Proposal: To vary the catchment areas of Bishopmill, Lhanbryde, Linkwood, Seafield and West End Primary Schools, Elgin Academy, Elgin High School and Milne’s High School.

Please tick the responses which apply to you/your organisation (leave blank if no opinion) and complete the details overleaf.

I agree with the proposal to rezone the geographical area

which lies to the north of the A96 and to the west of the river

Lossie from Lhanbryde Primary School to Seafield Primary School

I disagree with the proposal to rezone the geographical area

which lies to the north of the A96 and to the west of the river

Lossie from Lhanbryde Primary School to Seafield Primary Schol


I agree with the proposal to rezone a small geographical area

within post code IV30 6UH (Sheriffmill Road) from West End

Primary to Bishopmill Primary.

I disagree with the proposal rezone a small geographical area

within post code IV30 6UH (Sheriffmill Road) from West End

Primary to Bishopmill Primary.


I agree with the proposal to rezone part of Lhanbryde Primary

catchment area including the Hallowood Road, Troves area to

Linkwood Primary

I disagree with the proposal to rezone part of Lhanbryde Primary

catchment area including the Hallowood Road, Troves area to

Linkwood Primary


I agree with the proposal to rezone all of the revised Linkwood

Primary School catchment area from Elgin Academy and

Milne’s High School to Elgin High School

I disagree with the proposals to rezone all of the revised Linkwood

Primary School catchment area from Elgin Academy and

Milne’s High School to Elgin High School

Alternative suggestions for catchment area amendments.

Name: ______Address: ______



Postcode: ______

Your Interest: (please tick)

Parent / Child / Young Person
/ Staff / Other *
Elected Member / MSP / MP Member of Community Council
*Other: (please specify) ______
This consultation response will be treated as confidential with access restricted to Elected Members and Council Officers of Moray Council.

Please return to:

School Catchment Area Consultation

The Moray Council

Community Support Unit

High Street


IV30 1BX

or to any of Bishopmill, Lhanbryde, Linkwood, Seafield, West End Primary Schools, Elgin Academy, Elgin High School or Milne’s High School school reception or to the Access Point, Moray Council Headquarters, Elgin.

All responses must be submitted by 5.00pm on Friday 20th January 2017 for them to be taken into account as part of the consultation.