First and Foremost---Technology should be used to increase activity time or ability time, not to be hip/new!

List of good sites or Apps**



Scoreboard App**

Stop Watch Camera

Tango Remote**

Coach my Video

Start small and get better year to year. Before I came to Wayzata I had a flip phone and never owned an apple product, now I am confident with my phone and Ipad all the time

Creating GIF’s--How I started using them as instant activities and how to make one. We will walk through this process at the end.

How to GIF

Step 1--Create a GIF I followed this link and always save them to Google Drive

Step 2--Open Google and find GIF in your Drive

Step 3--Rename GIF so you know what it is and where it is (I like to create folders)

Step 4--Open Slides within Google and create blank presentation

Step 5--Delete the 2 large text boxes that automatically show up

Step 6--Go to insert and down to image or click the box that looks like 2 mountains next to the text box icon for a 1 step short cut.

Step 7--Click on Google Drive within the insert image function

Step 8--Find your GIF or GIF’s within your folder that you have created within drive

Step 9--Resize your image to what size you would like. Then you may add text or pictures to create a layout that you can use for stations or game explanations. I like to use for instant activities on the projector but also for game instruction. Having a few videos playing so the visual learners can see a game in progress as well as have the rules and strategy in text boxes.

Step 10--Add more GIf’s at your own leisure and save your new Slide Presentations. Then, go out and be the best teacher you can be.

Tracking Effort

4th and 5th grade average steps for the week!


Congratulations on completing your marathon during PE time, that is such a great accomplishment. Be proud of yourself! Set new goals and strive to reach them.


From: Mr. Hawkinson

As a Class your goal would be to do as many steps as it takes to get from New York to Los Angeles. This is equivalent to 2,451 miles or 4,902,000 steps. Let’s see what classes can make the trip by the end of the year.

Each box represents 122.55 miles done or 245,100 steps

Google Form and Google Sheet

Form they See

Sheet I see (easy to find totals)

View Student Form

View Teacher Form