Slinfold Parish Council Minutes of the Recreation Youth & Environment Meeting 21st July 2009
Minutes of the Recreation Committee Meeting
Held on Tuesday 21st July 2009
At 7.30pm in the Chapel
134/09 Election of Chairman - Cllr. D White was elected as Chairman of the Recreation Youth & Environment Committee.
135/09 Attendance and Apologies for Absence
Those present: Councillors D White (Chairman), W Coad, M Dunkerton, N Jefferys and E Sorensen. Youth Leaders – Rita Skinner and Nick Gray. Also present: Parish Clerk M Burroughs. Apologies – None
136/09 Declarations of Interests and Change to Register of Members’ Interests - There were no declarations of interests or changes to Register of Members’ Interests notified.
137/09 Update on Phase II proposals for a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) Ball Court for King George’s Field
Cllr. White advised that the planning application, DC/09/0076 had been permitted by HDC and that he had met with members of CARES on 8th July 2009 to discuss the next steps. CARES are looking for new members to join the committee and will be placing an article in the Slinfold Magazine. Members present suggested that the Youth Club and the Primary School might be worth approaching. N Gray will approach the school.
Grant opportunities are being explored with BIFFA and with HDC. J Wilcox has all the paperwork in relation to this project. There are no recommendations to be made to the Parish Council at this stage.
138/09 Half yearly report from the Youth Leaders on the Youth Club
Youth Leader vacancy
Cllr. White advised that the Parish Council was very sorry to note that Rita Skinner had resigned and thanked her for all her hard work with the club. Nick Gray will replace Rita Skinner as ‘leader’ but Rita will continue to support the club on a voluntary basis. Ann Ball, Youth Service Team Leader for WSCC is currently looking at recruiting a replacement leader. It was agreed to place an advert in the Slinfold Magazine for a new leader (contact via Ann Ball, WSCC).
The Clerk presented the Youth Club finances to the members present. At 30 June 2009, the Youth Club account stood at £1,840.34, which includes a grant received for the year for £1,000. Rita Skinner advised that the petty cash float stood at £218.51. Cllr. Sorenson asked why trips were running at a loss; the Youth Leaders advised that this was due to paying expenses and the cost of using volunteers to supervise the trips, drive the minibus etc. Cllr. Jefferys volunteered his services for driving the minibus and the Clerk suggested that WSCC had advised that there might be funding opportunities for future trips.
The Clerk has the petty cash book for audit. It was agreed that Rita Skinner should continue to maintain and record petty cash.
Progress to date and plans for the future:
The Youth Leaders advised that numbers had dropped off earlier in the year but that numbers were back up again as new members (10 years old) had been recruited. There is a need however to push for new members aged 13 to 19 so that funding could be raised next year. Every effort has been made to increase membership over the last few months with advertising, posters etc. Members present suggested leaflet drops, entering into communication with other clubs and schools in the area and the Clerk advised that she could assist with printing and deliveries of leaflets. The Youth Leaders advised that they would look at all opportunities in time for the youth club’s return in September 2009.
Purple Bus
Arrangements have been made for WSCC’s Purple Bus to visit the village on 10th August 2009 at the Cricket Field from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. Youth Leaders and Councillors are currently working on preparations for this day.
139/09 Matters Arising from the Sports Association Meeting 14th July 2009 for referral to the full Parish Council
Cllrs. Sorensen and White attended the Sports Association Meeting on 14th July and updated members as follows:
- The insurance premium for the year has been paid by both the Tennis and Football Clubs;
- The Tennis Club is prospering but the Football Club is currently in a difficult financial position largely as a result of not collecting match fees;
- The Tennis Club and the Football Club registered concern with regard to the level of service provided by Kent County Council with regard to grounds maintenance.
A discussion took place on the matters raised at the meeting and the following was agreed:
It is recommended that the Parish Council register concern with the Sports Association (Tennis & Football Clubs), that this is a very valuable community facility which could be lost to the village if the Football Club’s financial position does not improve.
Grounds Maintenance – The Clerk advised that she had been in touch with Kent County Council following earlier emails from the Sports Association with regard to grounds maintenance. The Clerk will relay the response from Kent County Council upon receipt.
140/09 KGV Field & Six Acres Inspections
A summary of the inspection reports from Horsham District Council (HDC), the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) and the Litter Warden as given in Appendix A was distributed and discussed.
It was agreed that Cllr. White would carry out an inspection and make recommendations to the full Parish Council with regard to the repairs required.
141/09 Environmental Cleansing (EC) Grant update
The Clerk advised that the 1st quarter 2009 claim was outstanding, pending HDC changing their records for the Parish Council’s bank account. The total grant awarded for the year is £2,310; the first quarter claim when submitted will be £542. The Clerk advised that there is scope to look at additional ‘street cleaning’. Rita Skinner advised that the Sports Association’s car park was always full of litter and that residents clear this up. The Clerk advised that as a condition of the lease that the Football and Tennis Clubs are required to keep the car park free of litter; Cllr. White will investigate this matter.
Cllr. Dunkerton suggested that some additional resource might be directed at ‘leaf clearing’ particularly around the area of the school in the autumn. The Clerk will review this option later in the year.
142/09 Members questions and comments - there were no further questions or comments.
143/09 Date of next meeting - Tuesday 19th January 2010 (to be confirmed). Meeting closed 8.50pm.
Appendix A – Summary of Inspection Reports
KGV / ROSPA / Risk / HDC / Litter Warden1 / 3m ball stop (behind goal. Fence leaning. Monitor for stability / Low
2 / 1.8m chain link (by steel gate) loose in ground and concrete end posts leaning and with projecting bolts. Repair and cut off excess threads / Low/Medium
3 / Timber gate - not fully closing. Adjust / Low
4 / Junior Swing - Surface Lifting. Reglue and fill gaps / Low
5 / Multiplay Unit - Surface Lifting. Reglue and fill gaps / Low
6 / Springer - Surface Lifting. Reglue and fill gaps / Low
7 / Turnstile Spinner - Surface Lifting. Reglue and fill gaps / Low
8 / Cradle Swing - Surface Lifting. Reglue and fill gaps / Low
9 / Goal Post - low spot in goal centre - reinstate worn area / Low
10 / Slide / Sharp edges on 2 rivets
11 / Green gate and wooden gate / Not always self closing
12 / Safety Surface / Weeds between safety surface and edging stone
13 / Hedges / Brambles need cutting back particularly at Grattons entrance
Six Acres / ROSPA / Risk / HDC / Litter Warden
1 / Balancing Pond - keep gates locked and signs displayed / Low
2 / Slide - Planks on deck splitting - Monitor & check on routine basis / Low
3 / Toddler Swing - Chains twisted
4 / Bench & Play Equipment needs another coat of paint
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