabio2, Colin Johnson2, Neil Pearce2, Peter Swan2
1Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, United Kingdom
O5 / 09:10 – 09:20 / Centralization of pancreaticoduodenectomy in The Netherlands: trends and impact on mortality
Roeland F de Wilde1,2, Marc G Besselink1, Inne H Borel Rinkes1, Casper H Van Eijck3, Cornelis H Dejong4, Robert J Porte5, Dirk J Gouma6, Olivier R Busch6, Quintus Molenaar1
1University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Centre Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, United States, 3Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 4Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht, Netherlands, 5University Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands, 6Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands
O6 / 09:20 – 09:30 / Non nationwide improvement of longer-term pancreatic cancer survival in The Netherlands
Simon Nienhuijs1, Sanne van de Akker2, Esther de Vries2, Ignace de Hingh1, Otto Visser3, Bart Kiemeney4, Valery Lemmens5
1Catharina-hospital, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 3Comprehensive Cancer Centre Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4University Medical Centre Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 5Comprehensive Cancer Centre South, Eindhoven, Netherlands
O7 / 09:30 – 09:40 / Long-term survival after Pancreatoduodenenctomy for pancreatic head carcinoma
Yvette van Gestel1, Valery Lemmens1, Ignace de Hingh2
1Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, Netherlands
O8 / 09:40 – 09:50 / Lessons learned from our past: improved care and outcome for patients with pancreatic cancer in the South of The Netherlands after centralization of surgical treatment
Valery Lemmens1,2, Jan Willem Coebergh1,2, Koop Bosscha3, George van der Schelling4, Stephan Brenninkmeijer5, Ignace De Hingh6
1Eindhoven Cancer Registry, Comprehensive Cancer Centre South, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Department of Public Health, Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 3Jeroen Bosch Hospital, 'sHertogenbosch, Netherlands, 4Amphia Hospital, Breda, Netherlands, 5TweeSteden Hospital, Tilburg, Netherlands, 6Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, Netherlands
O9 / 09:50 – 10:00 / Prolyl hydroxylase-2 (PHD2) - a new tumour suppressor gene in pancreatic cancer
Yun Su2,3, Nathalia Giese3, Eric Metzen1, Markus Büchler3, Arno Kornberg4, Helmut Friess4, Peter Büchler4
1Institute of Physiology, University Hospital of Essen, Essen, Germany, 2Department of Surgery, Zhongda Hospital, Nanjng Southeast University, Nanjing, China, 3Department of General Surgery, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 4Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München, München, Germany
Free Papers 2 / 08:00 – 09:30 / Room 1.4
Chairmen / C Christophi, S Fenwick
O10 / 08:00 – 08:10 / Generation of insulin producing cells from non human primate monocytes derived from an optimized protocol for the generation of human neo-islet cells
Ole Harder1, Del Kahn2, Dieter Bröring1, Fred Fändrich1, Maren Schulze1
1Department of Surgery, University of Schleswig Holstein, Campus kiel, Kiel, Germany, 2Department of Surgery, University of Cape Town, Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, Germany
O11 / 08:10 – 08:20 / Post ERCP perforations: is there a place for selective management?
Rafael Miller, Nahum Musenkis, Ehud Melzer, Oscar Lifshitz, Eli Mavor
Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot, Israel
O12 / 08:20 – 08:30 / Possible mortality reduction of endoscopic sphincterotomy during ERCP: a population based case-control study
Cecilia Strömberg1,2, Urban Arnelo1,2, Lars Enochsson1,2, Matthias Löhr1,2, Magnus Nilsson1,2
1CLINTEC Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Department of Surgery, Gastrocentrum, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
O13 / 08:30 – 08:40 / Percutaneous drainage vs. emergency cholecystectomy for the treatment of acute cholecystitis in critically ill patients - does it matter?
Emmanuel Melloul1, Alban Denys2, Nicolas Demartines1, Jean-Marie Calmes1, Markus Schäfer1
1Department of Visceral surgery, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Department of Interventionnal Radiology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland
O14 / 08:40 – 08:50 / Lower rate of major bile duct injury and increased intraoperative management of common bile duct stones after implementation of routine intraoperative cholangiography
K.T. Buddingh1, R.K. Weersma2, R.A.J. Savenije1, G.M. Van Dam1, V.B. Nieuwenhuijs1
1University Medical Centre Groningen, Department of Surgery, Groningen, Netherlands, 2University Medical Centre Groningen, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Groningen, Netherlands
O15 / 08:50 – 09:00 / Factors affecting the outcome after repair of bile duct Injuries
Daren Subar1, Asma Sultana2, Ambareen Kausar1, David Sherlock1, Graeme Poston2, Andrew Wu2, Derek O'Reilly1
1North Manchester General Hospital, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2Aintree Hospital, Liverpool, United Kingdom
O105 / 09:00 – 09:10 / Neoadjuvant trans-arterial chemo-embolization (TACE) using Irinotecan beads (DEBIRI) for easily resectable colorectal liver metastases: a Phase II study
Robert Jones1, Liz O'Grady2, Monica Terlizzo3, Hassan Malik1, Stephen Fenwick1, Graeme Poston1
1Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2Department of Radiology, Aintree University NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 3Department of Histopathology, Aintree University NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, United Kingdom
O17 / 09:10 – 09:20 / Specialist surgery for iatrogenic bile duct injury results in acceptable long-term quality of life
John Terrace, Roderick McMurray, Hugh Paterson, O. James Garden, Rowan Parks
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
O18 / 09:20 – 09:30 / Survival after radiofrequency of stage III pancreatic carcinoma: a wind of change?
Roberto Girelli1, Alessandro Giardino1, Isabella Frigerio1, Roberto Salvia2,1, Stefano Partelli1, Claudio Bassi2,1
1HPB Unit, Pederzoli Clinic, Peschiera Del Garda, Italy, 2Surgicala and Gastroenterological Department, University of Verona, Verona, Italy
Free Papers 3 / 08:30 – 10:00 / Roof Terrace
Chairmen / M.T de Boer, C Joseph
O19 / 08:30 – 08:40 / Single-centre comparative study of laparoscopic versus open right hemi-hepatectomy
Mohammed Abu Hilal, Francesco Di Fabio, Mabel Joey Teng, John Neil Primrose, Neil William Pearce, Peter Swan
Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust, Hepatobiliary-Pancreatic and Laparoscopic Surgical Unit, Southampton, Hampshire, United Kingdom
O20 / 08:40 – 08:50 / The Orange II-trial: an international multicentre RCT comparing open versus laparoscopic left lateral hepatic sectionectomy in an eras-programme
Ronald M. van Dam1, Edgar W. Wong-Lun-Hing1, Joost R. van der Vorst1, Marc H.A. Bemelmans1, Jan H.M.B. Stoot1, Steven W.M. Olde Damink1, Kristoffer Lassen2, Gerard J.P van Breukelen1, Cornelis H.C. Dejong1
1Maastricht UMC, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2University of Northern Norway Hospital, Tromso, Norway
O21 / 08:50 – 09:00 / The effects of prolonged pneumoperitoneum on hepatic function during laparoscopic surgery: a pilot study
L.T. Hoekstra, A.T. Ruys, D.M.J. Milstein, G. van Samkar, M.I. van Berge Henegouwen, T.M. van Gulik
Department of Surgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
O22 / 09:00 – 09:10 / Endothelin-1 as modulator of acute phase shear stress response in liver surgery: implications in hepatic hemodynamics and postoperative liver failure. A prospective clinical study
Francesca Ratti, Federica Cipriani, Marco Catena, Michele Paganelli, Renato Finazzi, Luca Aldrighetti, Gianfranco Ferla, Carlo Pulitanò
Dipartimento di Chirurgia Generale e Specialistica – Liver Unit. IRCCS H San Raffaele, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano, Italy
O23 / 09:10 – 09:20 / Safety of cumulative time of intermittent pringle manoeuvre exceeding 120 min in liver resection
Fabio Procopio, Matteo Donadon, Matteo Marconi, Daniele Del Fabbro, Angela Palmisano, Marco Montorsi, Guido Torzilli
Liver Surgery Unit, 3rd Department of Surgery, University of Milan School of Medicine, IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Rozzano, Milan, Italy
O24 / 09:20 – 09:30 / Nonoperative management of liver gunshot injuries
Pradeep Navsaria1, Andrew Nicol1, Jake Krige2, Sorin Edu1
1Trauma Center, Groote Schuur Hospital and University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 2Surgical Gastroenterology, Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
O25 / 09:30 – 09:40 / Surgical randomised trials in PubMed journals in 1999 and 2009: systematic review of volume and methodology
Usama Ahmed Ali1, Pieter C. van der Sluis1, Ibrahim Abou Habaga1, Yama Issa2, Hein G. Gooszen2, Ale Algra1, Marc G. Besselink1
1University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2University Medical Center St. Radboud, Nijmegen, Netherlands
O26 / 09:40 – 09:50 / Isolated hepatic perfusion (IHP) for metastases of ocular malignant melanoma confined to the liver
Per Lindner, Magnus Rizell, Jan Mattson, Christian Cahlin, Larsolof Hafstrom, Roger Olofsson
1Transplant Institute, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2Department of Surgery, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
O27 / 09:50 – 10:00 / Argentine Survey to Surgical management of Liver Hydatidosis in 1412 Patients
Mario A. Secchi1, Ricardo Pettinari2, Carlos Mercapide3, Ricardo Bracco4, Carlos Castilla5, Eduardo Cassone6, Pablo Sisco7, Oscar Andriani8, Leonardo Rossi9, Jorge Grondona10, Lisandro Quadrelli1, Raul Cabral2, Nicolas Rodriguez Leon1, Carlos Ledesma3
1Department of Surgery, Hospital Italiano Garibaldi and Medical School IUNIR, Rosario, Argentina, 2Department of Surgery, Hospital Regional, C. Rivadavia, Argentina, 3Department of Surgery, Hospital Artemides Zatti, Viedma, Argentina, 4Department of Surgery, Hospital Interzonal, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 5Department of Surgery, Hospital General San Martin, La Plata, Argentina, 6Department of Surgery, Hospital Central de mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina, 7Department of Surgery, Hospital Pirovano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 8Department of Surgery, Fundacion Favaloro, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 9Department of Surgery, Clinica Modelo de Rufino, Sante Fe, Argentina, 10Department of Surgery, Centro Medico de San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Free Papers 4 / 08:00 – 09:30 / Room 1.6
Chairmen / D Radenkovic, J Omoshoro-Jones
O28 / 08:00 – 08:10 / Malignant Biliary Obstruction: a prospective randomised trial comparing plastic and metal stents for palliation of symptomatic jaundice
Marc Bernon, John Shaw, Jake Krige, Philippus Bornman
Department of Surgery, University of Cape Town Health Sciences Faculty, Cape Town, South Africa
O29 / 08:10 – 08:20 / Fast-track protocol for pancreatic surgery: a single-centre experience
Pierluigi Di Sebastiano1, Leonardina Festa1, Antonio De Bonis1, Andrea Ciuffreda2, Maria Rosa Valvano4, Angelo Andriulli3, F Francesco di Mola1
1Dept of Surgery, IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Soffrenza Hospital, San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, 2Dept of Anaesthesiology, IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Soffrenza Hospital, San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, 3Unit of Gastroenterology, IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Soffrenza Hospital, San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, 4Unit of Biostatistics, IRCCS - Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza Hospital, San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy
O30 / 08:20 – 08:30 / A immediate 5 days postoperative antibiotherapy course decreases the rate of infectious complication after pancreaticoduodenectomy in case of bile contamination
Isabelle Sourrouille1, Benjamin Blanc1, Bert Frédéric2, Safi Dokmak1, Beatrice Aussilhou1, Catherine Paugam-Burtz3, Jacques Belghiti1, Alain Sauvanet1
1Departments of HBP Surgery - AP-HP, Clichy, France, 2Departments of Bacteriology - AP-HP, Clichy, France, 3Departments of Anaesthesiology - - AP-HP, Clichy, France
O31 / 08:30 – 08:40 / Crystalloid fluid restriction during pancreatic surgery has no measurable effect on delayed gastric emptying and other complications: the results of a double-blinded prospective trial (EPOR)
Gan van Samkar1, Olivier Busch2, Roel Bennink3, Wietse Eshuis2, Thomas van Gulik2, Marcel Dijkgraaf4, Benedikt Preckel1, Stefan de Hert1, Dirk Gouma2, Markus Hollmann1
1Anesthesiology Dept, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Surgery Dept, AMC, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3Nuclear Medicine, AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4Clinical Epidemiology, AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands
O32 / 08:40 – 08:50 / Do risk factors for pancreatic fistula really exist? A fourteen year single institution experience
Marco Inama, Giovanni Butturini, Giuseppe Malleo, Alvise Cavallini, Domenico Tamburrino, Claudio Bassi, Paolo Pederzoli
General Surgery Department, Medical University of Verona, Verona, Italy
O33 / 08:50 – 09:00 / Impact of peri-operative complications following pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreas ductal adenocarcinoma on long-term survival
Rajiv Lochan, Stuart Robinson, Mathew Jacob, Derek Manas, Steve White, Richard Charnley, Jeremy French, Bryon Jaques
Hepato-pancreato-Biliary Surgery unit, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
O34 / 09:00 – 09:10 / Management of post pancreatectomy haemorrhage: does the performance of a pancreaticogastrostomy instead of a pancreaticojejunostomy improve outcomes by better endoscopic accessibility?
Fritz Klein1, Alexander Eckardt2, Winfried Veltzke-Schlieker2, Andreas Andreou1, Peter Warnick1, Marcus Bahra1, Peter Neuhaus1, Matthias Glanemann1
1Department of General, Visceral, and Transplantation Surgery, Charité Campus Virchow, Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany, 2Clinic for Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Charité Campus Virchow, Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany
O35 / 09:10 – 09:20 / Submaximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing predicts pancreatic leak in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy
R Charnley Fabio Ausania, Chris Snowden, Rajiv Lochan, Steven White, Bryon Jaques, Jeremy French, Derek Manas
Freeman Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
O36 / 09:20 – 09:30 / Preoperative CT scan can predict incidence and severity of pancreatic fistula after pancreaticoduodenectomy
Hadrien Tranchart1,5, Sebastien Gaujoux1,5, Vinciane Rebours4,5, Marie Pierre Vuillerme2,5, Safi Dokmak1,5, Philippe Levy4,5, Anne Couvelard3,5, Jacques Belghiti1,5, Alain Sauvanet1,5
1Beaujon Hospital Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Clichy, France, 2beaujon Hospital Department of Radiology, Clichy, France, 3Beaujon Hospital Department of Pathology, Clichy, France, 4Beaujon Hospital Department of Gastroenterology an Pancreatology, Clichy, France, University Paris 7, Paris, France
Free Papers 5 / 08:30 – 10:00 / Room 2.6
Chairmen / A Serrablo, S Burmeister
O37 / 08:30 – 08:40 / Detection of colorectal cancer liver metastases – an assessment of four imaging modalities
Eduard Jonas, Henrik Nilsson, Jonas Larsson, Jacob Freedman
Department of Clinical Sciences, Karolinska Institutet Danderyd Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
O38 / 08:40 – 08:50 / Accuracy of MSCT and MRI for pre-operative assessment of colorectal liver metastases after neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Free Paper Sessions
