SPANISH 331 – Identidad y nación en la literatura caribeña
Dra. Sara María Rivas. Spring 2007
martes y jueves
teléfono: 502-863-7085
Course Despcription:
The objective of this course is to explore the history, culture and experience of the Hispanic Caribbean by means of various artistic and literary genres. At the same time a series of concepts and techniques will be used to augment the esthetic appreciation, bibliographic knowledge and cultural and linguistic command of the student. We will investigate the concept of “caribeñidad” within the framework of Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico and its repercussions in the United States, Hispanic America and Spain. Prerequisite: SPA 230 and 235, or demonstrate reading proficiency.This course will prepare the student at an intermediate high level in accordance to the ACTFL Guidelines.
Mandatory readings will be on the “Reserve” section at the library.
Attendance: Attendance of all classes is mandatory. All work missed due to absences must be made-up to the satisfaction of the professor. Students have a total of 2 allowable absences (excused or unexcused) during the semester. Only extreme situations and university-sanctioned activities will be excused by the professor and must always be accompanied with documentation. Once the student surpasses 2 absences (excused or unexcused), each subsequent absence will result in the reduction of the final course grade by two percentage points. Eight (8) absences will result in a final grade of F.
Homework & Class Preparation: Homework is crucial for success in this class. Students are expected to come to class with the lesson thoroughly prepared. If a student misses class, s/he must come prepared with any assigned homework the following class. Preparation for class must include the following: read all pages indicated, complete all exercises indicated on the syllabus and any others requested by the instructor, and learn vocabulary and content of the cultural readings. Late homework will be checked but will not be accepted for a grade.
Exams & Daily Essays: If a student misses an exam or an essay and has a valid, documented excuse, s/he must make up the exam or esssay within a week of the assigned date. Note: if any question arises with regards to the grade on a test, the grade must be questioned within one week after being made available to the student.
***NOTE: The Georgetown College Honor System will be enforced in this course. This includes cheating [use of unauthorized materials, assistance, etc. during exams], plagiarism [to present ideas and statements of another person as own], and facilitating academic misconduct [to help another student do any of the above]. With this in mind consider the following: all assignments for this course should be your own work only. You cannot copy each others' homework answers. You cannot have another student, a tutor or friend correct or do the work you turn in. You may not use electronic translation programs to do any of the work for this course. The only exception to the above is if, and only if, your instructor assigns you to work with another student. Cheating, plagiarism, and other examples of academic misconduct as outlined in the Student Handbook will be pursued and sanctions will be levied.
Exámenes 25%
Ensayos diarios 15%
Presentación 20%
Trabajo final 25%
Participación 15%
A= 100-93A/B=92-88B=87-83B/C=82-78C=77-70 D=69-60 F=59 or less
(martes 16) Introducción al curso. Presentaciones.
(jueves 18) Una aproximación al contexto caribeño y discusión de artículo entregado en clase “¿Qué utilidad puede tener el estudio de la literatura del Caribe?(Dra. Pacheco)
(martes 23) Colón, Cristóbal: fragmento del Diario
Moreno Fraginals, Manuel: “En torno a la identidad cultural del Caribe”
(jueves 25) Desnoes, Edmundo: “El Caribe: paraíso/infierno”
(martes 30) Pané, Ramón: fragmentos de Relación acerca de la antigüedad de los indios.
(jueves 1) Betances, Ramón E. “Las Antillas para los antillanos” en Las Antillas para
los antillanos
(martes 6) Hostos, Eugenio M. “La educación científica de la mujer” ; “Luperón” en
América: la lucha por la libertad.
(jueves 8) Martí, José. Nuestra América. (Fragmentos), “A Ramón Emeterio
(martes 13) Martí, José. “Dos patrias”, “Versos sencillos” (fragmentos), “La bailarina
(jueves 15) Rodríguez de Tió, Lola. “A Cuba”
Gómez de Avellaneda, Gertrudis. “Al partir”
Ureña de Henríquez, Salomé. “Ruinas”
(martes 20) Llorens Torres, Luis. “Pancho Ibero”, “Don Miguel en la escuela”,
“Zapaquilda”, “Vida Criolla”, “Canción de las Antillas”, “Don Juan Ponce
de León”, “Martí”, “Mare Nostrum”
(jueves 22) del Casal, Julián. Juana Borrero, “En el campo”, “El hijo espurio”,
(martes 27) Guillén, Nicolás. “Elegía familiar” (canto I), “Son número 6”, “Sensemayá”,
“Balada de los dos abuelos”
(jueves 1) Palés Matos, Luis. “Majestad negra”, “Elegía del Duque de la Mermelada”,
“Lagarto verde”, “Canción festiva para ser llorada”, “Mulata-Antilla”
(martes 6) del Cabral, Manuel. “Trópico suelto”
(jueves 8) Henríquez Ureña, Pedro. “La América española y su originalidad” de La
utopía de América.
(martes 13) Cabrera, Lydia. “El monte” de El monte. Selección de cuentos de Cuentos
negros de Cuba.
(jueves 15) Carpentier, Alejo. Introducción de El reino de este mundo.
(martes 20) Bosch, Juan. La mujer, Los amos, Luis Pie
(jueves 22) Belaval, Emilio S. “María Teresa monta en calesa” de Cuentos para
fomentar el turismo.
(martes 27) de Burgos, Julia. “A Julia de Burgos”, “Río Grande de Loiza”
(jueves 29) Sánchez, Luis Rafael. “Las señas del Caribe” de La guagua aérea., “Tiene la
noche una raíz” de En cuerpo de camisa.
(martes 3)Vega, Ana Lydia. “Encancaranublado”
(jueves 5) Morejón, Nancy. “Presencia del mito en el Caribe”, “Mujer negra”, “Los
ojos de Elegguá”, “Hablando con una culebra”
(martes 10) Alcántara Almánzar, José. “Con papá en casa de Madame Sophie”
(jueves 12) Entrega del trabajo final.
Pietri. “Tata”
(martes 17)Diaz, Junot. Selección de Drown.
(jueves 19))Obejas, Achy. “We came all the way form Cuba so you could dress like
(martes 24)Fernández, Roberto G. Selección de Raining Backwards.
(jueves 26) Presentaciones orales
(martes 1) Presentaciones orales
(jueves 3) Reading Day
Nota: Este programa puede verse sujeto a modificaciones por causas imprevistas. Se notificaráde los cambios a los alumnos en clase.