CRC Student Medical Check List
Mustang Medical shall provide the following services for students who require this information.
Please contact us for a current list of our competitive prices.
Medical Forms DD FORM 2795 and DD FORM 2807-1and DD 2808(fully completed within 1 year). Please review disqualifying criteria…BMI >35 or weight > 300lbs, BP 140/90 and greater, etc. Your BMI and blood pressure will be checked here.
*Mustang may request recent labs less than 90 days old due to chronic disease or illness.
G6PD (good for a lifetime) HbA1C (within 1 year)
ABO / Blood Type-official documentation (medical forms, Red Cross card) CMP (within 1 year)
Lipids (within 1 year) PSA (50 years and older)
HIV from Serum (within 4 months) Varicella Titer (food for a lifetime)
CBC (Complete Blood Count) (within 1 year) Pregnancy Test (within 30 days)
Hepatitis A – 2 shot series, good for a lifetime Flu Shot – Current
Hepatitis B – 3 shot series, good for a lifetime Zoster (one shot after age 60 regardless of history)
Typhoid – Injection/Oral – good for 2 years/5 years Pneumococcal (65 years and older)
PPD Test and Reading – within 90 days(if positive then documented treatment, chest x-ray, or waiver required)
MMR –two adult dose, good for a lifetime (not required if born before 1957)
Polio – Location specific annually, otherwise one as an adult.
Varicella “Chicken Pox” (proof of positive titer, or proof of vaccine, 2 shot series, good for a lifetime)
Tdap– good for 5 years
Meningococcal– Africom Specific- good for 5 years
Yellow Fever – Africom Specific- good for 10 years
***The following information must be brought in by the student or acquired in the local area***
Dental DD Form 2813 (2013 edition) completed and signed by a dentist. To deploy, a student must be designated as class 1 or 2.
Evidence of panoramic x-ray (within 5 years unless dental work has been done then a new one is required)
A complete (full) eye exam within 1 year