This application form constitutes the required form for an application to the Detroit Public Schools for authorization to organize and administer a public school pursuant to Part 6A of the Revised School Code and the District’s Detroit Public Schools Renaissance Plan. By accepting this application from a proposer the Detroit Public Schools is not required to issue a contract to any person or entity. The Detroit Public Schools retains the right to approve some or none of the applications submitted to it. Proposers are directed to the District’s RFP: Detroit Public Schools Renaissance Plan for further information necessary to complete this application. Throughout this document, the term “proposer” and “applicant” are used interchangeably to denote the individual or entity proposing to provide management services to one or more District schools identified for Turnaround as described in the RFP.

All inquiries should be directed to the Detroit PublicSchoolsOffice of Charter Schools Monitoring. Efforts to contact anyone else are strictly prohibited and may result in disqualification of your proposal.


The application must follow the format beginning with Section III (Contact Information). Additional information may be included if the applicant believes it would help the Detroit Public Schools evaluate the proposed charter school.

Applications should be formatted using Times New Roman, with font size 12, and margins should be kept as they are in the application. The application should be saved as a single PDF document, including attachments and addenda. Budgets should be submitted as a single excel file. The naming convention for the files shall be “NameofSchool.Application.pdf” and “NameofSchool.Budget.”

If a complete application is submitted, but is improperly formatted, the application shall be returned to the proposer, who shall have two days to resubmit the properly formatted application. The proposer shall not submit new documentation or information for their application after the deadline for submission has been reached.

If an application is found to be incomplete, the Office of Charter Schools Monitoring shall notify the proposer and give the proposer the opportunity to indicate where the missing information can be found in the submitted application. The proposer shall not submit new documentation or information for their application after the submission deadline.

The narrative document shall be no longer than 100 pages. The pages including the requests and guidance as well as the tables at the beginning of each section shall count towards the 100 pages. Attachments, appendices, and the cover page shall not count towards the 100 pages. If an application is submitted that has a narrative over 100 pages, DPS staff shall notify the proposer, and the proposer shall have two days to resubmit an application that complies with the guidelines contained in this Request for Proposals (RFP). The opportunity to revise for length shall be provided one time only to proposers and shall not be provided at all during the resubmission process. Note that 100 pages is the upper limit for applications, not a minimum. Successful applications are concise, address the requests directly, and do not include extraneous details.

Information has been made available on the Detroit Public Schools website ( for each of the schools which are being considered for turnaround (the “Binder”). The binder contains a site plan, floor plan, and last reported count of pupil membership, extra-and co-curricular activities, staff census and a description of relevant academic and other indicators for the school. Additionally, the Binder will contain information of general applicability to the District regarding transportation, attendance areas, and support and related services available to operators who choose to engage in the turnaround plan.

Following the evaluation, recommendation of application approvals, and selection of providers, Detroit Public Schools will enter into a facility matching process. DPS will make facilities decisions independent of and subsequent to all selection decisions. Approved providers are not required to lease any of the buildings which are described in the Binder. If a proposer wishes, they may design their proposal based on the body of students likely to attend a specific school which is referenced in the Binder. In these instances, the proposer should include in each portion of their response a reference to the Binder by school name. Please note this does not require DPS to match the proposer to the identified school.


The proposer should include a cover sheet providing all of the information outlined below including the name of the person who will serve as the primary point of contact for this Application. One person should serve as the contact for follow-up, interviews, and notices regarding this Application.

PRINCIPAL’S NAME (if selected):
Year 1 Grade Levels:
Year 1 Projected Enrollment:
Grade Levels at Full Capacity:
Projected Enrollment at Full Capacity:
Anticipated First-Year Operating Budget.
Revenue / $
Expenses / $

I certify that I have the authority to submit this application and that all information contained herein is complete and accurate, realizing that any misrepresentation could result in disqualification from the application process or revocations after award. I understand that incomplete applications and those submitted after the published deadline will not be considered. The person named as the contact person for the application is so authorized to serve as the primary contact for this application on behalf of the organization.

Contact Information

Please identify the proposer for contract and provide title, address, fax and email.

Type of proposer: (check one)

Individual: [ ]
Government Entity: [ ]
For-Profit Corporation, LLC, [ ]etc. / Non Profit Corporation: [ ]
Authorized to do Business in Michigan
___yes ___no

School Design and Educational Program

An important component of the Plan is the creation of a transition path for each building which assures continuity of service for all children to be enrolled in the new charter school.

The proposed school must have a clear mission and an overall purpose for the educational program that meets the need of students primarily from the City of Detroit as described in the Binder.

Please respond to the requests below.

1.  State the schools’ mission and briefly present your vision for how the school will operate including how the proposed turnaround furthers the mission and goal of providing a high quality education to the children choosing to enroll in the new school.

2.  Describe the school’s educational foundation and the culture or ethos. Include an overview of the instructional methods and any research or experience that have been successful in your current schools and indicate why you have chosen to use this approach with your anticipated student population.

3.  Provide the school calendar and school day schedule showing the number of days the school will be in session and sample daily class schedules showing daily hours of operation and allocation of time for core instruction, supplemental instruction, extra-curriculars, and after-school activities, as applicable. The school’s calendar shall comply with MCL Sections 380.1175 and 380.1284, 1284a and 1284b of the Revised School Code. The school’s calendar shall also comply with the minimum requirements set forth in Section 101 of the School Aid Act of 1979, as amended (MCL 388.1701). The school’s day schedule must be structured to meet the required number of instructional hours.

4.  Describe the strategies the school will employ to develop and sustain a safe and orderly school climate that supports fulfillment of the educational goals. Explain the school’s student behavior philosophy and discipline policy or code of conduct for both the general student population and for students with special needs. The full discipline policy should be included as an attachment if already developed. Such procedures must comply with all applicable state and federal law, including IDEA.

5.  Describe the strategies to be employed with the turnaround process of an existing public school. Include strategies detailing the transformation of the school’s climate and what specifically would be done to achieve a successful turnaround.

6.  Please list below the number of serious incidents at each of your Michigan schools over the last five years. If the school listed is a “turnaround” please provide the number of serious incidents for the two years prior to the turnaround if you have that data. For the purpose of this response a “serious incident” is defined as one of the following: assault, drugs, moral offenses, weapons, and theft.

7.  Please list below the number of suspensions at each of your schools for the last five years.

8.  Please list student retention rates at each of your Michigan schools for the last five years. Student retention rates should be calculated as a “cohort.” That is, the retention rate should reflect the number of students who stay through to complete the final year offered at the school.


Effective schools have an integrated model of curriculum and instruction. The curriculum is the basis around which all educational institutions are organized. In brief, the curriculum must describe for each grade or level the outcomes for each subject to be taught. The school’s curriculum must explicitly indicate alignment to the Michigan Curriculum Framework (standards, benchmarks, grade level content expectations, high school content expectations), Detroit Public Schools Academic Plan and Common Core State Standards and be appropriate in relation to the school’s educational goals.

Detroit Public Schools is a large urban district that serves a high-poverty population. The District is seeking experienced charter operators whose current schools demonstrate the following:

a. A recognized model for academic quality;

b. Student graduation rate of 90 percent or higher;

c. At least 75 percent of students demonstrate proficiency on state math exams;

d. At least 75 percent proficiency on state reading exams;

e. Experience in urban educational settings with more than 500 students; and

f. Willingness to hold conversations with the communities surrounding each school.

Please respond to the requests below.

1.  Provide the planned curriculum for the charter school. Be certain to include all subjects to be offered, including all non-core curriculum such as physical education, art and music. Submit separate documents for each course identified by grade level. List the performance objectives to be met and the Michigan Curriculum Framework benchmarks and grade level content expectations to which the performance objectives correspond. Align the curriculum with Detroit Public Schools Academic Plan and Common Core State Standards as well as the school’s mission and ensure the curriculum is appropriate for the students to be served. Describe any research that supports this approach to educating children.

2.  For core subjects, include sample lessons from two different grade levels that illustrate strategies for implementation of the curriculum consistent with the mission and educational philosophy.

3.  If your curriculum does not currently meet the stated alignment requirements, or if you are uncertain, please explain how you will complete the process of aligning the curriculum.

4.  Discuss specific instructional strategies that have been successful in your current schools and will be relevant or necessary to successful implementation of the curriculum. Discuss how curriculum and instruction needs have been addressed in your current schools and are reflected in plans for professional development.

5.  Describe how the proposed school will either expand and improve upon existing DPS programs/services, or create programs/services not currently offered by DPS?

6.  Beyond classroom teaching and the core curriculum, what other innovative services or programs will be offered (e.g. pre-K, head start, latchkey, extra-curricular activities, dual enrollment, internships, tutoring, computer training)? What other extracurricular and co-curricular services would the school offer? What resources are needed in order to offer these services?

7.  DPS expects operators to offer enrichment experiences for students. Please list the extracurricular and co-curricular services that you propose to offer

8.  Like all public schools, academies are subject to state accountability requirements. For all approved academies, the charter contract will include a set of core educational performance expectations that reflect state accountability requirements and DPS’s performance expectations. In addition to those standard requirements, most schools have goals that are particular to the school’s educational philosophy and organizational priorities.

If you intend to include additional school specific goals, what are the proposed educational goals and how will they be measured? Identify two key academic goals and one non-academic goal for which the school plans to hold itself accountable.

9.  Please list all of the schools currently and previously operated in Michigan by your organization and for each school include the name of the authorizer. Please provide school name, grade configuration, location, and number of years under your management. Please indicate if the schools listed are new schools or “turnarounds” (e.g. turnarounds of existing public schools or takeovers of charters under prior management with a different provider).

10.  Please provide AYP history and NCLB test data (percent proficient and above for reading and math) in the grid below for each school currently or previously operated by your organization in Michigan. If the school listed is a “turnaround”, please highlight this school and provide the AYP status for the two years prior to your organization commencing the turnaround utilizing the following format:

Year / AYP Status / Provision / NCLB Test Data
Percent Proficient or Above- Reading / Percent Proficient or Above- Math


Assessments are a vital part of the educational process and provide valuable information on student learning and achievement. Multiple assessments should be used to truly understand the strengths and weaknesses of students and plan instruction accordingly. Each assessment has its strengths and weaknesses and is created for a specific purpose. By using a variety of assessments and understanding their various benefits and liabilities educators are able to gain a clearer picture of a student’s actual abilities. At a minimum, students shall be assessed using at least a Michigan Education Assessment Program (MEAP) test or the Michigan merit examination under 1279g.