Manual Council Meeting-11/15/16

Roll Call-

Dawkins, Nick- Present

Mushrush, Britni-Present

Britt, Rosie-Present

Brovsky, John- Present

Goe, John- Present

Butler, Benjamin- Present

Anderson, Will- Not Present

Friendly, Kendrick- Not Present

Layman, Le Gina- Not present

Montoya, Serina- Present

Hamlett, Brandon- Present

Vafeades, Shaunay- Not Present

Vernon Jones Jr.(Parent Rep)- Not Present

Walter Huff- (Community Rep)-Not Present

Natalie Lewis-Assistant Principal McAuliffe Manual Middle School- Present

Kelli Lesh-Present

Coleen O’Brien-Present

The Manual Council Agenda for tonight:

A. Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) 2016: PowerPoint Presentation by Coleen and Kelli Lesh

-UIP can be found on our website and in the google drive

1. Overview of Major Improvement Strategies

Main Goals: College and Career readiness, student growth in all content areas, increase enrollment, students will graduate post-secondary ready, Whole Child supports and systems.

2. Gallery Walk-Council members write responses to the following 3 questions:

What are we doing to ensure students are college ready?

What are we missing in the way of action-steps?

What are some lingering questions you have?

3. Discussion:

MIS #1:

Highlights for College Readiness: Edgenuity, one on one meetings, Read act plan support shout outs from multiple council members, Illuminate, Google classrooms, Reading Partners and consistency of pairing and partnerships, individual conferences with students around college readiness data,

Action steps/questions: Specific training in implementing accommodations for SPED, integrating online classrooms, ACEIT and focus on critical thinking/comprehension/reading, training around making data real for our kids, working on getting students chrome books for students with 85% attendance or above.

Best way to communicate the UIP information to staff?


Draft a communication from Manual Council notes

Have the UIP be a part of the staff mid-year conversation

Promote UIP on the website and in email (where its located)

4. Manual McAuliffe Middle School Visit feedback and discussion. The Manual Council visited the campus on 11/9/16:

Manual Council expressed positive introduction to Manual McAuliffeMiddle School visit. Staff expressed observing college readiness, excitement and organization of the school and environment. Council members stated that they observed diversity and high standards during the visit and something to strive for.

Natalie Lewis expressed how important it is to talk about the Manual transition all the time. The general excitement is being built up and trying to create a cohesive Manual community. Natalie expressed that students are looking forward to the transition, had a great time at homecoming and are just very excited to be a part of Manual next year.

Mr. Dawkins is asking for a 10 min space to share out on a green day for council members to share their experience with the rest of the staff. Colleen will schedule put this on the agenda.

5. Mr. Dawkins asked for feedback on Looping for every grade:

Thinking about continuing to build culture and strategies to increase student achievement and success

Building long lasting student relationships

Keeping students in a student culture of a small school

Building on what students already know

Would be heavy lifting on teachers to master multiple grade level standards