1. Problem
To measure the weight loss of obese children after completing a fitness program.
2. Refining the Problem
Age: 8-10
Gender: neutral
Race: African American and Hispanics
Grade Level: elementary
3. ~Pre-test: Participants will be weighed on a scale that will take the measurement of their current weight before they start the fitness program.
~Motivation: If the participant reaches required weight by the end of the benchmark period, they will be rewarded with a prize
~Post-test: Participants will be weighed on their new weight after the completion of the fitness program.
4. Five components:
Weight- To mark the progress of the participant throughout the program
Water Intake- to assure that the participants are remaining hydrated to prevent fainting and fatigue.
Intensity- To assure that the level of intensity is appropriate for the age group of participants.
Heart Rate Increase- this will be measured because oxygen is needed to burn calories more efficiently.
Food Intake- To measure the intake of food, to assure that the participants is receiving the proper amount of calories and are maintaining a balanced diet.
Grading Scale / Weight / Water Intake / Intensity / Heart Rate / Food Intake1
*1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest
6. Equipment:
Jump ropes
Mini trampolines
Hula hoops
Medicine balls
Exercise balls
Local Gymnasium
Preparation of Testing Station:
Setting up equipment at different exercise stations throughout the gymnasium
Time for Administration:
Type of Training
Participants should learn how to exercise through play
7. To successfully complete this program you must achieve a 3 or higher. Conversion of number grade into letter grade will go as followed: 1=F, 2=D, 3=C, 4=B, and 5=A. Doctor notes will only be required if participant is absent due to medical reasons or if the participant has to be exempted from a certain activity. If participant has to be exempted then he/she will have to make it up by performing a modified version of the task. The final task will represent 20% of the final grade. This evaluation is a summative evaluation because it refers to the assessment of participants where the focus is on the outcome of a program.
Name: ______
Date: ______
Directions: Participants will be measured in different areas, and will complete table based off how well they did in each area and will receive a grade to see if they failed or passed the fitness program.
Objective: To measure weight loss of obese children after completing fitness program.
Class being evaluated: ______
Components measured:
Weight: ______
Water Intake: ______
Intensity: ______
Heart Rate: ______
Food Intake: ______
Grading Scale / Weight / Water Intake / Intensity / Heart Rate / Food Intake1
*1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest