Psychology- Mr. Jalowiec
Room 217
Course Description: Psychology is the study of the human mind and how it works on an individual basis. This class is meant as an introduction as psychology classes are prerequisites and/or electives in most college and university majors.
Class Expectations: Students your age should be fully aware of expectations mean to help you be as successful as possible throughout the school year. For any questions on general school rules, please refer to the North Ridgeville High School student handbook.
The following are my classroom expectations and rules;
1. Please be on time to class.
2. Restroom passes will be given at a rate of 5 per quarter (vending machine passes will never be given).
3. Please be prepared for class when you arrive.
4. Please show self-respect and respect for your classmates.
5. I really don’t mind if you eat or drink in class as a general rule, but if it becomes an issue (i.e. You cannot pick up after yourself or you spill your drink daily) it will stop.
6. If I am absent, be respectful of the substitute teacher at all times. Treat them better than you treat me!
Books: Books will not be assigned, they will be left in the classroom. If you need to take a book out of the classroom, please fill out a sign out sheet posted in the room.
Notes: Notes are available on my teacher website, It is your responsibility to print the notes for each section and bring them to class. We will discuss the notes in class, but you will not have time to copy them during class.
Test Review: At least one school day before the test, I will give you a review sheet. It is your responsibility to complete the review sheet and turn it in for bonus points (usually 3) if you choose.
Class Points and Assignments: This is not a class where you have an abundance of points to fall back on if you produce low scores and/or decide not to turn in your work. Class points will be made up of the following;
- Homework assignments
- Weekly Bell Work questions (turned in on the last day of class each week)
- Quizzes
- Reaction papers
- Tests
As is the case in most classes, you only get out of it what you put in. If your goal is to slide by and not participate all semester, this class will likely be fairly boring for you. If you actively participate, I think you will find the class to be rather enjoyable.
Tentative Schedule of Topics:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Psychology and Methods of Research
Chapter 2: Biological Foundations of Behavior
Chapter 3: Sensation and Perception
Chapter 4: Consciousness
Chapter 5: Learning
Chapter 6: Memory
Chapter 9: Human Development
Chapter 11: Psychological Disorders