Best Practices Reported Under ATMA- Distt : Nagpur (Maharashtra)

Theme : Linseed Cultivation / Marketing under PPP

Brief Details of BeneficieryFarmer :

Linseed is a traditional crop grown mostly in eastern Vidarbha region, used as edible oil purpose. Since last 20 years soybean crop is being grown on a large area of the Vidarbha and surrounding Madhya Pradesh, the area under Linseed crop cultivation is drastically reduced. Because the productivity of the local genotype of linseed is low, and the comparative prices of Soybean edible oil is lower, the demand for linseed oil for consumption purpose in markets is negligible. Being of the versatile in terms of medicinal qualities for human heath, viz. contains large amount of Omega-3 (58%) and ant-oxidants which minimizes heart problems, reduces cholesterol level, develops resistance power against cancer, useful in ortharites ( knee pains) , beneficial in diabetics ,reduces constipation and enhances general resistance in body, etc. The survey conducted by the health department in eastern Vidarbha region indicated less percentage of heart related problems. Because of the beneficial qualities, demand for linseed from pharmaceutical companies is increasing day by day. Likewise ,use of linseed oil, oil-cake and straw is being used is of industrial importance.

Name of Participated farmer’s Group :ShriGajananFarmer’s Linseed Production Group, Village-Chikhalapar, Tah-Bhiwapur, Distt- Nagpur

President of Group : Dr Narayan Lambat, Village-Chikhalapar, Tah-Bhiwapur, Distt- Nagpur Mob No.- 9923015247

Best Practices/ Innovative Method Adopted :

Knowing the very importance of health related qualities of linseed and its industrial use, the demand for linseed from private companies/ units is increasing . With the consistant efforts taken by Dr P B Ghorpade, Retd scientist from Dr P D KrishiVidyapeeth, Akola a promising linseed variety PKV-NL-260 was developed and made available for the farmers. Since 2007 ShriGajanan Linseed Production Group started production of linseed under the guidance of Dr P B Ghorpade on trial basis. In the year 2012-13 the Group has cultivated linseed in 100 acres of area with the help of World bank aided Maharashtra Agriculture Competetiveness Project . The production was sold by the Group directly to buyers like BAIF Pune, BharatiVidyapeethPune, N-Sign Diet Care Pune and Deccan Poultry Hyderabad. Because the farmers got assurance in productivity in linseed and availability of market, under Public Private Partnership , in the current Rabi season with the help of ATMA and Department of Agriculture , sowing area under linseed crop increased to 1155 acres in the Nagpur District.

Effect of ATMA Interventions :

Benefit in terms of / Before adoption / After adoption
1.Average yield ( Qt/ per ha) / 5.60 / 12.50
2. Increase in yield ( Qt/ per ha) / -- / 6.90 (223%)
3.Cost of Produce / Rs.16800 (@ 3000/Qtl) / Rs. 65625 (@ 5250/Qtl)
4.Cost of cultivation ( Rs/ ha) approx / Rs.7500 / Rs. 19500
5. Net profit per hectare / Rs.9300 / Rs. 46125

Project Director (ATMA)
