Handy Sanitary District

Work Session of the Board

February 8, 2017


Board Attendees: Chairperson Debbi Yarbrough, Secretary Richard Smith, Charles Hobson, Norman Hunt, Pauline Weaver

Staff Attendees: General Manager Darrell Hinnant, Clerk Angela Jennings

Guest Attendees:Charlie McGougan, MBD Consulting Engineers

Chairperson Debbi Yarbrough called the work session to order and a moment of silence was observed.

Adoption of the Agenda:The Board reviewed the Agenda and Norman Hunt made a motion to adopt the Agenda as written, seconded by Richard Smith, passed by the Board 5-0.

Klopman Mill Road Water Line: Darrell Hinnant informed the Board that he was approached by a customer wanting water service to the business he’s building on Klopman Mill Road near the old Burlington plant that would use approximately 200,000 gallons of water/month. The building would be completed by June, 2017. He discussed that the customer has already spoken with 5 businesses in the same area that would also be served if the water line was extended and that they would be interested in signing up as well. He informed the Board that he had engineer Charlie McGougan to estimate what it would cost to run the line extension; the estimate was $60,250 to run the water line from the main to the Business Park, plus contingencies, engineering, administration, and inspection; the total is about $75,000. Darrell discussed that he also requested Charlie to provide how much time/labor would be needed if the District’s field staff did the work themselves. Darrell informed the Board that the approximate cost of labor would be $13,098 and the piping would be $4,217, which would be a savings of $21,185. After Board discussion, it was decided that the District would invest in the line extension as long as we could find a way to protect Handy in case the customer’s business was sold or closed down.

Bypass Pump Purchase: Darrell Hinnant informed the Board that he’d be in contact with several sales people about purchasing or renting large & small bypass pumps to have on hand for maintenance of the pump stations and in case of emergency. Darrell discussed that he received several quotes: rental of a small pump would run approximately $3,360/week or $9,395/month. He discussed that the District would need two pumps, a large and a small, because the smaller pump would not work for pump stations 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12. he discussed that if the District was to purchase a used smaller pump, the cost would be $9,500+ tax for the pump and $6,500+ tax for the used piping/control panel. He also informed the Board that Tencarva had a pump that would work on all the pump stations, but wouldn’t work in Badin Shores Resort. He discussed that that pump would cost $71,000 including a trailer, but would not include pipes/control panel. After discussion, Charles Hobson made a motion to purchase the used pump, seconded by Richard Smith, passed by the Board 5-0.

Badin Shores Resort Pump Station #5: Charlie McGougan informed the Board that he had the RFP ready to go out to bid. He discussed that the bid date would be around March 16, 2017 and that he would like to have a pre-bid conference on March 2, 2017. He also discussed that this would allow time to evaluate the bids before the District’s regular Board meeting on March 21, 2017. Darrell informed the Board that Susan Kubaki had sent the final EIS over to the clearinghouse, but that the clearinghouse had mandatory 30 days to review. He discussed that the District can open the bids whenever we get approval from the clearinghouse. Darrell also informed the Board that the District needed the easements from BSR before we could begin any work. After discussion, Norman Hunt made a motion to approve the RFP for the Badin Shores Resort Pump Station #5 and send it out to bid, seconded by Richard Smith, passed by the Board 5-0. Charlie informed the Board that he would notify the newspapers on Wednesday and the cost to run the add would be approximately $600-800/ad.

Miscellaneous: Darrell Hinnant discussed that every time a Board member is elected/re-elected, they have to participate in Ethics Training, provided by the UNC School of Government. He also discussed that the new Board members could participate now, but that the newer training would not be available until May.

Darrell informed the Board that he had a meeting on Monday with Camp Walter Johnson.

Darrell discussed that the new Board members would receive a Code of Ethics. Angela Jennings passed the Code of Ethics out to Pauline Weaver and Richard Smith.

Public Comment: No one showed up to address the Board.

Charles Hobson made a motion to Adjourn, seconded by Norman Hunt, passed by the Board 5-0.