TUESDAY 12th January 2016
Pam Linton (PL)- Chair
Tony Hancock (TH)- Vice Chair
Stephen Thompson (ST)- D&G Council Member
Dug Pettigrew (DP)- Treasurer
Ian Vidler (IV)- Member
Edna Allbrooke (EA)- Member
Anne Wyllie (AW)- Secretary - Member
Jim Davidson (JD)- Member
Charles McKerrell (CMcK)- Member
May McKerrell(MMcK- Member
Apologies:- Peter Diggle (PD)
In Attendance:- Press
Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
Accepted by Ian Vidler and seconded by Tony Hancock
Matters Arising:
- TH confirmed that he had sent off the Standing Orders for the Royal Burgh of Lochmaben Community Council and the Constitution, both have been duly signed and sent off to Dumfries & Galloway Council.
- Speeding – TH still not heard anything further from Alistair Speedie – We were contacted by the Royal Four Towns who also have written to D&G Council re speeding requesting slowing down of traffic on the ‘S’ bends as you enter Lochmaben on the B7020.
- Poultry Farm – there has been a request for an adjustment to one of the buildings i.e. to make it bigger. Once we have sight of the application for change of size TH to bring back to the table.
- Bruce Statue – LCC would like to see this spotlighted and ST to find out who to contact.
- Annandale Crescent Potholes – Although they were filled in they have now become damaged again – very poor weather exacerbated the situation. PL had reported the very bad rut at the top of the Barras.
- Proposed Crossing Site at the Surgery/Increasing size of pavement at Church and War Memorial – TH had followed this up by sending an email to John Howell – still waiting to hear back.
- TH reported that he had an email from D&G about flooding grants in the area – ST suggested there might be funding for problems the Castle Loch has incurred – TH to follow up.
Treasurers Report:
- DP reported that the balance was on the Community Council account stands at £7601.67 – he still has about £300 to bank.
- Christmas Lights Account after paying for the Christmas tree stands at £1,983.65.
D&G Council Issues:
- Lights out at Balcastle – ST to report.
- Flags – D&G Council happy to support the proposal of flying flags outwith official flag flying days. TH to arrange a meeting with Jamie Nicholson of the Council re this.
- Flooding at a house in the Barras – DGHP to meet with owner (Mr McPhee) – this has still to happen – ST to follow up with DGHP.
- 30mph sign at Victory Park – ST has asked that it be cleaned or replaced.
- Repairs to Damaged Wall – Has been programmed and repaired but the flagstones have not been properly secured.
- PL reported that the unsafe “rocking stone” at the Community Centre access path needs to be sorted. ST to follow up.
- Drainage problem at Jaybees – drain cleaned at Jaybees.
- Sign for the Cemetery which has disappeared from the wall of The Kings Arms Public House – D&G Council no money at this time to organize new signage – ST to go back to see if there is some budgetary money which could be used. Community Council might look at financing this. Check whether Kings Arms has any objection to putting his sign on their wall.
- Steps at the Barras – these have been repaired but it will depend on budgetary restraints as to whether or railings can be erected.
- Speeding Issues within the Town – ST reported back on various updates he had received. He reported that there are a number of different options – the cheapest option is to have, within the town itself, timed flashing “20mph” signs at school crossing times – ST still to hear back further on this option. ST received a lengthy detailed letter back from John Howell explaining various aspects of slowing traffic down and ST pushing for a more positive attitude to rectifying the problem. Alistair Speedie has been a bit slow on this issue as well.
- The “Slow Down” signs as you come into Lochmaben which were bought by the Community Council can indeed be moved to a new site by the Community Council but this does not really solve the problem but in the interim may prove helpful. With regard to slowing traffic to say 40 mph in the run up to the 30 mph sign – there seems to be no movement on the 2012 decision that this is unnecessary because statistics seem to show there is no problem. However this decision was before the development of Castle Loch and the general increase in heavy traffic would point to this being looked at again.
- Re speed checks carried out by police – report is not very detailed and was done over a reasonably small amount of time. However this issue is ongoing and ST and Community Council to keep track of any progress if and when it occurs.
- Abuse of Disabled Bays – PL reported complaints about the abuse of parking on disabled bays outside the Doctor’s Surgery meaning attendees of the surgery are not able to park anywhere near. One complainant had phoned the police to be told that if the unauthorised car user was still there after two hours then ring back and someone will come and give them a warning. Keep monitoring and phoning police when this happens. Parent/Teacher Association to be contacted to see if we can persuade teachers to park at the school or the community centre. ST to raise with police about perhaps checking disabled bays at school dropping off and picking up times.
- Ongoing Dog Fouling Issue in Garden of Resident’s House – JD still getting complaints from neighbours.
Town Hall Issues:
- Illumination of Stained Glass Windows: TH has been following this up re quote for this work – still not heard back. Community Council may fund if D&G Council do not have the money.
Spring Concert – Saturday 14th May 2016:
- PL informed the group that she has organized Eddie Rose accompanied by local accordionist Wullie McRobert as entertainment for the night.
- It will take place in the Community Centre – Jackie will be putting on a light supper. Looking at £10 per ticket.
- Looking to run our own bar. TH/PL to follow up on this.
Police Report:
- 24th December 2015 – House broken into at Templand and items stolen – enquiries ongoing – quite a few break-ins in the Lockerbie area as well which may be connected.
- 31st December 2015 – A shed was broken into in Glebe Crescent and set alight and a few things stolen. Enquiries ongoing.
- 10th January 2016 – A premises in Stanedyke Court was damaged.
- Police asking everyone to be vigilant re people coming round the doors selling goods as they could be looking to see what they can come back and steal.
- PL reported on what she felt was a possible phone scam i.e. someone wanting to pay a visit to her house on the pretext of lowering heating bills.
- PL reported to the police the unauthorised vehicles using disabled parking bays – police took note of this.
CLLCT Report:
- TH gave a short update about the damage caused by recent winds and heavy rain.
- Historic Scotland has now been renamed “Scottish Historic Environment” and a new person has been appointed to look after the southern region. Ongoing discussions re Lochmaben Castle.
- 13,291 people walked the round loch route since monitoring equipment was installed.
- Trust has received 3 designs from Roger Potter Architects for Lochfield Cottage and these will duly be considered.
- LCC need to look at how windfarm money could be used to benefit the community. Some suggestions so far:
- Perhaps look at doing hanging baskets for the High Street.
- Ask CLLCT if they would like some money to improve the garden at Lochfield Cottage.
- Flags for flagpole.
- Group to bring ideas to the table for the next meeting.
Future Activities:
- Planters and Bedding
- Litter Picking – Group agreed that it would be best to do this in conjunction with The Initiative.
- Coffee Morning – Probably do this late May/early June.
Community Integration Project:
- Meeting re this attended by TH, CMcK, MMcK, JD - MMcK explained briefly how this project came about. Owner of Elsieshiels has done quite a lot over the years to raise money for various charities and setting up of a community hub at her home – she had been talking with someone in the voluntary services who convinced her of the idea that helping lonely people in Lochmaben would be a good one.
- However the LCC group felt that there were quite a lot of helpful groups in the area already and that people tend to be a bit reticent in this area and are not always keen to “join in”. Lochmaben Community Council members felt they should continue to monitor all manner of needs and requirements in the local area and if there is a perceived shortfall for “lonely” people, will consider ways of rectifying the situation in conjunction with other groups in the area e.g. perhaps make the local community more aware of what is available.
- The Community Integration Project felt a drop-in centre would be quite a good idea and that the library would be the best choice for this even though it is only open for a short amount of time. LCC members also felt this would be a good idea – To be looked into further.
- Further meeting re Community Integration Project in February – LCC to continue to monitor.
- Review re Planning System for Housing etc. – TH received a very long questionnaire which is asking how planning should be tackled in future – There were a couple of interesting question towards the end which as a group we can write in and comment on namely “Should the statutory role of Community Councils be extended for example to development planning” i.e. the Community Council could become part of the development process. Also “Do we need to change the system to ensure everyone has a fair hearing in a Planning Decision Meeting” – possible response would be to have longer than 3 minutes to put forward the views of the community and be able to ask questions at Planning Meetings. Group agreed that it would be worth writing back with comments to try and make it a fairer process for the community involved. TH to draft response for perusal by the group before sending off.
Date of Next Meeting:
- Tuesday 2nd February 2016.
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