Purpose of the PBI Program:

The Positive Behavioral Intervention (PBI) Program is designed to support students with emotional and/or behavioral challenges. The goal is to help them grow behaviorally, socially and academically. The program teaches the importance of taking responsibility for their own choices and actions. Students have the power to make positive choices that will assist them with success in their school career, their personal lives and into their future after their high school years. Positive choices result in positive relationships with peers and adults, time spent with peer’s increases, privileges are increased, and rewards are obtained which include receiving good grades. Each student is free to make their own choices but with those choices come positive and negative natural results. PBI will support our students in a positive manner and give them positive reinforcement in order for them to become successful students and members of society. PBI will be set up as a safe place for students to go when they need a place to calm down, use their coping skills and to discuss their feelings or issues in order for them to become more successful at managing their behaviors.Each student will receive support and instruction that meets their individual needs.

PBI staff members monitor students in the PBI classroom and the General Education setting. The amount of support required by each student is determined by each student’s engagement in making positive choices academically, socially and emotionally.

  1. Maintain focus on themselves and making appropriate choices (Keep myself safe)
  2. Maintain appropriate behaviors within the classroom (keep myself/others safe, be a good learner)
  3. Follow directions and re-direction from school staff (Keep myself/others/environment safe, be a good learner)
  4. Independently complete assigned tasks (be a good learner)
  5. Follow all Rocky Mountain High School Rules and Expectations (keep myself/others/environment safe, be a good learner)

All Rocky Mountain High students retain the privilege of participating in class activities and lunch break on their own unless otherwise specified and/or their emotional/behavioral state requires them to be assigned to the PBI classroom or support of PBI staff during those times.

Students who having missing assignments or are failing a course will be required to attend Griz time in that class.

PBI Program Class Rules/Expectations for Behavior:

I will keep myself safe.

I will keep others safe.

I will keep my environment safe.

I will be a good learner.

Classroom Procedures:

PBI students are expected to work toward meeting goals for behaviors that would be acceptable in all settings and areas of life. High school focuses on transitioning students into the ‘real world’ after graduation and we are here to teach them the tools and support them in using tools that will follow them into society, college and the work force. Students will learn how to take responsibility for their actions and how to accept the consequences that match those choices.Students will be taught how the choices they make and how their behaviors will affect them inside and outside of school.

Most Students in the PBI program will all be enrolled in an Interpersonal Skills class, for which they will receive one elective credit upon successfully passing the course. During this class, they will obtain specially designed instruction which will assist them with progress towards their behavioral goals.

All students are expected to attend all general education classes for the entire class period they are enrolled in unless behaviors prevent them from doing so. If behaviors in the classroom are disruptive, non-conducive to the learning environment of others, or potentially harmful to self or others, procedures as outlined in PBI and/or RMHS Student Handbook(s) will be followed to ensure a safe learning environment.

All students at RMHS are expected to attend Griz period if they are receiving a failing grade in any class. Students in the PBI program receive extra incentives for attending Griz that are not available to the general student population.

Cell Phone Policy

As in ‘real life’ situations, individuals at times are not allowed access and/or use of cell phones or electronic devices during working hours. Depending on the choices that the students make, this will affect their ability to use their cell phone during the day. Students on Level 0 and 1 will be required to turn their phones into the front office during the day and can pick it up at the end of the day. As they continue to make positive choices and move to Level 2 they will check in their phone to the PBI room in the morning for the day but are free to use it during the lunch period. Students on Level 3 have now earned the privilege of having their phone on them for the entire day but if it is negatively affecting their school work they will be required to turn their phone into PBI with Access during lunch and passing periods, until the completion of the level.

Rocky Mountain High Level System

All students in the PBI Program will participate on the level system unless their level of support requires that they be on a separate system or contract. A separate system or contract will be implemented if student displays behaviors that create/cause safety concerns or if behaviors need additional supports implemented for change and/or correction.

Positive Choice’s data sheets are completed daily by all students in the PBI program on Levels 0, 1, and 2, in all classes. The teacher for the class and the student is to give a rating based on a student’s choice’s and behaviors during the class period. Students on Level 3 will be allowed to self-monitor behaviors on point sheets with spot checks and monitoring by PBI staff and Gen Ed teachers weekly. Level 3 are still required to turn in point sheets but weekly rather than daily. Students on Level 4 are not required to complete point sheets but are monitored by PBI staff through spot checks with Gen Ed teachers.

Their ratings will be used to determine a ‘Quality Day’. Failure to have point sheets completed and/or turned in or less than an 80% will result in being placed in ‘Limbo’for that day. Two days in a row of failure to complete or turn in point sheet or earning less than 80% overall score will result in loss of one level. Students who turn in completed point sheets at the end of each day will be given a candy reward in addition to earning points for the day and levels for the week. Students who achieve a 80% of higher will move up levels depending upon the criteria for that level. When students are moving up the level system, they are building and maintaining positive relationships and having a positive engagement in their class.

The level system is based on a ‘Quality Day’. A ‘Quality Day’ is defined as a day where the following occurs:

  • Maintain positive behaviors within the classroom which results in earning 80% or higher overall ratingfor the day on the point sheet.
  • No instances of disciplinary action issued by Rocky administration.

*It is the student’s choices that will determine what level they are on and how quickly or slowly their level will change.

*Students won’t be punished for coming to PBI to de-escalate. They will be responsible for completing the work they missed from that class. IF they don’t complete the work independently at home they will be required to go to Griz to complete the missed work.

Level System for PBI

Level 0 / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Griz / Will attend Griz in the PBI Classroom or failing class with PBI Staff.
One Bonus Point for Griz
NOClass Bonus time Privileges / Will attend Griz in either the PBI class or failing class. Escorted to Griz Class.
Two Bonus Points for Griz
NOClass Bonus time Privileges / Attend Griz in either the PBI class or failing class.
Three bonus points for Griz
May purchase attendance atCelebration of Success / Attend Griz in either the PBI class or failing class.
Four bonus points for Griz
May use bonus points to purchaseCelebration of Success treats and prizes / Attend Griz in either the PBI other class.
Four bonus points for Griz
UNRESTRICTED FREEaccess at the celebration, treats
May use tickets to purchase prizes
Supervision / Supervision is 100% and time is spent in Safe School with no interaction with staff or peers.
Behavior tracking form signed by Safe School Staff / Students are escorted to class, stay for instruction then escorted back to PBI room to do work.
Behavior tracking form signed by classroom teacher or PBI staff / Students walk to class independently. Earn privilege to remain in class for full class period. 50% support in Gen Ed class from staff.
Behavior tracking form signed by classroom teacher or PBI staff / Students walk to class independently, earn privilege to remain in class for full class period.
Para monitor and support as needed with weekly teacher spot checks.
Self-Check on Behavior Tracking Form with PBI teacher review Signed by teacher at the end of the week / Students self-monitor and staff supervision is only by student request.
No point sheet required.
Lunch / Students will go with PBI staff to get lunch and will return to safe school to eat with no interaction with peers. / Students will go with staff to get lunch then eat in the PBI room. During lunch Student will review the 1st part of day and create a plan to graduate to the next level. / Students earn privilege to walk to cafeteria to choose lunch then return to eat lunch in PBI room. / Students earn full lunch privileges, same as peers. / Students earn full lunch privileges, same as peers
Specials / None / None / Allowed with staff supervision / Allowed w/o staff supervision / Allowed w/o staff supervision
Cell Phones / No Cell Phone/ Electronics access allowed during the school day. (Bell to Bell.) Student will turn in phone daily to the front office. / No Cell Phone/ Electronics access allowed during the school day. (Bell to Bell.) Student will turn in phone daily to the front office. / Earn Cell Phone access during the lunch period. Student will check in phone to PBI teacher during classroom time. / May have cell phone on person as long as you’re engaged in class, following classroom rules and completing work. If phone is not used appropriately, it will be turned into PBI, with access during lunch and passing period until the completion of this level. / May have Cell Phone on person during the school day without restrictions.
Level Movement: / 1/2 Quality Day to move to Level 1 / 2 (1A/2B) Consecutive Quality Days to move to Level 2 / 6 (3A/3B) Consecutive Quality Days to move to Level 3 / 10(5A/5B) Consecutive Quality Days to move to Level 4 / Continue on Level 4 until exited from IEP or behaviors indicate loss of level.

*Quality Day= on Behavior Tracking Form, getting 80% of total points available for the day

All students will enter RMHS on Level 4 and will have all the same privileges as their peers. Students will move up and down the level system based on behaviors displayed both in and out of the classrooms. If an issue arises that the Principal or one of the Vice Principals are involved, depending upon the circumstance, a loss of points or level could be the outcome. As human beings, we all have “bad days” and these will be calledLimbo days.Limbo days don’t apply toward a Quality Day but it does not count against them either. It will allow for a student to regroup given a rough dayand not lose their progress toward the next level. If you are on Level 4 and lose your points, you will be put onto Level 3.


Privileges and tangible rewards can be earned at all levels. More privileges and rewards become available as levels increase, as do the “natural” rewards inherent in improved relationships and academic status.

WOWs / Ticket given to individuals during Interpersonal/Study Classthrough the week for on-task, appropriate behaviors. / Randomly handed out during class Monday-Thursday. Every Friday, one ticket per Interpersonal class is drawn. / The person whose ticket is drawn, receives a tangible reward as previously chosen by the class.
Sweet Treat / Candy or gum at the end of the day / Daily when completed Daily Point Sheets are turned in to the PBI room. Also randomly given for good Behavior and positive interactions with peers in PBI class / One piece of candy/gum of student’s choice
Griz Points / Bonus points given to students for attending and working during entire Griz period / Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday / Value determined by individual level and will be put in the students jar to use at PBI store, 1 Friday a month
Grade Grace / Free choice time given to students with passing grades in every class. / Every other Friday, during Interpersonal Skills class / Determined by student’s individual grades up to 40 minutes of free choice time. A=5 minutes
B=4 minutes
C=3 minutes
D=2 minutes
Success Celebration / Celebration of success in the PBI class with items for purchase with earned Tickets/Points in the PBI store. Activities including movies, games, and treats, for the last half of class. / One Friday/month during class Period / Ability to attend Class bonus time and purchase items in PBI store depending on level.
Tickets for Individual Jar / Students will receive tickets to put in their individual jar for good behavior in class and positive stories regarding their engagement in classes outside of Room 119. They will also earn tickets for effective management of emotions by using coping skills or using PBI room to calm down, to avoided a negative outcome such as a blow up in class. / Randomly given out Monday-Friday. / Student’s will use the tickets to buy privileges, rewards and tangible items in PBI Store, 1 Friday a month.
Cell Phone Bin Bonus / Ticket’s given for putting cell phone in the bin during class period. / Whole Class Period in the bin- 10 Points
60 minutes in the bin- 7 tickets
45 minutes in the bin-
5 tickets
30 minutes in the bin- 3 tickets / Tickets will be put in individual jar and can be used at PBI store, 1 Friday a month

Response to Unacceptable Behaviors:

In all cases, inappropriate behaviors will result in a loss of points that will be documented on the Daily Point Sheet in areas affected, which could result in a loss of level. Some behaviors result in automatic loss of level. (See Consequence Matrix for details.)

In addition to the Consequence Matrix,the RMHS Student Handbook consequences apply for PBI students.

Any behaviors which result in the disruption to the learning environment for other students will be handled on an individual basis and could be subject to additional time implemented on a lower level, additional contracts implemented, or Out of School Suspension.

Any violent, illegal or vandalizing behaviors will be handled according to the Rocky Mountain Student Handbook and West Ada School District policies and procedures.

Parent Signature______Date______

Student Signature______Date______

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