J-Life Africa Reference Form
Postnet Suite 507, Private Bag H 607, Heidelberg, 1438, Tel: 084 240 0204 Fax: 086 555 6111
Please fill in the following form and hand it back to the applicant in a sealed envelope as soon as possible.
ALL information will be kept strictly confidential.
Thank you for your assistance.
Reference form for (applicant’s name):______Your name:______
Your Contact No: ______Your E-Mail: ______
- How long have you known the above applicant for? ______
- What is your relationship to the applicant?______
- How would you describe his/her relationship with:
His/her Father: ______
His/her Mother: ______
- How would you describe his/her home background? ______
- What would you say the applicant’s strengths are?
- What would you say the applicant’s weaknesses are?
- How long has the applicant been a Christian? How would you describe his/her spiritual life?
- Describe the applicant’s church involvement. ______
- What would you say the applicant’s spiritual gifts are? ______
- Has the applicant grown spiritually in the past 6 months? If yes, how?
- Do the applicant’s peers see him/her as a spiritual mentor? ______
- Is the applicant a leader or a follower? Explain. ______
- Is he/she a ‘team player’? How would they function in a team set up? ______
- Would you describe the applicant as emotionally stable? Explain ______
- How often does the applicant complain of being unwell: Never Rarely Sometimes Often
- Would you employ the applicant if you had a suitable position? Explain
- To the best of your knowledge, has the applicant experienced or been involved in any of the following (please tick):
Physical Abuse / Emotional Abuse / Substance Abuse
Sexual Abuse or Rape / Depression/Times of being ‘very down’ / Sexual involvement or sexual experimentation
Occult involvement / Other religions / Suicidal tendencies
Criminal involvement / Homosexual involvement / Other ......
- If you have ticked any of the above, please give a detailed explanation:
- Please tick one of the columns below for each number:
Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor
1 Integrity
2 Spiritual maturity
3 Emotional maturity
4 Attitude
5 Relationship with co-
6 Leadership abilities
7 Ability to work in groups
8 Responsibility
9 Ability to relate to
10 Ability to follow leadership
11 Peers response to
12 Church leadership’s response
towards applicant
13 Adaptability
14 Organization
15 Perseverance
- Under each heading, tick the phrase that most accurately describes the applicant:
1Ability to direct and influence others
AExceptional leadership qualities
BUsually successful in leading others
CUnreliable leadership qualities
2Ability to work and cooperate with others
AGets along exceptionally in groups – a team player
BWill cooperate in most circumstances
CGives limited cooperation
3Ability to relate and give guidance to teenagers and young adults
APeople naturally get along very well with the applicant
BPeople adequately participate
CPeople ignore instruction
4Ability to follow through with ministry assignments
ACompletes tasks promptly, often does more than expected
BCompletes assigned tasks at own pace
CNeeds constant supervision to complete work
5Emotional State
AWell balanced and controlled
BAverage ability to control emotions
CFrequently irritated, impatient or depressed
6Spiritual Standing
AStands out above others as someone that loves and serves the Lord
BSeems to be pretty ‘average’ and on a par with other Christians his/her age
CDoes not appear to be at all passionate about the Lord
- Are you able to strongly recommend the applicant for a J-Life Ministry team or as a youth worker/intern in their church?