AFOS Committee and Liaison Duties & Roster / 2012
AFOS Executive Committee Chairperson
Chair Structure / Chair: Dr. Jeff Autrey (USAF)
Chair Term of Office / The sitting Vice-President of AFOS will serve as the Committees Chairperson
Chair Duties / Acts as a liaison between the individual committee chairs and the AFOS Executive Council, President, and the Executive Director
Facilitates interactions as needed with the AOA and other State organizations on matters relating to the committees
Awards Committee
Chair Structure / 1 Committee Chair: Dr. Carla Engelke (VA) and 1 Vice-Chair: Dr. Peter Carra (USAF)
Committee Structure / Committee Members: 2 members from each of the 5 branches (to include the current Committee Chairs)
Also: In addition to the Committee Members, an AFOS Associate Member is selected to participate in the judging process for the Reserve Forces Award each year
Chair Duties / Oversee the AFOS Awards process
· Chairs do not serve as voting members with respect to Award Selections
· Facilitate the Award Ceremony
Submit column in the AFOS quarterly newsletter
Serve as liaisons to the Service Consultants
Confirm eligibility for nominations
Prepare nominations for AOA Annual Awards
Oversee subcommittee for Salus/AFOS MPH scholarship awards
Seek potential Award opportunities outside the organization
Committee Goals / Promotion of Awards; Implement Service-specific Awards for each of the five services; Serve as facilitator for Salus/AFOS MPH scholarship awards; Awards reminder to members via email distribution list; Samples to website; Define/develop rolls for each member; Increase awareness of student award; Develop quarterly meetings/teleconferences
Member Structure / Air Force / Erich Wanagat, OD
Army / Evelyn Reyes-Cabrera, OD
Susan Sloan, OD /
Navy / Matt Behil, OD
Public Health / Ryan Manning, OD
VA / Joseph Pruitt, OD
Gary Vanderzee, OD /
Chairs / Carla Engelke, OD (Chair, VA)
Peter Cara, OD (Vice-Chair, USAF) /
Member Duties / Judging panel for the following awards: Service-specific OD and Junior OD of Year, Junior OD of Year, OD of the Year, Reserve Forces Award, and Student Award
· Note: The AFOS Executive Council is the judging panel for the Orion Award
Support the Co-Chairs on projects as they arise
Continuing Education Committee
Chair Structure / 1 Committee Chair: Dr. Tyson Brunstetter (USN) and 1 Vice-Chair: Dr. ?? and ??
Committee Structure / Committee Members: 2 members from each of the 5 branches (to include the current Committee Chairs), 1 Retired/Reserve member, and 1-2 Past-Chair positions—for a total of 10-13 members
Committee Advisor(s): supplemental role; from any branch of federal optometry
Chair Duties / Plan and direct the continuing education portion of the AFOS Annual Meeting and the Federal
Service Optometry (FSO) Meeting.
Ensure educational topics are relevant and address the needs of our members and their
Support AFOS, the Executive Council and the Executive Committee in matters pertaining to
continuing education for our members.
Submit column in the AFOS quarterly newsletter.
Reserve speakers with COPE-approved lectures and obtain speaker contracts.
Support Executive Director in the execution of the contracts.
Committee Goals / To ensure a just representation of education topics relevant to all branches of federal service optometry
To address the educational interests and issues related to the branches of federal service optometry
To provide a lecture platform for federal service optometrists
To provide top quality continuing education and distinguished speakers to our members
Member Structure / Air Force:
Capt Justin Sandholm
MAJ Jason Hales
CAPT Ina Lee
CDR Kevin Jackson
LCDR Tyson Brunstetter (Chair)
LCDR Greg Smith
LT Christopher Cordes
Dr. Joni Scott-Weideman
Dr. Brian Meier (Lt Col AF Ret)
Past Chair:
Dr. Angela Musick (VA)
Member Duties / Reserve speakers with COPE-approved lectures and obtaining speaker contracts (all members
Conduct the continuing education portion of the meeting (assist speakers, introductions, lighting, hand out/collect programs or evaluations)
Assist members in receiving credit for any lectures attended
Evaluate the comments received from AFOS members after the meeting
Advisor Duties / Serve a supplemental role on the committee when all Member positions are filled
Reserved for members whose unique experience is an asset to the Committee
Responsibilities not limited to Advisors’ respective service—assists the Committee as a whole at the Chairs’ discretion
Anticipated to fill the next available Committee seat within Advisor’s respective branch
Exhibits and Posters Committee
Chair Structure / 1 Committee Chair: Dr. Gregory Hutcheson (USA)
Committee Structure / Committee Members: 1 or 2 members from each of the 5 branches (to include the current Committee Chair)
Chair Duties / Serve as a liaison between the AFOS sponsors, the hotel staff and the ED on site during meetings
Serve as a liaison between the residency directors and AFOS for resident poster presentations
Assist the ED with sponsor relations and coordination on site at meetings
Committee Goals / Assist the ED with the communication and management with AFOS sponsors and poster presentations prior to the bi-annual meetings
Work with the ED to determine amount of space needed for posters and special exhibits areas
Member Structure / Unknown – members from the other branches unknown at this time
Member Duties / Assist the ED on site at meetings
Facility Support Committee
Chair Structure / 1 Committee Chair: Dr. John Dziadul (VA)
Committee Structure / Committee Members: 1 or 2 member(s) from each of the 5 branches (to include the current Committee Chair)
Chair Duties / Coordinates all committee activities and acts as a liaison between the individual committee members and the Executive Director.
Committee Goals / Assist the Executive Director (ED) in obtaining audio/visual, food/beverage, and meeting space for AFOS’ Annual and the Federal Service Optometry (FSO) Meetings
Member Structure / Air Force / Wilun Hsu, OD
Scott Mckim, OD
Army / Vacant
Navy / Paul Andre, OD
Larry Schmiege, OD
Public Health / Vacant
VA / Nancy Wong, OD
John Dziadul, OD (Chair)
Member Duties / Assist the ED in logistics planning for AFOS’ Annual and the FSO Meetings
· Work with the ED to reserve lodging and meeting rooms for AFOS’ two major meetings
· Work with hotel/meeting hall personnel to contract catering for during lectures, luncheons, meetings, and receptions
· Work with hotel staff to ensure audio/visual requirements are identified and set up for the meeting
Support the ED in setting up and facilitating both Meetings
Communicate with hotel/meeting hall personnel about facility and technical issues as they arise to ensure that the Meetings run smoothly
Licensure Committee
Chair Structure / 1 Committee Chair: Dr. Michael Feeser (USN) or
Committee Structure / Committee Members: 1 member from each of the 5 branches (to include committee chair),1 reserve member
Chair Duties / Keep the membership informed on key licensure issues through postings on website, and articles in AFOS newsletter
Committee Goals / Monitor, update, and call for change as needed on key licensure issues related to Federal Service Optometry
Member Structure / None currently
**Plan for 2011-2012: add one member from each service for total of 5 members plus chair
Member Duties / NA
Marketing and Communications Committee
Chair Structure / 1 Committee Chair: LCDR Tyler Miles (USN)
Committee Structure / Main Committee Members: 2 members from each of the 5 branches (to include the Committee Chair), for a total of 10 members
Marketing/Membership Subcommittee Members: 1 member from each of the 5 branches (to include the Subcommittee Chair), for a total of 5 members
Committee and Subcommittee Membership: 15 members total (Committee membership is exclusive of Subcommittee membership)
Chair Duties / Oversee all elements encompassing website, Facebook, and forum activities
Committee Goals / Oversee planning, design, operations of website and AFOS marketing
Direct AFOS Marketing to include gaining sponsorship
Marketing awareness
Work with Membership Committee to increase the number of AFOS members
Air Force / Maj John Kim, OD, FAAO, Past Chair
DSN 226-6040
Maj Rich Yoo, OD, FAAO
DSN 452-8425
Army / CAPT Chris Alferez
Navy / LCDR Tyler Miles, OD, FAAO
LCDR Rodel Divina, OD, FAAO
LDCR Brian Hatch (Advisor)
Public Health / Vacant
VA / Patrick Till, OD
Office: 440-244-3833 ext 2154, 2153 or 2150 clerk,
Cell: 440-670-6054,
Home: 440-934-1245
Ian Raden, OD
210-735-4991 home
210-454-1960 cell
AOSA Liaison / Matt Weinheimer
AFOS National Student Liaison
Illinois, College of Optometry
Member Duties / Implement updates to AFOS website
Initiate contact with companies for sponsorship, using website
Develop marketing ideas to increase AFOS membership
Membership Committee
Chair Structure / 1 Committee Chair: Dr. Megan Hunter (VA)
Committee Structure / Committee Members: 2 members from each of the 5 branches, plus 2 additional special assistants (currently VA members) for a total of 12 members
Chair Duties / Submit column in the AFOS quarterly newsletter
Help with registration at both the annual and FSO meeting
Organize membership drives
Help the overall membership appreciate the importance of AOA membership
Help ED obtain current contact information of the membership
Committee Goals / Recruit and retain AFOS members
Member Structure / Air Force
Maj Melissa Simmons
Maj Brian Blanchard
CPT Bret Lehman
CPT Frances Silva
Robert Senko
Michael Davis
Megan Hunter (VA) Chair
George Meers (VA) Vice-Chair
Past Chair:
Aly Wasik (VA)
One chair all other members of equal status on the committee
Member Duties / Contact ODs new to federal service – discuss AFOS and encourage membership
Contact ODs established to federal service whom are not AFOS members – answer questions, discuss benefits and encourage membership
Encourage timely dues payments of current members in order to allow AFOS to maximize its voice in the AOA
Assist with onsite registration at the AFOS annual meeting and the FSO meeting
Nominating Committee
Chair Structure / 1 Committee Chair: Dr. Mike Sunman (USN)
Committee Structure / The chair is the Immediate Past President of AFOS & there are 5 members
Chair Duties / When a council seat becomes available, the Nominating Committee Chair will nominate a new Council Member from the appropriate federal branch.
Committee Goals / Ensure each service is represented equally on the council and make the recommendation to the officer slate at the Annually meeting. The Executive Council will be responsible for making the final selection should there be two members from the same branch of service interested in the open position on the council. The committee will review nominees for the open EC seats and officers and make a recommendation to the EC for approval prior to voting @ the Annual Meeting.
Member Structure / An Executive Council member from each of the services (TBD)
Member Duties / Request nominee from the committee chairs for member interested in position open service position on council. Priority of selection should be from the committee chair. If there is no interested nominee then committee will query the section chief of service who will have an open seat on the council for that year.
Paraoptometric Committee
Chair Structure / 1 Committee Chair: Dr. Darren Rhoton (USAF)
Committee Structure / Committee Members: 1 member from each of the 5 branches, to include the committee chair for a total of 5 members
Chair Duties / Act as liaison between the AFOS Executive Council and theAFOS Paraoptometric Section Executive Council and the AOA Paraoptometric Section.
Committee Goals / Promote paraoptometric career development to include national certification and clinic optimization
Provide effective communication between the AFOS and Paraoptometric Section Executive Councils
Member Structure / Army / Kenney Wells (Clarksville, TN-Ft Campbell, KY)
Navy / Samuel Jarvis (Yuma, AZ)
VA / Robert Hillsgrove (Cocoa, FL)
VA Subcommittee Mbr / Jenette Cantrell (Bay Pines, FL)
VA Subcommittee Mbr / Susan Yee (Winston-Salem, NC)
Public Health / vacant
Member Duties / Work with the Consultant and the Career Field Manager for the technicians in their respective branch of service as a liaison between technicians and doctors
Assist the Paraoptometric Section with continuing education needs as necessary
American Academy of Optometry (AAO) Liaison
Liaison / Dr. Aly Wasik (VA) or
Liaison Term of Office / Term is co-incident with the leadership of the Academy—immediately following Academy’s Annual Meeting through the next year’s meeting
Fairly loose arrangement with AAO and liaison may change according to the needs of AFOS and AAO
Liaison Duties / Serve as primary point of communication between AFOS and AAO
Provide a report to the AFOS Council and general membership at the AFOS Annual Meeting each year
Provide a written report to the Academy prior to AAO Annual Meeting each year
AFOS Committee and Liaison Duties & Roster