18.12.15 01722 340596
‘Goodbye to Greentrees’ – a message from Mrs Bennett
Firstly, I would like to thank you all for the generous gifts and lovely cards and messages that I have received over the last few days.
On my last day at Greentrees, I would like to share the following thoughts with you:
I can, and frequently do, speak at length about Greentrees Primary School. If I were ever to enter ‘Mastermind’, my specialist subject would probably be Greentrees Primary School. In fact, my husband often says "What ever will we talk about when you leave?" I guess it's because Greentrees means so much to me.
I have invested a lot of time and energy in this school and it's been a pleasure to see it grow and develop into the outstanding school that it is today. I have made some great friends along the way and had some remarkable and, sometimes bizarre, experiences.
I was listening to Jimmy Carr on the radio the other day and he said "If you find something you love to do, then you'll never work." Whilst I wouldn't go quite so far as to say that it hasn't often felt like hard work at Greentrees, it has certainly been a pleasure (well most of the time, anyway.) Sometimes, I have stopped and thought to myself 'I am actually being paid to do this!'
We've had lots of fun dressing up days. We've had some brilliant topic themed days where we've done some amazing things. We've been on fantastic visits, had some inspirational visitors to the school running workshops and so on. We've had street parties and dancing, music festivals and all sorts of things. Personally, I have particularly loved accompanying children from years five and six on their residential visits. I have often been to Braeside, and to Hooke Court a couple of times too. To see the way that the children rise to the challenge of all of the different activities that they're presented with is very rewarding.
My favourite events have to include the wonderful musical productions that the Juniors have often presented, and, of course, the Infant Nativity plays. This year's have been no exception.
I have had the opportunity to visit Canada and Singapore as part of head teacher exchange visits and I've also had the amazing opportunity of visiting our link school, Chainda Primary, in Zambia on two occasions. (Those were very humbling experiences.) I also went to Ohio where Mr Picton was on a secondment as part of the Fullbright Exchange Programme and had an amazing week with his family and in the school where he was working. Mr Picton and I have had a few interesting experiences together over the years!
One of the things that has given me the most pleasure has, of course, been the fantastic children that attend Greentrees Primary School. They can be relied upon to brighten any day!
As head teacher you have a different experience, perhaps, to that of a class teacher, in that you observe all the children developing throughout their journey at the school, monitoring closely as they progress from reception class through to the end of year six. It is brilliant to see how their personalities develop, how they gain in confidence and maturity and how they grow such a huge array of skills. On many occasions I have been surprised and amazed at how talented the children are. Sometimes the children go all the way through to year six and, all of a sudden, we discover that they have a hidden talent such as singing, acting or dancing, beat-bopping even, that we never knew was there! That is such a joy!
When our children leave Greentrees School, they are well-rounded people who are compassionate, kind, enthusiastic and have a love of learning. They work well collaboratively and look after each other. In short, they are nice people! This makes me very proud. It is achieved through the hard work and dedication that all of the staff invest in the school. We see it reflected in the delightful human beings that come out of our doors when they are ready to move on to their new schools - this is what makes Greentrees such a special place to be.
It doesn't happen by magic - it happens because of the commitment of the staff that work with the children - staff who really do believe that the children can and will be the best that they can be.
One of the greatest pleasures of my job has been to appoint all (bar one!) of the personnel. Didn't I do a great job?! I have always been ably supported, often by Mr Picton, and usually by one of our governors. I've had a lot of fun with Sarah Dorrington, Katherine Kantolinna, Louise Wood, Paul Shakespeare, George Barber Walkley, Helen Bugden and others. Our staff are our greatest resource.
It's always been my mission to make Greentrees a happy place, where learning is fun and where children feel safe and secure, where they have clear boundaries and know what's expected of them. I truly believe that if children are happy, they learn to the best of their ability and enjoy learning. I have been very fortunate in having a team of teachers, teaching assistants and other support staff who have helped me to achieve this vision. They are also passionate about the school's ethos. We are lucky to have such enthusiastic children but the children are lucky to have an amazing team who work so hard for their benefit. It saddens me that sometimes one or two parents don't appreciate the great job that the staff at this school do. I don't know of any other school that can boast of such a high-quality group of individuals and I have worked in many schools not only as a teacher and headteacher but in support roles that I have undertaken as a School Improvement Adviser and National Leader of Education. The children and parents are so lucky to have this team and I have been very lucky to have them working by my side. Thank you to them all - past and present.
I am also very lucky that I have had a brilliant team of governors, for the last 10 years or so led by Paul Hughes, the Chair. They are too frequently unsung heroes. They may not always be high profile, but they lend a huge amount of time and expertise. That have played a key role in shaping the school and its direction and rarely receive the thanks or recognition that they deserve. On behalf of us all - THANK YOU!
We also have an enthusiastic team of parents, our PTA, FrOGS. The committee was established by Claire Demetri even before the school opened. The first meeting was in Claire's living room! Never has so much been achieved by so few!!
This is what I shall miss about Greentrees - the great community of people - the children, the staff, the parents and the governors. It's an amazing community that has achieved so much for all of the children. I won't deny that I am looking forward to a good rest - it is hard work being the head teacher of such a demanding school, although, by and large, I have enjoyed it.
I want to wish Mr Picton every success in his new role. I know that he will have the support of all of the staff, and, that with Mr Geary returning to our school as the new deputy head teacher, there is a formidable team in place to lead the school into the next part of its journey. I know we can rely on this leadership team!!
I think I have left my mark on the school and I like to think that the brilliant new building that the juniors are about to move into will be just one part of the legacy that I have left. I hope that when you look around both the new junior site and the current infant site, you will see little reflections/echoes of me.
It is now time to me to move on. I want to thank everyone for all that you have done for me and for the school, my baby, over the years. In particular, I would like to thank my husband, Steve, who has been working away in the background and in so many ways for the benefit of Greentrees School. I could not have done it without him!
My work here is done. It's been a blast!!
New school times from 7th January 2015
Infant Pupils – ‘Forest’ site (Bishopdown Farm)
Monday – Friday Morning Session 9.00am – 12.00pm
Afternoon Session1.00pm – 3.00pm
Junior Pupils – ‘Field’ site (Riverdown Park)
Monday – Friday Morning Session 8.50am – 12.00pm
Afternoon Session1.00pm – 3.15pm
Wraparound Care – Farm Friends
Details have been sent home to parents regarding the planned breakfast & after-school club organised by Bishopdown Farm Pre-School, starting after the February half term.
Please return your ‘interest’ forms to either school office by 29th January 2016.
Debby Porstendorfer – Greentrees Parent Support Adviser
From January, Debby will be at the Forest site (Infants) on Wednesday mornings and at the Field site (Juniors) on Friday mornings each week. If you would like to contact Debby outside of these times please contact her on 07850 327780 or .
School lunch accounts
As reported in previous newsletters, the ‘Allpay’ payment system will finish on Friday 18th December. Unfortunately, the new replacement system operated by Tucasi is not yet up and running due to some technical issues. We will of course let you know when this is resolved. All pupils that pay for school lunches will still be able to order their meals as usual, and the payments will be back dated once the system is active. Please can all parents ensure that their allpay account has a nil balance, and all outstanding monies have been paid. Thank you for patience.
Message from Mr Picton - Headteacher from January 2016
I am very excited about becoming the Headteacher of Greentrees Primary School in January 2016. As many of you know I have been deputy at Greentrees since the school opened in September 2002. I first of all would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Bennett for all her support and guidance over the last 13 years. I know I will miss her dearly.
I am very pleased to be leading the school in its next phase of development. I am also delighted to be welcoming back Mr Geary in the position of deputy. I do have the most fantastic group of staff and I know everyone will be working hard to ensure that the move of KS2 to the new site will be as smooth as possible.
As the school is now on two sites, I will be working hard with all my staff, to establish clear cohesion between the two sites. It is vitally important that the school develops a sense of oneness. The school will continue to have a shared vision and shared policies. It will also have one governing body and one PTA.
It was wonderful to see the children so thrilled with their new learning environment on Tuesday. The school values pupil voice extremely highly and it will be a fantastic opportunity for the children to help shape the future learning environment of the school.
Finally I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
Mr Picton
GreentreesPrimary School
Diary Dates 2015-2016 Terms 3,4,5 and 6
*NB Please note that some dates may be subject to alteration *
21 Dec –1 Jan / HOLIDAY
4 January / Closure Day School closed
5 January / TD Day School closed
6 January / TD Day School closed
7 January / First Day of Term 3
22 January / School Disco 5-30 to 7-30 Junior site
15– 19February / HOLIDAY
22 February / TD Day School closed
23 February / First Day of Term 4
14 – 16 March / Year 5 Residential Trip to Braeside
25 March - 8 April / HOLIDAY
11 April / First day of term 5
2 May / Bank Holiday - SCHOOL CLOSED
9 -13 May / SATs – year 6
27 May / Last day term 5
30 May-3 June / HOLIDAY
6 June / Staff Training Day – SCHOOL CLOSED
7 June / Staff Training Day – SCHOOL CLOSED
13th June / Induction visit for new reception pupils and their parents/carers
(1.30pm – 3.00pm)
13 to 17 June / Year 6 to Hooke Court (residential trip)
21st June / Induction Afternoon (new reception pupils)
XX June / Year 1 phonics screening dates TBC
24th June / Sports Day & Family Picnic (Infants 9.15am – 10.30am, Juniors 10.30am – 12.00pm, Picnic 12.00pm – 1.00pm)
On Infant site
29th June / Induction Afternoon (new reception pupils)
7.00pm - Induction meeting new parents
1st July / Summer Fayre 5 to 7 p.m.
13th July / 2.00pm – 3.30pm Open Afternoon – come and see your child’s work
14th July / 1.30pm – 7.30pm Parent Teacher Consultation Meetings
20 July / Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly
22 July / 2.30pm FINAL Celebration Assembly & Last day of term 6
25 July – 31 August / HOLIDAY