1. Title-Grain Size of Lithogenous River Sediments
2. Purpose-The purpose of this experiment is to determine the grain sizes of lithogenous river sediments and measure the mass of each grain size of sediment.
Question: What are the grain sizes of rocks in lithogenous river sediment? What percent of river sediment is made up by pebbles/small pebbles (large granules)/granules/sand?
3. Hypothesis (predictions)
-I predict that river sediments contain (boulders, cobbles, pebbles, granules, sand, silt, clay).
-I predict that river sediment is made up of ____% boulders, ____% cobbles, ___% pebbles (large) ____% small pebbles (large granules) ___% granules ___% sand.
4. Procedure
1. Obtain materials (4 paper plates, 1 ruler, 1 bag of screens, 1 sample of lithogenous river sediment, and 1 balance scale)
2. Tare scale
3. Measure total mass of river sediment (subtract mass of dish to obtain mass of sediment)
4. Separate sediments into 4 categories
5. Measure the length of each sediment using a ruler and magnifying lens to determine the grain size (pebbles, small pebbles (large granules) granules, and sand)
6. Determine mass of each type of sediment
5. Data Table
Grain Name / Mass (g) / % of Total MassPebble
Small Pebbles (large granules)
Total / 100
6. Results (graph here-bar or pie for this lab. Click on insert, picture, and chart. Format the cells to reflect % of total mass and word will make your graph for you!)
7. Conclusion