The Loquacious LocSec

Greetings again from your LocSec. It’s good to be back! I’ve missed going to the

PigSigs while I was away, and it was nice to see everyone again at the dinner last week. Hope to see you at the next one.

Now that everyone is back from vacations and had a chance to settle in, it’s time to get back to business. My personal situation hasn’t changed, in that my working contracts will be expiring soon. Got to go out and get the latest version of “What color is your parachute.” Wish me luck!

Just Tinkering

Well, I’ve had a couple of busy weeks—had another endoscopy (yes, the ulcer is still there) and will have to have another one in about six weeks. I sent out about 30 letters to prospective members to let them know about the testing in October, and I’ve begun working on the agility equipment for the trials coming up in November. I wasn’t able to make the last PigSig because I was helping get out the applications for the trials to be held next March—they were due in by October 1st. Also due by October 1st was the annual statement we have to prepare for the Post Office (and which we have to print this month, which is why the newsletter doesn’t have as much room for other things). September was just been one thing after another all month long. I hope to get some time to relax in October—we’ll see, anyway.

Now, our bylaws require that ballots are to be sent to you in the October newsletter—which obviously hasn’t happened (mostly because of our statement of ownership.) However, Robin Preston-Wright has also volunteered (bless her!!!) to work on nominations--hopefully, she’ll come up with a new editor, because I really need to move on to other things. So look for your ballot in November’s MenTally. You’ll need to get it back as quickly as possible, so that we can post the results in December.

Y’all take care and keep well—


Coming Up Next!


Saturday, October 20th—12:30 p.m.

Leon County Public Library

200 West Park Avenue (Prog. Rm. A)

Fee is $40. Sign-up begins at 12:15. Contact Carolyn Stimel or Tinker Lammert for more information.

Marianna Caverns

Sunday, October 21st—7:30 a.m.

Meet in Best Buy’s parking lot (Apalachee Parkway) to carpool. Bring a sweatshirt, a bit of gas and lunch money and yourself. It’ll be fun! Call Deb Carruth with questions—her cell phone is 273-2183.


Wednesday, October 24th – 6:30 PM

The Red Elephant Pizza & Grill

1872 Thomasville Road (Capital Plaza)

(850) 222-7492

It’s pizza and other stuff. Prices reportedly run $10-20, and the food is supposed to be very good. See you all there.

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My thanks to Robin for agreeing to do the website. I apologize for not keeping it us, but things should go better with Robin at the helm. I heard that the new Comedy Club outing went very well. Several folks thought it would be a great idea to make this a regular event, and I’m inclined to agree. If this takes shape, it should be fun!

I’d also like to give my personal recommendation for attending the caving event coming up this month. I’ve been to the Florida caverns and enjoyed the experience. Now, I should note that as a Kentucky native, the caverns here aren’t as big as Mammoth Cave, which is huge (as noted by the name). Still, they’re quite interesting and, as a part of the local geology, something everyone would benefit from seeing.

Finally, elections are coming up. Please stay tuned to the details of this. Thanks!

Hope to see you soon!


The Tenth Story--October 2007

Labor Day Weekend found us in Ft. Lauderdale for the Florange a Trois RG, and it was delightful. A few interesting points to make about it: a 3 day RG, it had two tracks of excellent interesting speakers, it had a first time RG chair, who did a great job, and it had a first time Hospitality chair, who did an outstanding job. (Monday morning someone's comment about her was that she has now set the bar really high for other RGs to follow!) All of those facts are interesting things to make note of for future RGs. Kudos to Broward Mensa and all of the volunteers for such an outstanding job!

We had an interesting RVC Rap Session on Monday morning at the RG. Interesting questions were raised by some people, answers to which I have found and sent to the questioning members. Problems being faced by local groups were aired, and interestingly, many of these were things that will be dealt with at the Region 10 LDW on November 3 in Plant City. So far volunteer leaders and potential volunteer leaders from 6 of Florida's 12 groups are signed up to attend the LDW. I have high hopes that most if not all of our groups will have someone attending. If you would like more information about the LDW, check my RVC column in the September newsletters. If you have misplaced your September newsletter, the column is on the region 10 website ( org), either under RVC COLUMNS or LDW UPDATE. At the time of this writing there are approximately 1/2 of the spaces still available to sign up, but don't delay! We are limited to 50 attendees.

There are many good things coming up in Region 10. In December the AMC will be meeting in Palm Beach County. AMC meetings are open to all members. If you are going to be in the Palm Beach area on December 1, why not stop in to see the AMC in action? You can also socialize with your national leaders in the evening after the meeting. In January, CFM's Smarti Gras will be January 18-20, at a newly remodeled hotel, the Renaissance Orlando Hotel Airport, not far from Orlando International Airport. In February, Northwest Florida Mensa will be back again with their Valentime RG, February 15-17. (not yet approved). Tampa Bay is beginning the planning for their next ARRRRR-G, in May 2008. (not yet approved). And wonderful news: SCAM IS BACK! As many of you know, SCAM had to cancel their RG in 2004 due to their hotel being severely damaged by the hurricanes. Well, they are now ready to resume their great RGs! More info to come, but keep your eyes open for the details for this one to return in October 2008. (not yet approved).

This month sees 2007's annual Mensa National Testing Day. The official date is October 20, but includes testing dates for a week or so before and after that date. Each member will have the opportunity to help make Mensa Testing Day a success. In your September issue of the Mensa Bulletin, you should have found two coupons worth $5 off the Mensa Admission Test. Please do share these coupons with friends, family members, or colleagues who are interested in Mensa membership. Be sure to have them contact your local proctor coordinator to sign up.

Maggie Truelove, RVC 10

3333 Honeysuckle Lane

Orlando, FL 32812


Carolyn Stimel provided a report on last month’s Comedy Zone trip and the PigSig. Thanks, Carolyn!

We had nine folks show up for the Comedy Zone. The warm-up and main act comedians were a riot—and just raunchy enough! The show was very well organized, and it’s a pretty comfortable setting. Food and drinks were available before and during the show—you signaled your waitress with a light in the dark block of wood. We’d like to plan another outing in the future, maybe followed by an ice cream trip.

Dinner at the Far East Cuisine was great—you have your choice of Vietnamese, Chinese and Japanese food. We had a good showing and a fun time.

Webmaster Report

Robin Preston-Wright is our new webmaster and reports that the web site for Tallahassee Mensa is now alive and well. The site has been completely redesigned, revamped and updated with lots of content. So if you can’t lay your hands on your newsletter, make sure to visit the web site to get the most current information available on upcoming events. (The specified site is listed in our masthead.) If you would like to submit content to the web site, Robin would be delighted to hear from you.

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