Interviewer: I am going to be asking you some sensitive questions and some may seem repetitive but all are necessary to help you on your path to stable housing.

Interviewer: Do you have a disabling condition- a physical, mental or emotional impairment?

Client: I have diabetes that is really bad and I guess it doesn’t help that I drink a lot.

Interviewer: So would you say your diabetes is expected to be of long-continuing or indefinite duration and substantially impair your ability to live independently?

Client: No, I’m fine on my own if I take all my meds which I can’t get now that I’m out of jail.

Interviewer: Do you have any documentation of the diabetes or the alcohol abuse?

Client: I still have a prescription for diabetes meds but no one really knows about the alcohol abuse; I guess I just know I drink too much.

Interviewer: Would you say that your alcohol abuse is expected to be of long continuing or indefinite duration and substantially impair your ability to live independently?

Client: I think I just need to go to AA or something.

Interviewer: Okay, thanks for answering those questions about disabilities. Are you the head of household?

Client: What do you mean? I don’t have a household.

Interviewer: Are you presenting here as a single?

Client: Yes.

Interviewer: Where did you sleep prior to coming here?

Client: Well I’ve been homeless for a couple months now, usually staying on my brother’s couch.

Interviewer: Where did you stay the night last night?

Client: Well he kicked me out last week so I’ve been on the streets or in his car and tonight would be the 8th night in a row I had to do that and I really hope I don’t have to again.

Interviewer: So you have been on the streets or in the car for 7 nights?

Client: Yeah so far.

Interviewer: What is the approximate date you became homeless?

Client: I lost my apartment last winter and was on the streets for 7 months. I stayed at my sister’s house a bunch times off and on. Now I’m back on the street mostly.

Interviewer: Were any of the times you stayed at your sister’s house for 7 nights or longer?

Client: I probably stayed at her house 2 times where it was for a whole month.

Interviewer: You also said earlier you were in jail- when was that and for how long?

Client: That was in the spring and I was there for 30 days.

Interviewer: Were you on the street right before going into jail for 30 days?

Client: Yes I was arrested while sleeping on the street.

Interviewer: Okay thanks for getting into those details with me. Are you receiving income from any source?

Client: No I don’t have a job.

Interviewer: Since there are many sources of income I’m going to go through a list of types of income and can you tell me if you are receiving any of these? Earned income, unemployment income, SSI, SSDI, VA Service-Connected Disability Compensation, VA Non-Service Connected Compensation, Private Disability Insurance, Worker’s Compensation, TANF (RI Works), General Assistance, Retirement Income from Social Security, Pension/Retirement Income from former job, Child Support, Alimony/Spousal support…

Client: Yes I’m receiving child support.

Interviewer: What is the monthly amount you receive from child support?

Client: $500 most months

Interviewer: Are you receiving non-cash benefits from any source such as SNAP, WIC, TANF child care, transportation or other TANF-funded services, Section 8/Public Housing/Rental Assistance?

Client: No I tried to get food stamps but I will need help with that.

Interviewer: Do you have health insurance from any source?

Client: Yes I think I have neighborhood health care.

Interviewer: Are you a victim or a survivor of domestic violence?

Client: Yes a long time ago.

Interviewer: When did the experience occur?

Client: Right before I lost my apartment.

Interviewer: That was around 7-8 months ago? And are you currently fleeing?

Client: Yes about 8 months ago now and no I’m not fleeing anymore.

Topics to point out as examples in the script?? …


Listing examples when they show a misunderstanding of the question

Jail stays of less than 90 days, only if entering from street beforehand…

Counting months homeless based on breaks